Yogyakarta, 24 Januari 2025 – Penelitian berjudul “A new guide for basic psychological support for persons affected by neglected tropical diseases: A peer support tool suitable for persons with a diagnosis of leprosy and lymphatic filariasis” yang ditulis Nayak, Pradeepta K., dkk. (Marastuti, Ariana), terbit pada jurnal PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, Vol. 19(1) Pages e0011945 (Q1, SJR 2023: 1,258).
Ariana Marastuti selaku penulis anggota yang dihubungi melalui saluran telepon, menjelaskan bahwa penelitian ini membahas tentang orang dengan disabilitas akibat Penyakit Tropis Terabaikan (Neglected Tropical Diseases/NTDs), seperti lepra dan filariasis limfatik, sering menghadapi stigma dan diskriminasi yang memengaruhi kesejahteraan mental mereka. Sayangnya, layanan kesehatan mental dan keterbatasan tenaga kesehatan sering kali menjadi kendala di negara-negara endemik NTD. Menjawab kebutuhan ini, penggunaan kelompok sebaya dipandang sebagai alternatif solusi yang memungkinkan dalam mengatasi gap layanan. NLR India berinisiatif mengembangkan panduan pemberian dukungan psikologis (Basic Psychological Support for persons with NTDs – BPS-N)) yang bisa digunakan oleh kelompok sebaya dalam mengatasi persoalan kesejahteraan mental. Panduan ini dirancang melalui pendekatan partisipatif yang melibatkan lebih dari 10 pertemuan dan lokakarya selama pandemi COVID-19, dengan menggunakan Psychological First Aid (PFA) dari WHO sebagai model dasar,
Berikut ini adalah abstrak, kata kunci, dan link artikel tersebut.
Background. People with disabilities due to neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), such as leprosy and lymphatic filariasis (LF), often encounter situations of stigma and discrimination that significantly impact their mental wellbeing. Mental wellbeing services are often not available at the peripheral level in NTD-endemic countries, and there is a need for such services. Basic psychological support for persons with NTDs (BPS-N) from peers is an important potential solution for addressing mental wellbeing problems. As there was no written document advising delivery of such support, NLR India brought experts together to develop a new guide. This paper describes the process used in developing the guide and provides information about its content.
Methods. As a qualitative and participatory methodology, more than 10 meetings and workshops were held to consider the suitability of existing guides for chronic stress in NTDs and develop a new guide through consensus and adaptations; attendees included both technical experts and affected persons. The first meeting was a 3-day virtual workshop held on 9–11 June 2020, followed by other online meetings. The BPS-N guide development happened during the COVID-19 lockdowns. The Psychological First Aid (PFA) package of WHO was selected as a suitable basic model for adaptation. Aspects of the Rights-Based Counselling intervention were also integrated into the new guide. Two teams were formed for drafting and reviewing the guide.
Results. All suggested changes were discussed, and a consensus reached for developing the document. The affected persons contextualized the content for ensuring its relevance and practicality. The new BPS-N guide was simple, professionally sound, ethical, adequate, and appropriate. The guide promotes knowledge, skills, compassion, and action among peer supporters.
Keywords: Elephantiasis, Filarial; Humans; India; Leprosy; Neglected Diseases; Peer Group; Social Stigma; Tropical Medicine
Link: https://journals.plos.org/plosntds/article?id=10.1371/journal.pntd.0011945
Berdasarkan kata kuncinya, artikel ini adalah luaran penelitian yang fokus pada SDG: 3, 10
Selamat kepada mbak Ariana Marastuti dan kolega.
Editor: Tim UP & Humas