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Dr. Noor Siti Rahmani, M.Sc., Psikolog

Research Interest

Human resource development, human resource management, scoping review, competency, transformational leadership, organizational culture, organizational commitment, collective culture, individual culture, interpersonal relationship.


Dr. Noor Siti Rahmani, M.Sc., Psikolog, is an academic and practitioner in the field of psychology. She has a strong educational background with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Universitas Gadjah Mada (1986), as well as a Master of Science in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Monash University, Melbourne (1997). In 2011, she earned her Doctorate in Psychology from Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Since 1989, Noor Rahmani has been a lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology at Universitas Gadjah Mada. She teaches various subjects, including Personnel Psychology, Organizational Management Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, as well as Organizational Development Psychology. At the master’s level, since 1998, she has also been actively teaching courses such as Organizational Assessment and Performance Evaluation Interventions.

In addition to being an educator, Noor Rahmani is also active in research. One of his well-known studies is about “Cultural Differences in Organizational Commitment,” published in the American Journal of Management in 2014.

Not only has Noor Rahmani contributed to the academic world, but she has also been a consultant for various companies and organizations since 2001. Some of them include PT AVO, PLN, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, as well as the Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

As a trainer, Noor Rahmani has provided training in various private companies, state-owned enterprises, and government agencies. She is also actively participating in various international conferences, such as in Washington DC, Boston, Minneapolis, and Shanghai, discussing topics related to human resource development and business ethics in emerging markets.


Afandi, A.R., Rahmani, N., Pontoh, D.J., Maulana, A.I., Widianti A., Shakira, H., Aprilia R.N.T. (2024). Competency trends in Human Resource (HR): A scoping review, Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan
Penelitian Psikologi, indexed in Indonesian Sinta 2, DOI: 10.20885/psikologika.vol29.iss1.art2

Maringka, J., & Rahmani, N. (2017). Ethical Business Cultures in Indonesia. In D. Jondle & A. Ardichvili (Eds.), Ethical Business Cultures in Emerging Markets, 60-195.

Gupyta, C., Rahmani, N. (2016). Relationship between Perceived Organizational Support (POS) and Organizational Commitment of Government Employee. International Journal of Psychology, 51, 732-810.

Lamashinta, E., Rahmani, N., & Prabandari, Y. (2016). Kepemimpinan transformasional, budaya dan komitmen organisasi di Kementerian Kesehatan. Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat, 32(3), 105-112.

Sellvy, A., & Rahmani, N. (2015). The Difference between Collective and Individual Culture Based on Leadership, Communication and Interpersonal Relationship. Journal of Business and Economics, 6, 393-400.

Rahmani, N. (2014). Cultural Differences in Organizational CommitmentAmerican Journal of Management, 14(1-2), 111 – 125.


Ethical Business Cultures in Emerging Markets (2017), Edited by Douglas Jondle , Alexandre Ardichvili, Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10492-1.

Rahmani, N. (2014). Cultural Differences in Organizational Commitment. American Journal of Management. 14 (1-2). 111-125.

  • International Human Resource Development: Washington DC, February 13-17, 2013
  • The West East Institute International Conference on Business and Economic: Boston, 8-10 June 2015
  • Building Ethical Business Cultures in the Emerging Markets Conference: Minneapolis, 25-26 September, 2015
  • The Sixth ISBEE World Congress 2016: Ethics, Innovation, and Well-Being in Business and the Economy: Shanghai, 13-16 July, 2016
Accordion Content

Resource Person for Workshop on Achievements and Performance Evaluation of Universitas Gadjah Mada Collaboration and Alumni [2021] 

Resource Person Workshop for Educational Personnel, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, UGM with the topic “Efforts to Increase Motivation and Performance of Educational Personnel” [2021] 

Resource Person for the Post Covid-19 Pandemic Library Seminar organized by the UGM Library [2021]

Training Resource Person: “Leadership Training I, PT ODG Indonesia, Sangata, East Kalimantan” [2021] 

Seminar speaker: “Sexual Harassment Policy, PT ODG Indonesia, Jakarta” [2021] 

Speaker Webinar with theme “Organization Problem Analysis” [2021] 

Presenter: Transformational Leadership Technical Guidance for Cooperatives and SMEs [2021] 

Presenter: Effective Technical Guidance for Cooperatives and SMEs [2021]

Resource Person for Workshop Series 1 Competency Based Interview [2021] 

Resource Person for Online Training Field Problem Discussion [2021]

Resource Person for Performance Assessment Online Training [2021] 

Resource Person for Socialization of Permanent Employee Appointment Policy [2021] 

Contribution to the UGM Human Quality Development Unit for the Period July to December 2021 [2021] 

Psi Doctoral Study Program – Intensive Course Presenter on Latest Developments in Industrial and Organizational Psychology Research [2021] 

UPKM Assessor July – December 2020 [2020] 

Speaker at WEBINAR on MSME Resilience During the Pandemic [2020]



  • Freeport Indonesia
  • PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia
  • PT Ipmomi Paiton
  • PT Exxon 
  • Mobile Arun
  • Badak LNG,
  • PT Kaltim Methanol Indonesia
  • PT Satelindo
  • PT Gamatechno
  • PT. Mirota Group.


  • Telkom
  • Pertamina
  • PLN
  • Bank Indonesia
  • Bank Rakyat Indonesia
  • State Savings Bank
  • BNI 1946
  • PT. Perhutani
  • Plantation Education Institute
  • PT Perkebunan Nusantara VII Lampung
  • Pawnshop Corporation
  • Raharja Services
  • Indonesian post
  • PT. TWC
  • Pupuk Kaltim.

Government employees

  • Indonesian Ministry of Health
  • Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry
  • Indonesian Ministry of Tourism
  • Indonesian Ministry of Trade
  • Office of the Minister of Cooperatives and Small Business
  • Office of the Minister of Communication and Information
  • DIY Provincial Government
  • DIY Provincial Health Service
  • Central Java Provincial Health Service
  • Sleman Regency Regional Government
  • Jogja Municipal Regional Government
  • Pati Regency Regional Government
  • Doctor Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makasar Hospital
  • Doctor Sardjito Hospital Jogja


  •  Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Master of Civil Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Faculty of Engineering,  Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Yogyakarta State University Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Science, Yogyakarta State Islamic University
  •  Universitas Gadjah Mada Center for Environmental Studies
  •  Universitas Gadjah Mada Occupational Health and Safety


  • Adisutjipto Air Force Academy: Personal Development Program.

Rahmat Hidayat, S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Research Interest

Economic psychology, Judgment and decision-making, Consumer behavior, Validation of psychological assessment instruments.


Rahmat Hidayat, S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D., is an academic and professional with extensive experience in the field of economic psychology, currently serving as the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology at Universitas Gadjah Mada. Rahmat earned a Ph.D. from the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Tilburg University, Netherlands, with a dissertation titled “Generic Goal System: Content, structure and determinants of goals at the generic level of consumer behaviour.” Previously, he obtained an M.Sc. from the School of Psychology, University of Exeter, England, after researching Decision-Making in A Cycle of Bidding Events: Are Regret and Topical Accounting the Bases of the Laboratory Winner’s Curse?. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, with a thesis titled The Antecedents of the Development of Social Anxiety.


Rahmat’s research interests include judgment and decision-making, consumer behavior, and the validation of psychological assessment instruments. He teaches several important courses at the Faculty of Psychology at Universitas Gadjah Mada, including scientific discourse presentation, consumer behavior, economic psychology, and quantitative research methods. Rahmat also dedicates himself to the community by launching the Econosphere 2 program, which is designed to delve into and facilitate research in the fields of economic psychology and consumer behavior.

Ongoing Research
  • Adaptation and Validation of the Indonesian Language Version of the Psychological Inventory of Financial Scarcity (PIFS)


Hidayat, R., & Putra, M. D. K. (2022). Pilot Testing and Preliminary Psychometric Validation of Situational Judgment Test of Resistance to Sunk Cost. Jurnal Psikologi49(3), Article 3.

Hidayat, R. (2016). Game-Based Learning: Academic Games sebagai Metode Penunjang Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan. Buletin Psikologi, 26(2), 71-85.

Hidayat, R. (2016). Rasionalitas: Overview terhadap Pemikiran dalam 50
Tahun Terakhir. Buletin Psikologi, 24(2), 101–122.

Hidayat, R. (2016). Game-Based Learning: Academic Games sebagai Metode Penunjang Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan. Buletin Psikologi, 26(2), 71–85.

Hidayat, R. (2014). Consumer behaviour at the generic level: theoretical perspectives, Buletin Psikologi, 22(2), (in press).

Hidayat, R., & Primasari, I. (2011). Metodologi penelitian psikodiagnostika (English: methodology of psychodiagnostics research), Buletin Psikologi, 19, 81-92.

Hidayat, R. (2011). Regret and topical accounting: is cyclical bidding the bases of the laboratory winner’s curse? Jurnal Psikologi, 38, 185-198.

Hidayat, R. (2009). Goal constructs in consumer behavior, Buletin Psikologi, 17, 66-89.

Hidayat, R. (2008). Disaster preparedness: Sebuah analisis psikologi ekonomi (English: disaster preparedness: an economic psychological analysis), Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia, 5, 91-100.

SINGLE & FIRST AUTHOR: Book Chapter and Proceeding

Hidayat, R. (2014). Neuroekonomika: sebuah disiplin baru di bidang psikologi ekonomi (English: Neuroeconomics: a new disicipline in the field of economic psychology), Perkembangan  Psikologi Masa Kini (English: Recent Developments in Psychology). Editors: S. Wimbarti & L. Chizanah. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Beta. pp. 29-42.

Hidayat, R. (2010). Relevansi psikologi ekonomi di Indonesia: 50 tahun Himpsi. (English: The relevance of economic psychology in Indonesia: 50 years of the Indonesian Association of Psychology). 50 Tahun Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (English: 50 Year of the Indonesian Association of Psychology). Editors: A. Supratiknya & T. Susana. Jakarta: Himpsi. pp. 301-332.  

Hidayat, R. (2010). Representasi sosial tentang bencana alam pada masyarakat Yogyakarta (dalam buku: Konstruksi Masyarakat Tanggung Bencana – Kajian Integratif Ilmu, Agama, dan Budaya, hal. 105 – 133, Penerbit Mizan, 2010).

Hidayat, R. (2010). Dampak kesehatan mental dan psikososial bencana erupsi Gunung Merapi 2010 (dalam proceeding: Simposium Gunung merapi – Kajian Perilaku, Dampak, dan mitigasi Bencana Akibat Erupsi Merapi 2010, Penerbit MPBA – UGM, hal. 143 – 151, ISBN 97-602-98759-0-4, 2011).

2nd AUTHOR: Book Chapter and Proceeding

Susilawati, I. R., & Hidayat, R. (2020). Society and Taxes: An Exploratory Study of Fiscal Psychology. Digital Press Social Sciences and Humanities, 5, 00004.

Renanita, T., & Hidayat, R. (2020). Technology 4.0 and Changes in Organizational Behavior in The Last Ten Years. Digital Press Social Sciences and Humanities, 5, 00011.

2nd AUTHOR: Paper

Saffana, K., Valendra Granitha Shandika Puri, V. G.S., Hidayat, R. (2024). Exploratory factor analysis of two most widely used materialism measurements. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 13(5).

Wulandari, R., & Hidayat, R. (2023). Materialism As Personality: Psychometric Properties Using the Rasch Model. Jurnal Psikologi, 50(2), 157 – 175.

RenanitaT., & HidayatR. (2023). Kesehatan keuangan rumah tangga di asia tenggara: telaah cakupan terhadap literatur. Jurnal Ilmu Keluarga Dan Konsumen16(2), 171-187.

Afandi, I., Faturochman, F., & Hidayat, R. (2021). Teori Kontak: Konsep dan Perkembangannya. Buletin Psikologi, 29(2), 178 – 186. doi:

Hayat, B., Hidayat, R., & Putra, M. D. K. (2020). Exploring the Factor Structure of Environmental Attitudes Measure in a Sample of Indonesian College Students. CES Psicología14(1), 112–129.

Lutfia, D. & Hidayat, R. (2020). Hubungan materialisme dengan subjective well-being yang dimoderasi oleh religiositas pada ibu rumah tangga. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology, 6(1), 67-79.

Hindiarto, F., Hidayat, R., & Riyono, B. (2020). Is Training Effective to Develop Individual’s Soft Skills in Organizations? Emphatic Communication Training on Friendly and Helpful Behavior in Private Hospital. The Open Psychology Journal, 12, 3-11.

Susilawati, I.R., & Hidayat, R. (2019). Dilema Sosial: Representasi Sosial tentang Pajak pada Aparatur Sipil Negara. Jurnal Psikologi Sosial, 17(2), 65-74.

Aruni, S. F., & Hidayat, R. (2019). Psikologi Peluang Kewirausahaan: Proses Kognitif Penguasaha Startup Digital dalam Opportunity Recognition. Jurnal Psikologi, 46(31, 45–62.

Aulia., Himam, F.H., Hidayat, R., & Budiarto, A. (2019). Fake Love or True Love? Sacrificial Love as the Essence of Love of Work Phenomenon in Indonesian Elite Forces. Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology, 8(3), 215-238.

Widyastuti, T., & Hidayat, R. (2018). Adaptation of Individual Work Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ) into Bahasa Indonesia. International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology, 7(2), 101-112.

Handani, S.W., & Hidayat, R. (2018). Jaringan Nomologis Rasionalitas Epistemik dengan Inteligensi dan Perfeksionisme. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology, 4(1), 25-41.

Ayu, F., & Hidayat, R. (2018). Pengaruh Anchoring dalam Penialian Kinerja: Sebuah Studi Eksperimen Kuasi dengan Variabel Tergantung Penilaian Task Performance. Gadjah Mada Journal of Professional Psychology, 4(2), 129-136.

Savira, A. W., & Hidayat, R. (2017). Validitas Prediktf Papi-Kostck dan Baum
terhadap Pengendalian Emosi Karyawan. Jurnal Psikologi, 44(3), 223–235.

Wusana, S.W., & Hidayat, R. (2017). Peran Kepercayaan Sosial dan Sentralitas Jaringan terhadap Persepsi Risiko Bencana Alam. Jurnal Ilmu Perilaku, 1(1), 1-10.

Wusana, S.W., & Hidayat, R. (2017). Persepsi Resiko Bencana Alam Ditinjau dari Sentralitas Jaringan Informasi Kebencanaan. Jurnal Ilmu Perilaku, 1(2), 68-80.

Sukmananti, I.N., & Hidayat, R. (2017). Pengaruh Anchoring dalam Penilaian Kinerja: Sebuah Studi Eksperimen Kuasi dengan Variabel Tergantung Penilaian Adaptive Performance. Gadjah Mada Journal of Professional Psychology, 3(3), 192-200.

Salma., & Hidayat, R. (2016). Pengembangan Instrumen Asesmen untuk Mendeteksi Pengalaman Traumatis Penyitas Erupsi Gunung Berapi. Jurnal Psikologi Undip, 15(1), 1-10.

Primasari, I., & Hidayat, R. (2016). General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12) sebagai Instrumen Skrining Gangguan Penyesuaian. Jurnal Psikologi, 43(2), 121-134.

Perwiraningrum, D.A., Hidayat, R., & Dewi, FST. (2015). Kesiapsiagaan Masyarakat Afedling Gunung Pasang dalam Menghadapi Bencana Banjir Bandang. Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat, 32(2), 59-66.

Khumas, A., Prawitasari, J.E., Retnowati, S., & Hidayat, R. (2015). Model Penjelasan Intensi Cerai Perempuan Muslim di Sulawesi Selatan. Jurnal Psikologi, 42(3), 189-206.

Shaleh, A.R., Azwar, S., & Hidayat, R. (2015). Personal Factors as Predictors of Lecturer’s Performance. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 13(7), 6017-6032.

Donsu, J.D.T.; Hadjam, M.N.R.; Asdie, A.H.; Hidayat, R. (2014 ). Peran faktor-faktor psikologis terhadap depresi pada pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2, Jurnal Psikologi, 41(2), 241-249.

Renanita, T., & Hidayat, R. (2013). Faktor-faktor psikologis perilaku berhutang pada karyawan (English: psichological factors of borrowing behaviour among employees), Jurnal Psikologi, 40, 92-101.

Retnaningsih, I., & Hidayat, R. (2012). Representasi sosial tentang disabilitas intelektual pada kelompok teman sebaya (English: social representation of intellectual disability among peer groups), Jurnal Psikologi, 39, 13-24.

Manara, M.U., & Hidayat, R. (2011). Sistem tujuan konsumen pada tawaran berhutang (English: Consumer goal systems in the context of borrowing). Psikoislamika, 8, 117-140.

Ratnaningsih, I.Z., & Hidayat, R. (2010). Manajemen diri untuk menurunkan perilaku tidak aman dalam bekerja pada pengemudi Bus Trans Jogja (English: self-management for decreasing unsafe work behaviour among drivers of Bus Trans Jogja), Jurnal Intervensi Psikologi, 2, 99-122).

  • Household financial health: developing measurement instruments and testing theoretical models [2020]
  • Development of a personality measurement model for selection purposes for state civil servants [2018]
  • Development of the “individual rationality test” [2017]
  • Game-based entrepreneurship learning: development of econosphere 2 as a supporting module for entrepreneurship lectures [2017]
  • “2nd Internatioal Conference on Educational Assessment and Policy”, Center for Educational Assessment – Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, Jakarta, Indonesia. September 2019. Invited Speaker.
  • “Workshop on Building Collaborative Research Capacity for Community Mental Health in Developing Countries”, Taipei Medial University, Taipei, Taiwan. November 2010. Presenter.
  • “Mainstreaming Community Psychiatry: Addressing and Promoting Population-Based Needs for Mental Health Programming”, National Seminar of the Indonesian Association of Community Psychiatry, Jakarta. October 2010. Plenary speaker.
  • “First International Conference of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology”, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. July 2010. Presenter.
  • Workshop series of the Australia Leadership Award Fellowship Program. University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. February – March 2010.
  • “Asia-Pacific Symposium on Mental Health” and “Post-Symposium Workshop on Public Mental Health”, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand. November 2009. Invited speaker.
  • “International seminar on disaster: Theory, research, and policy”, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. October 2009. Invited speaker.
  • “Inter-country Workshop on Health as a Bridge for Peace”, Kathmandu, Nepal. April 2009. Participant.
  • “From Margins to Mainstream: 5th World Conference On Promotion of Mental Health and the Prevention of Behavioural Disorders”, Melbourne, Australia. September 2008. Presenter (two papers and one poster).
  • “Workshop on Scientific Writing”, Nossal Institute for Global Health, the University of Melbourne, Australia. September 2008. Participant.
  • “Mental Health Study Tour”, Nossal Institute for Global Health, the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 2007. Participant.
  • The 10th ASEAN Federation of Psychiatry and Mental Health Congress & the 14th ASEAN Forum on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in conjunction with the 3rd Indonesian Mental Health Convention. Jakarta, June 29th – July 1st Presenter.
  • Symposium on Disaster Management System Related to Health and Environmental Aspects in Indonesia, Center for Disaster Studies, Gadjah Mada University. March 2005. Invited speaker.
Accordion Content
  • Delegate from the UGM Faculty of Psychology and Speaker at the Internal Meeting of the AP2TPI
  • Governing Body and the 2022 AP2TPI Special Colloquium
  • Psychological Assessment of Candidates for UGM Chancellor for the 2022-2027 Period
  • Gathering and Joint Discussion with the General Chair of APINDO and representatives of APINDO 2022 member companies
  • Psychology Doctoral Study Program – Intensive Course Presenter on Latest Developments in Industrial and Organizational Psychology Research [2021]
  • As a resource person in the International Short Course on Psychology “Advocacy Skills in Mental Health System Development: From Research to Policy” [2018]
  • As a resource person at the Term Commission Session for the preparation of good terms in the field of economic psychology for the Big Indonesian Dictionary [2018]
  • As a resource person in Technical Guidance for Delivering Tax Awareness Inclusion Material to lecturers who teach UGM General Compulsory Courses [2018]
  • Research Methodology Workshop [2017]
  • From 2021, October – present: Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • From 2019, December – 2021, September: Head of the Psychological Sciences Doctoral Study Program. Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • From 2017 – present: Co-Founder and Consultant, RETA CONSULTING INDONESIA, a consulting office in the field of marketing research and consumer behavior based in Jakarta.
  • From 1996 – present: Lecturer. Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. (Lecturer since 2007)
  • 2012, December – 2016, December: Deputy Dean for Assets, Finance and Human Resources. Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • 2010, January – 2012, December: Head. Center for Public Mental Health, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • 2008, March –2009, December: Executive Secretary. Center for Security and Peace Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • 2007, October –2008, Jun1: Coordinator. Mental Health Program in Aceh, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Australia Leadership Awards Fellowship. The Australian Government. Melbourne, February – March 2010.
  • Assisstent in Opleiding. Oldendorff Institute, Tilburg University, The Netherlands. 2003-2007. PhD studentship.
  • Sheffield University Fee Bursary. Sheffield University, The UK. 2002 – 2005. PhD studentship, declined.
  • British Chevening Award. The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office. 2001-2002. Master’s degree scholarship.
  • 3 grants from Tilburg University for presenting papers at: (1) Irkutsk Academy of Economics, Russia; (2) IAREP 2001 Annual Conference at Bath University, The UK, (3) . SABE/IAREP 2004 Conference at Drexel University, Philadelphia, the USA.
  • STUNED Scholarship. The Netherlands Education Centre. 2001-2003. Master’s degree scholarship. Taken partially to visit Department of Economic and Social Psychology, Tilburg University. February – August 2001

Dr. Sumaryono, M.Si., Psikolog

Research Interest

Leadership, Career Performance of Gen Y and Gen Z, Psychological Safety

Short Biography

Dr. Sumaryono, M.Si., Psychologist, currently serves as the Deputy Dean for Finance, Assets, and Human Resources at the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. He completed his undergraduate education (S1) at Universitas Gadjah Mada in 1991, earning the title of Drs. After that, he pursued his master’s degree (S2) at the same university and obtained the title of M.Si in 2001. In 2016, Dr. Sumaryono successfully obtained a doctoral degree (PhD) from Padjadjaran University after defending a dissertation titled Career Performance of Independent Career Practitioners. The field of expertise that Dr. Sumaryono focuses on is organizational development and change. Some of the main research interests he focuses on include leadership, career performance of Generation Y and Z, and psychological safety. Dr. Sumaryono teaches various courses including: Observation Practice, Psychological Interviewing, Psychodiagnostic Practice, Creativity and Innovation, Human Resource Management, Performance Management, Psychological Code of Ethics, Thesis, Psychological Intervention Practice, Industrial Relations, Higher Education Human Resource Management, Developmental Psychology, and Organizational Change.

Isaputra, S.A., Sumaryono. (2023). P2P lending: Moderation of desirability of control on risk-taking decisions of Indonesian borrowers. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications10(1), 1-7.

Putri, D. F., & Sumaryono, S. (2021). Peran persepsi terhadap electronic service quality dan electronic word-of mouth (e-wom) terhadap intensi pembelian ulang melalui e-commerce. Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan9(2), 164–171.

Hidayanti, R. C. & Sumaryono. (2021). The role of sleep quality as mediator of relationship between workload and work fatigue in mining workers. Jurnal Psikologi, 48(1), 62-79.

Widarnandana, I. G. D. & Sumaryono. (2020). Readiness for change reviewed from intrapreneurship and perception of career development. Proceeding of The 10th International Conference of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology 2019, Digital Press Social Sciences and Humanities, 5.

Ibrahim, A. V. B. (2019). Adversity quotient pada pelaku startup di Yogyakarta: Kegigihan di tengah masalah. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology, 5(1), 83-96.

Lakshmi, P. A. & Sumaryono. (2018). Kesuksesan karier ditinjau dari persepsi pengembangan karier dan komitmen karier pada pekerja millennial. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology, 4(1), 57-75.

Maulida, T., & Sumaryono. (2019). Peran Perceived Organizational Support dan Career Adaptability terhadap Subjective Career Success [Masters’ Theses]. Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Nurwardani, M. & Sumaryono. (2013). Hubungan antara kepuasan konsumen dengan intensitas penggunaan kartu prabayar. Jurnal Spirits, 3(2), 1-15.

Triawan, Sumaryono. (2008). Kecenderungan perilaku pengambilan resiko dengan minat berwirausahaPsikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi, 13(26).

Sumaryono, Djamaludin Ancok. 2005. Orientasi komitmen ditinjau dari kepemimpinan transformasional & kepercayaan terhadap manajemenPsikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi, 10(19).

Himam, F., Riyono, B., Sumaryono. (2004). Pendekatan grunded theory untuk memahami strategi pemerintah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dalam menghadapi era otonomisasi daerah dan globalisasi. Jurnal SIASAT BISNIS, 1(9),  1-14.

  • The meaning of work success among young workers [2015]
  • QWL, Happiness, and Confidence in Self-Employed Workers [2014]
  • Self Employment & Career Performance [2012]
  • Commitment Orientation Viewed from Transformational Leadership & Trust in Management [2004]
  • Grounded Theory Approach to Understanding the Strategy of the Yogyakarta Special Regional
  • Government in Facing the Era of Regional Autonomy and Globalization [2003]
  • Attitudes to Use Environmentally Friendly Products Judging from Understanding Environmental Values [1994]

Psikologi UGM, Orgaizational Identity: tinjauan faktor internal dan eksternal, 02/2009 – 12/2009

Accordion Content
  • Psychology Doctoral Study Program – Intensive Course Presenter on Latest Developments in Industrial and Organizational Psychology Research [2021]
  • UPKM Assessor July – December 2020 [2020]
  • Resource Person for Workshop on Building Direction for Gen Z Learning Model Senate Faculty of Engineering UGM [2018]
  • Resource Person at Public Lecture on Career Planning & Applications in Military Psychology [2018]
  • Sharing Session Resource Person Knowing and Managing Gen Z [2018]
  • Resource Person for Muhammadiyah Higher Education Leadership Training [2018]
  • As a Public Lecture Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology, Muhammadiyah University to provide additional insight into Career Planning for Psychology graduates [2018]
  • As a Resource Person for Preparing the Revision of the T.A Guide [2018]

Dr. Ridwan Saptoto, S.Psi., M.A., Psikolog

Research Interest

Thriving, agility, resilience, learning/self development, leader-member exchange,  occupational stress, turnover intention, intelligence test, CFIT.

Short Biography

Dr. Ridwan Saptoto, S.Psi., M.A., Psikolog is a prominent academic and practitioner in psychology based at the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. (UGM). His academic journey began with earning a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology (S.Psi) from Universitas Gadjah Mada in 2002, with a thesis titled “The Correlation between Emotional Intelligence and Adaptive Coping.” He then obtained a Psychologist degree from the same institution in 2004. In 2009, Dr. Ridwan completed his master’s studies at UGM with a thesis on the psychological dynamics of resilience among teaching assistants at state universities. The peak of his education was achieved in 2023 when he successfully obtained a doctoral degree from the University of Twente with a dissertation titled “Which Job Resources Alleviate Perceived Incivility for Employee Thriving and Performance?” “Time-lagged Survey Research.”

Dr. Ridwan’s expertise includes the fields of psychological methodology, design and analysis, as well as industrial and organizational psychology. His research interests focus on human capital management, human interaction technology, human processes, transportation psychology, as well as work engagement, motivation, and the meaning of work. Throughout his career, Dr. Ridwan has gained diverse work experience in both academic and industrial settings. At UGM, he has held various important positions such as Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, Coordinator for Institutional Image Enhancement, and Head of the Learning Technology Development Laboratory. His industry experience includes positions as an HR staff member at PT. Medion Indonesia and PT. IKPP. (Sinar Mas Group).

Dr. Ridwan is active in various professional associations such as APIO (Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology), HIMPSI (Indonesian Psychological Association), and IAAP. (International Association of Applied Psychology). With a combination of academic expertise and extensive practical experience, Dr. Ridwan Saptoto makes a significant contribution to the development and application of psychology in Indonesia, particularly in the context of industry and organizations. Its influence not only enriches the academic world but also has a real impact on the practice of psychology across various sectors.


  • Widyaningsih, R., & Saptoto, R. (2019). Peran Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) dan Occupational Stress untuk Memprediksi Intensi Turnover. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP), 5(1), 7-17.
  • Saptoto, R. (2018). Pengaruh Adaptasi Waktu Administrasi yang disebabkan Penggunaan Lembar Jawaban Komputer terhadap Hasil CFIT 3 A dan 3 B. Jurnal Psikologi, 45(1).
  • Listya Astika, N., & Saptoto, R. (2018). Peran Resiliensi dan Iklim Organisasi terhadap Work Engagement. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP), 2(1), 38 – 47.
  • Astuti R. F., Saptoto, R. (2016). Quality of Work Life and Job Satisfaction among Regional Personnel Agencys Employee at Yogyakarta. International Journal of Psychology, 51, 732-810.
  • A’yuninnisa, R. M., & Saptoto, R. (2015). The effects of pay satisfaction and affective commitment on turnover intention. International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology, 4(2), 57-70.
  • Saptoto, R. (2013). Perbedaan Waktu Pemberian Jawaban dan Hasil Tes Inteligensi Ditinjau dari Perbedaan Lembar Jawaban. Jurnal Psikologi, 39(2), 220-230.
  • Saptoto, R. (2010). Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosi dengan Kemampuan Coping Adaptif. Jurnal Psikologi, 37(1), 13 – 22.


  • Exterkate, M., Van Dun, D., & Saptoto, R. (2022). Thriving in Times of COVID-19: Through Transformational Leadership and Coworkers’ Support. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2022, No. 1, p. 14781). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
  • Saptoto, R., Van Dun, D., & Wilderom, C. P. (2021). Follower Thriving and Job Performance Despite Leader Incivility? Dual Effects of Coworkers’ Support. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2021, No. 1, p. 12879). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.

Dr. Rizqi Nur’aini A’yuninnisa, S.Psi., M.Sc.

Research Interest

Organizational behavior, training and development, human resource management, research methodology, data analysis, and cultural psychology.

Short Biography

Dr. Rizqi Nur’aini A’yuninnisa, S.Psi., M.Sc., commonly known as Dr. Nisa, completed her doctoral education in 2023 at Twente University, Netherlands. She is researching “Job Flourishing: Multilevel Determinants and Mechanisms” at the University of Twente. In 2015, Dr. Nisa earned a Master of Science degree in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Netherlands. Her research on leadership and team performance is titled “Sharing power in making group decisions under emergency situations: Developing trust and transactive memory system.” She earned his Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Universitas Gadjah Mada after successfully researching organizational commitment with the title “The effects of pay satisfaction and organizational commitment on turnover intention” in 2013.

In the scope of the tri dharma of higher education, Dr. Nisa has an interest in teaching, researching, and serving the community in various fields including organizational behavior, training and development, human resource management, research methodology, data analysis, and cultural psychology.Currently, she is researching flourishing in the workplace. Dr. Nisa’s research in 2011 on self-construction in Indigenous Psychology, titled “The conception of Javanese adolescents’ self in the family context: An indigenous psychology approach,” was conducted through the CICP program at UGM. The following year, she researched cross-cultural happiness with the title “Positive and negative affects of Indonesians and Swedes: A cross-cultural study on happiness” as part of the Linnaeus Palme program. In 2012, Dr. Nisa received the Linnaeus Palme scholarship, supported by the International Program Office for Education and Training and funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.

Ongoing Research
  • Developing a Measure of Organizational Diagnosis Based on Islamic Perspective.

A’yuninnisa, R.N., Carminati, L. & Wilderom, C.P. (2023). Job flourishing research: A systematic literature review. Current Psychology, 1-23.

A’yuninnisa, R. N., Carminati, L., & Wilderom, C. P.M. (2021) A Multilevel Model of Individual Flourishing-at-Work: A Systematic Literature Review. Proceedings.

A’yuninnisa, R. M., & Saptoto, R. (2015). The effects of pay satisfaction and affective commitment on turnover intention. International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology, 4(2), 57-70.

Nur’aini A’yuninnisa, R., & Adrianson, L. (2019). Subjective well-being of Indonesian and Swedish collegestudents: A cross-cultural study on happiness. International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology, 8(2), 25–36.

A’yuninnisa, R. N., Haqqi, M. F. H., Rusli, N. B., & Puteri, N. (2020). Indonesian Implicit Leadership Theory: Typical and Positive Leadership Prototypes for Indonesian Millennials. Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Management Studies, 7(1), 1-7.

2015 – Leadership and team performance/ “Sharing power in making group decisions under emergency situations: Developing trust and transactive memory system” (Master’s thesis)
2013 – Organisational Commitment/ “The effects of pay satisfaction and organizational commitment on turnover intention” (Bachelor’s thesis)
2012 – Cross-cultural research of Happiness/ “Positive and negative affects of Indonesians and Swedes: A cross-cultural study on happiness” (Linnaeus Palme Program)
2011 – (Construction of Self-Indigenous psychology/ “The conception of Javanese adolescents’ self in the family context: An indigenous psychology approach” (CICP UGM)

Ardian Rahman Afandi, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog

Research Interest

Industrial & organizational psychology, organizational behavior, organization development, decision making
resilience, consumer behavior.

Short Biography

Ardian Rahman Afandi, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog, is a psychologist who has demonstrated significant dedication and contribution in the field of psychology, particularly in organizational development and change as well as the study of human behavior. Currently, Ardian is an academic at Universitas Gadjah Mada, where he is involved in various research focusing on industrial and organizational psychology, organizational behavior, as well as decision-making and resilience.

Ardian completed his undergraduate education at the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada in 2017. He then pursued a master’s degree in Professional Psychology at the same university and successfully finished it in 2020. The education he received has equipped Ardian with skills and in-depth knowledge in various aspects of psychology, which he now applies in research and teaching.

Ongoing Research
  • Disaster Resilient Nurses: Strengthening the Psychological Preparedness of Local Nurses in Mamuju in Facing Disaster Emergencies
  • Adaptation and Validation of the Indonesian Version of the Psychological Inventory of Financial Scarcity (PIFS)
  • Afandi, A.R., Rahmani, N., Pontoh, D.J., Maulana, A.I., Widianti A., Shakira, H., Aprilia R.N.T. (2024). Competency trends in Human Resource (HR): A scoping review, Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan
    Penelitian Psikologi, indexed in Indonesian Sinta 2, DOI: 10.20885/psikologika.vol29.iss1.art2 
  • Nurrahmad, D., Rahmasari, S., Pradana, D., Utomo, S., Putri, M., & Afandi, A. (2023). Dillema of Multi-Platform Ride-Hailing Drivers in Yogyakarta: Between Economic Demands and Psychological Impact in Achieving Well-Being. Preprints.
  • Afandi, Ardian Rahman and Intani, Zahra Frida, Islamic Javanese Leadership: A Systematic Literature Review (December 15, 2023). Available at SSRN:
  • Ardiyanto, A., Saraswati, L. A., Rahmatika, F., Afandi, A. R., & Trapsilawati, F. (2023). Comprehension of international safety signs: A prospective technical workers context. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics98, 103523. Indexed in Scopus Q2
  • Afandi, A. R. (2023). Self-handicapping behavior at work in Indonesia: a case study thematic analysis. Titian: Jurnal Ilmu Humaniora7(2), 203-214. Indexed in Indonesian Sinta 6
  • Afandi, A., & Lufityanto, G. (2023). Pengaruh Pelatihan Go/NoGo Task terhadap Resiliensi Ditinjau dari Inhibitory Control pada Taruna Akademi Militer Indonesia. Gadjah Mada Journal of Professional Psychology (GamaJPP), 9(1), 1 – 24. Indexed in Indonesian Sinta 3 doi: 
  • Afandi, A., & Hartati, S. (2019). Pembelian Impulsif pada Remaja Akhir Ditinjau dari Kontrol Diri. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP), 3(3), 123-130. Indexed in Indonesian Sinta 2 doi:
  • Tren kompetensi human resource development: scoping review [2022]
  • Qualitative Research
  • Quantitative Research
  • Experimentation Research
  • Document Study Research
  • Observation
  • UX Research
  • OpenSesame
  • Basic Phyton
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada – Yogyakarta, Indonesia
    Lecturer & Researcher (January 2022 – current)
  • Head of Career Center Faculty of Psychology Gadjah Mada University (January 2023 – current)
  • PT Pendidikan Maritim Logistik Indonesia – West Java, Indonesia
  • Assessment Center & Consulting Staff (November 2020 – April 2021)
  • PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara – West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
    Professional Psychologist Intern (August 2019 – February 2020)
  • PT Reta Consulting Indonesia – Yogyakarta, Indonesia
    Research Associate (March 2018 – August 2018)
  • PT Duta Sarana Perkasa – Jakarta, Indonesia
    HR Generalist (June 2017 – March 2018)
  • Assistance and Strengthening Team Effectiveness of UMKM in the Bantul Region towards Go Digital UMKM[2024]
  • Warrior2Warrior Community (2021-current): Community of cancer survivor to give support and consultation about the disease.
  • Qareerhints (2018-2020): Qareerhints is a community engaged in the media to introduce a career stage and career inspiration.
  •  Islamic Boarding School of Pabelan, Central Java, Indonesia (2019): Conducting career introduction training for students
  • Himpunan Psikologi, Indonesian Professional Psychologist Organization (current)
  • APIO, Indonesian Association for Industrial and Organization Psychologist
  • Various experience organizations in college, such as volunteering, committee, and research.

Taufik Achmad Dwi Putro, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog

Research Interest

Work stress, work engagement, turnover intention, millennial employees, spirituality, survivors, post-traumatic stress disorder, post-traumatic growth.

Short Biography

Taufik Achmad Dwi Putro, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psychologist is an academic and researcher at the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. (UGM). He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at Universitas Gadjah Mada and earned the title of Bachelor of Psychology (S.Psi) in 2012 with research titled “The Relationship between Spirituality and Post-Traumatic Growth in Survivors of the Merapi Volcano Eruption.” Continuing his education at the same university, Taufik successfully earned a Master’s degree in Psychology (M.Psi) in 2015 after researching Islamic work ethic: a case study of Islamic spirituality values at PT. Andromeda. Currently, Taufik is pursuing a PhD at Maastricht University in the Netherlands.

Putro, T. A. D., Ajeng, N., & Qomariyah, O. (2020). Stres kerja, keterlibatan kerja, dan intensi turnover pada generasi milenial. Psikostudia: Jurnal Psikologi, 9(2), 154-163.

Achmad, T. (2018). Spiritualitas di tempat kerja: Antara ilusi dan realita. Dalam Isu-isu kontemporer dalam psikologi di Indonesia (Editor: Adelia Khrisna Putri, Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti, & Subandi). Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.

Subandi, M. A., Achmad, T., Kurniati, H., & Febri, R. (2014). Spirituality, gratitude, hope and post-traumatic growth among the survivors of the 2010 eruption of Mount Merapi in Java, Indonesia. Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies, 18(1), 19–26.

Achmad, Taufik & Subandi. (2013). The growing of spiritual company in Yogyakarta: between a social phenomenon and a genuine spirituality. Paper presented at the 10th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology.

2011 – 2014: Researcher in the collaborative research of the Inter-University Partnership Program for Enhancing Mental Health System in Indonesia

  • April – May 2014: Participant in the Intensive Workshop for Strengthening Mental Health Services Program in Yogyakarta Province, at the Department of Global Health, Harvard University, USA
  • August 2013: Speaker and presenter at the 10th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, with the title “The Growing of Spiritual Company in Yogyakarta: Between a Social Phenomenon and a Genuine Spirituality”
  • December 2012: Speaker and presenter at the 12th PAN Arab Psychiatric Conference, with the title “The Role Of Spirituality, Gratitude and Hope In Predicting Post Traumatic Growth Among Survivors Of Mt. Merapi Eruption in Yogyakarta, Indonesia”
Accordion Content

September 2014: Moderator at the Closing Workshop for Inter-University Partnership Project to Improve Mental Health Care in Indonesia, “The Development of Discharged Model to improve functioning and reduce re-hospitalization among psychotic patients of Ghrasia Mental Hospital in Yogyakarta, Indonesia”

2012 – 2014: Recipient of an academic achievement scholarship from the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada to study Masters (S2) Professional Psychology at Universitas Gadjah Mada

2012: The best graduate of Universitas Gadjah Mada’s psychology undergraduate study program (S1) graduation period in May 2012, with a GPA of 3.80 and a study time of 3 years 7 months

2010 – 2012: Recipient of an undergraduate study scholarship from the Tanoto Foundation

  • 2016: External lecturer in the Information Technology Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta, teaches personality development and student soft skills classes
  • 2013 – present: Instructor and trainer in various employee personality and soft skills development training, such as: BRI, Malaysian Ministry of Health, Indonesia Power, BJB, and others.
  • 2013 – present: Psychologist and trainer at ECC UGM Career Center, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • 2011 – present: Trainer and facilitator in various personality and soft skills development training programs for Universitas Gadjah Mada students
  • July – Nov. 2013: Professional Psychology Work Practice (PKPP) in the Human Capital Policies Division, Human Capital and General Affairs Department, PT. Indonesian Telecommunication (Telkom), Bandung
  • 2010 – 2013: Facilitator in Motivation Enhancement Training (Achivement Motivation Training) for elementary and middle school students in remote and disaster-prone areas, including Yogyakarta, Bogor and Lampung. This program is a CSR program from the Michael D. Ruslim Foundation, Astra International
  • 2009 – 2013: Assistant Psychologist at Parahita Psychology Consultation Unit, Yogyakarta
  • 2011 – 2012: Assistant Lecturer for Developmental Psychology courses, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • 2009 – 2011: Assistant UPAP (Psychodiagnostic Tool Development Unit), Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • 2009 – 2010: Director of the Cemara KSAI Al-Uswah Training Team, Yogyakarta

Bagus Riyono

Research Interest

Islamic Psychology, Tazkia Therapy, Motivation & Personality, Leadership, Human Resource Management, Organizational Development and Change, Theory Building, Research Method.


Dr. Bagus Riyono, M.A., Psikolog is a prominent psychologist in Indonesia with extensive experience in the field of psychology. Dr. Bagus Riyono completed his undergraduate education at the Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University. After finishing his bachelor’s degree, he continued his master’s studies at Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York, United States. Then, Dr. Bagus Riyono returned to Indonesia to obtain his doctoral degree (PhD) in Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University.

Ongoing Research
  • Developing Measure of Organizational Diagnostic Based on Islamic Perspective
  • Testing the Effectiveness of Tazkiya Therapy in Overcoming Anxiety and Depression
  • Riyono, B. & Intani, Z. F. (2024). Permasalahan Sensing Mentality dan Penyusunan Instrumen Alat Ukur Potensi Dasar Manusia. ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal, 39(1), 163-182.
  • Riyono, B., & Indrayanti. (2023). Pelatihan motivasi risk-uncertainty-hope untuk etos kerja. (40) Jurnal Intervensi Psikologi, 15(2), 177-185.
  •  Riyono, B. (2023). Unveiling the Universal Law of Human Life: A Study with “Maqasid” Methodology. Journal of Contemporary Maqasid Studies. In publication.
  • Itsnaini, N. R., & Riyono, B. (2024). The role of personality orientation according to anchor personality theory to quarter life crisis in emerging adulthood. Humanitas: Indonesian Psychological Journal, 21(1).

  • Ayuningtyas, A., & Riyono, B. (2023). Exploring Anchor Personality and True Meaning in Indonesian Young Adults. Changing Societies & Personalities, 7(2), 102–128. doi:10.15826/csp.2023.7.2.233

  • Rinaldi, F. R., & Riyono, B. (2023). Problematic internet use in view of anchor personality and big-five personality. Psikohumaniora: Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi. In publlication.

  • Fachrunisa, R., & Riyono, B. (2023). Human Nature in Self-Identity Construct: A Meta-ethnography Study. Buletin Psikologi, 31(1), 1 – 29.
  • Riyono B. (2023). Constructing the Theory of Human Basic Potential Based on Quranic Messages: Study with Maqasid Methodology. Minbar. Islamic Studies16(2):449-475.
  • Sujadiyanto, R., & Riyono, B. (2023). The Role of Calling and Perceived Organizational Support in the Work Engagement of Private Employees during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP), 9(1), 1 – 20.
  • Riyono, B., & Budiharto, S. (2023). Constructing a theory of life dynamics: A study with quranic “maqasid” methodology. Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal. Dalam proses penerbitan.
  • Riyono, B. (2023). Tazkia therapy: The application of islamic psychology into personality development. Routledge.
  • Riyono, B. (2023). Hope: The spiritual dimension of human psyche. Book chapter. Dalam proses penerbitan.
  • Riyono, B. (2022). Misi, kepemimpinan, budaya, kinerja, dan visi sebagai tulang punggung dari model organisasi yang efektif. Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi, 27(2), 331-350.
  • Riyono, B. (2022). Quality of work life (QWL) from psychological perspective and the development of its measurement. Jurnal Psikologi, 49(1).
  • Riyono, B. (2022). Keluarga sebagai fondasi peradaban bangsa: Sebuah strategi memanfaatkan bonus demografi secara optimal. Buletin Psikologi, 30(1).
  • Rahmah, L., Ufieta Syafitri, D., Retnowati, S., Riyono, B., & Setiyawati, D. (2022). Eksistensi Subkultur Blue Wall of Silence dalam Permasalahan Integritas Polisi Indonesia. Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran Dan Penelitian Psikologi27(1), 125–146.
  • Riyono, B. (2022). The Scientific Principles of Islamic Psychology. International Journal of Islamic Psychology5(1), Article 1.
  • Riyono, B., & Rezki, G. (2022). Burnout among working mothers: The role of work-life balance and perceived organizational support. Humanitas: Indonesian Psychological Journal, 109–121.
  • Riyono, B. (2020). Internal Structure Review of “Anchor Personality Inventory” [Kajian Struktur Internal “Anchor Personality Inventory”]. ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal35
  • Sahama, S., Shofia, A., Reiza, M., & Riyono, B. (2019). Corruption in Indonesia: An Investigation From
    Mental Health, Spirituality, And Leadership Perspectives. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences (eISSN 2636-9346) 15(SUPP1), 44-52.
  • Utami, Kusnanto, H., Riyono, B. and Alim, S. (2018). The Validity and Reliability of Quality of Nursing Work
    Life Instrument for Hospital Nurses. Jurnal Ners, 13(2), 227-232
  • Riyono, B., Himam, F., and Subandi. (2012). In Search for Anchors: The Fundamental Motivational Force in Compensating for Human Vulnerability. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 14(3), 229-253.
  • Riyono, B. (2012). Motivasi. Yogyakarta: Quality Publishing.
  • Riyono, B. dan Zulaifah, E. (2001). Psikologi Kepemimpinan [Psychology of Leadership]. Yogyakarta: Unit Publikasi Fakultas Psikologi UGM
  • Riyono, B. (2001). Isu-isu Kontemporer dalam Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi [Conttemporary Issues on Industrial and Organizational Psychology]. Yogyakarta: Unit Publikasi Fakultas Psikologi UGM
  • Riyono, B. (1999). Cultural issues in personnel selection. KELOLA: Gadjah Mada University Business Review, No. 20/VIII/1999, 102-110.
  • Riyono, B. (1999). Kepemimpinan transformasional: kebangkitan kembali studi tentang kepemimpinan [Transformational Leadership: the new awakening in studies on leadership]. Buletin Psikologi, Tahun VII Nomor 1, Juni 1999, 28-34.
  • Riyono, B. (1998). Rethinking the performance appraisal: between evaluational and motivational purposes. Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi, 5, 5-12.
  • Riyono, B. (1997). Sistem manajemen yang manusiawi [Humanistic management system]. Buletin Psikologi, Tahun V Nomor 1, Juni 1997, 1-5.
  • Riyono, B. (1996). Peranan orientasi nilai budaya pada kepuasan kerja [The role of cultural values orientation on job satisfaction]. Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi, 1, 65-75.2
  • Riyono, B. (1995, November 8). Pelayanan: misi hakiki organisasi [Service: the fundamental mission of organizations]. Republika, p.5.
  • Riyono, B. (1994, September 14). Memotivasi: bukan sekedar masalah training sehari atau dua [To motivate is not just a training issue]. Republika, p.5.
  • Riyono, B. (1994, June 1). Modernitas vs tradisionalitas: dialektika manajemen Jepang dan manajemen Barat [Modernity and traditionality: a management dialectic between Japan and the West]. Republika, p.5.
  • Riyono, B. (1994, February 2). Manajemen krisis [Crisis management]. Republika, p. 5.

Design, Struktur, Budaya dan Kepemimpinan Organisasi [2024] (Ketua Peneliti) Dr. Bagus Riyono, M.A., Psikolog

Developing Measure of Organizational Diagnostic [2024] (Ketua Peneliti) Dr. Bagus Riyono, M.A., Psikolog (Anggota Peneliti) Rizqi Nur’aini A’yuninnisa, S.Psi., M.Sc.

Pengujian Validitas Skala Backbone Organizational Model Versi Pendek [2023] (Ketua Peneliti) Dr. Bagus Riyono, M.A., Psikolog (Anggota Peneliti) Indrayanti, S.Psi., M.Si., Ph.D., Psikolog


The Scientific Principles of Islamic Psychology [2022] (Ketua Peneliti) Dr. Bagus Riyono, M.A., Psikolog

Pengembangan Instrumen Diagnosis Backbone Organization Model [2021] (Ketua Peneliti) Dr. Bagus Riyono, M.A., Psikolog (Anggota Peneliti) Indrayanti, S.Psi., M.Si., Ph.D., Psikolog

Pengujian Validitas Konstruk Anchor Personality Inventory [2017] (Ketua Peneliti) Dr. Bagus Riyono, M.A., Psikolog

Action Research Sekolah Sejahtera (Diana Setiyawati, ………. Nurul Kusuma Hidayati, & Wulan Nur Jatmika) [2015] (Ketua Peneliti) Diana Setiyawati, S.Psi., MHSc., Ph.D., Psikolog (Anggota Peneliti) Fuad Hamsyah, S.Psi., M.Sc. (Anggota Peneliti) Prof. Dr. Amitya Kumara, MS (Anggota Peneliti) Dr. Budi Andayani, M.A., Psikolog (Anggota Peneliti) Dr. Bagus Riyono, M.A., Psikolog (Anggota Peneliti) Rahmat Hidayat, S.Psi. M.Sc., Ph.D. (Anggota Peneliti) Dr. Yuli Fajar Susetyo, S.Psi., M.Si., Psikolog

CORE VALUES DAN PEMAKNAANNYA DALAM KONTEKS PENYELENGGARAAN UGM [2006] (Ketua Peneliti) Dr. Bagus Riyono, M.A., Psikolog (Anggota Peneliti) Heri Santoso

Visiting Lecture & International Seminars

  • 2024. International-Interdisciplinary Symposium: Families at the Face of Global Threat. AILE, Turkiye.
  • 2024. International Psychology Conference on Mental Health and Resilience: Psychology Empowering Mental Health and Resilience Society. UNISBA, Indonesia.
  • 2023. Constructing Psychological Theory with a Maqasid Approach. International Student of Islamic Psychology.
  • 2023 (Annually). 126-Hour Program on Islamic Psychology as the Science of Human Soul, Cognition, Emotion, and Behavior. Avicenna Academy, Indonesia.
  • 2023 (June). Launching a psychology research network: Constructing psychological theory with a maqasid approach. International Students of Islamic Psychology and Al-Balkhi Institute of Islamic Psychological Studies and Research.
  • 2022 (November). The 4th International Intensive Course on Islamic Psychology (IICIP). Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta.
  • 2021 (October). The Basic Framework of Tazkia Therapy. International Students of Islamic Psychology.
  • 2021 (October). Instilling the Spirit of Islam Back into Psychology. Charles Sturt University, Australia.
  • 2021 (Binnual). Understanding Human Being from Islamic Psychology Perspective. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.
  • 2021 (June). The 3rd International Intensive Course on Islamic Psychology (IICIP). Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta.
  • 2019 (November). Integrated Psychology, a New Perspective beyond Positive Psychology. Sydney, Australia.
  • 2019 (September). Tazkia Therapy, the Advancement of CBT. Riphah International University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • 2019 (July). Understanding the concept of “Fitrah” from the new science of psychology. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Russia
  • 2018. Islamic psychology as a fundamental and integrated approach in psychology. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Russia.
  • 2018. Sensing Mentality and the Cognitive Spiritual Intervention. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Russia.
  • 2018. The Islamic Psychology perspective in understanding the personality disturbance of terrorists. Tatarstan Academy of Science, Kazan, Russia.
  • 2015-2016. Theory of Human Freedom; Human Vulnerability; & Theory of Human Anchors. Universität Leipzig, Germany
  • 2015. Theory of Human Freedom; & Freedom, Human Rights and Culture. J.F. Oberlin University, Japan.
  • 2015. Theory of Human Freedom; & Freedom, Human Rights and Culture. SIETAR Conference, Bali, Indonesia.

Visiting Lecture & National Seminars

  • 2024.Aku Sengsara kerana Judi: Penjelasan Psikologis tentang Perilaku Gambler. Sekolah Wartawan, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
  • 2024. Mengasuh Titipan Tuhan: Bedah Buku 4 Prinsip Parenting. Lembaga Advokasi Keluarga Indonesia, Yogyakarta.
  • 2024. Workshop Islamic Mental Health: Tazkiya Therapy. Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional Kesehatan Jiwa, Adiksi, dan Neurosains, Malang.
  • 2024. Analisis Hasil Penelitian terkait Peran Gender dalam Ketahanan Keluarga: HIV, AIDS, dan LGBT. BKKBN.
  • 2024. Family Talk Series: Kesehatan Jiwa dari Perspektif Ekosistem dan Keluarga dan Masyarakat. Departemen Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen IPB, Bogor.
  • 2023. Masalah dan Tantangan Peningkatan Ketahanan Psikologis Keluarga. Seminar Nasional Peningkatan Ketahanan dan Perlindungan Keluarga untuk Membangun Manusia Indonesia Berkualitas.
  • 2023. Pengendalian Kesehatan Mental untuk Generasi Bebas Stunting. Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan UMS, Solo.
  • 2023. Puncak Kebahagiaan Seorang Muslim: Pandangan Teori Anchor. Universitas Negeri Padang.
  • 2023. Kursus Intensif: Perkembangan Mutakhir Riset Bidang Ilmu Perubahan & Perkembangan Organisasi. Doktor Psikologi UGM, Yogyakarta.
  • 2023. Melejitkan Keluarga Islami. Akademi Keluarga Nurul Ashri, Yogyakarta.
  • 2023. Menumbuhkan Generasi “Google” Al-Quran. SMA Masa Depan, Yogyakarta.
  • 2023. Sensing Mentality (Serta Analisis Kasus Mario Dandy). Keluarga Muslim Psikologi UGM, Yogyakarta.
  • 2023. Kajian Pustaka dalam Penelitian. Fakultas Psikologi UGM
  • 2023. Rahasia Hati. Mitra Psikologi Indonesia, Yogyakarta.
  • 2023. Penguatan Tanggung Jawab Bina Jiwa Bina Keluarga. Sekolah Ilmu Keluarga Gerakan Indonesia Beradab (GIB), Yogyakarta.
  • 2023. Ibu dan Perannya dalam Pendidikan Anak. Rumah Zakat Infaq Shodaqoh (RZIS) UGM, Yogyakarta.
  • 2023. Kajian Al-Qur’an dan Neuropsikologi. Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia.
  • 2023. Peningkatan Ketahanan dan Perlindungan Keluarga untuk Membangun Manusia Indonesia Berkualitas. Koalisi Nasional Perlindungan Keluarga Indonesia.
  • 2023. #RamadhanBerilmu: Aktualisasi Diri Seorang Muslim. Layanan Kesehatan Mental Teman Baik, Yogyakarta.
  • 2023. Akademi Keluarga Batch 6. Masjid Nurul Ashri, Yogyakarta.
  • 2023. Metodologi Pembelajaran: Metode Kualitatif Grounded Theory. Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang.
  • 2023. Irama “Ya Allah, Bolehkah Aku Menyerah?”. Bank Syariah Indonesia
  • 2023. Spiritualitas dan Kesehatan Mental. Center for Public Mental Health UGM, Yogyakarta.
  • 2023. 12th Learning & Development Summit. Inti Pesan, Jakarta.
  • 2023. Kursus Intensif: Modul 1 – Analisis Statistika Lanjutan. Program Doktor Psikologi UGM, Yogyakarta.
  • 2023. Halal Bi Halal Isul Fitri 1443 H Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Padjajaran. Universitas Padjajaran
  • 2023. Kuliyah Ramadhan: Ramadhan sebagai Madrasah Ilmu. The International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT).
  • 2023. Nourishing Your Mental Health with Al-Qur’an. Quranic Psychology Forum, Yogyakarta.
  • 2022. First Annual Conference on islamic Studies. UIN Imam Bonjol, Padang.
  • 2022. Islamic Psychology in Multidisciplinary Perspective. UIN Imam Bonjol, Malang.
  • 2022. The 6th Islamic Psychology Convention. Islamic Psychology Learning Forum, Fakultas Psikologi UGM, Yogyakarta.
  • 2022. The 5th National Conference of Genuine Psychology. UIN Raden Fatah, Palembang.
  • 2022. Kesehatan Jiwa dalam Perspektif Psikologi Islam. Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta.
  • 2022. Theory Building Training Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (CICP). Fakultas Psikologi UGM, Yogyakarta
  • 2022. NGOPI #1 Self-Actualizing bagi Seorang Muslim Sejati. IPLF, Yogyakarta.
  • 2022. Course on Islamic Psychology. Universitas Muhammadiyah HAMKA, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, IAMP.
  • 2022. Kelas Parenting #4 Melejitkan Keluarga Islami. Nurul Ashri, Yogyakarta
  • 2022. Revitalisasi Ilmu Fikih Dalam Membentengi Keluarga Muslim dari Penyimpangan Seksual. STDI Imam Syafi’i, Jember.
  • 2022. Arisan Ilmu #15 Islamic Sex Education and the Role of Fitrah. Mommischology.
  • 2021. Membangun Harapan bersama Corona. Yayasan Bina Anak Sholeh, Yogyakarta.
  • 2021. Kursus Intensif Perkembangan Mutakhir dalam Penelitian Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi. Fakultas Psikologi UGM, Yogyakarta
  • 2021. Hari Keluarga Nasional 2021: Tantangan dan Arah Pembangunan Keluarga Indonesia. Komisi Nasional Pembangunan Keluarga Indonesia.
  • 2021. Ngobrolin Psikologi Islam. Islamic Psychology Learning Forum, Fakultas Psikologi UGM, Yogyakarta.
  • 2021. Nilai dalam Paradigma Profetik “Transendensi”. Masjid Kampus UGM, Yogyakarta.
  • 2021. Islamic Family Building. Institut Pertanian Bogor.
  • 2021. INSANI Basic Course: Mengenal Manusia Melalui Perspektif Psikologi Islam. Perpustakan Baitul Hikmah, Yogyakarta.
  • 2020. Membangun Pondasi Peradaban untuk Indonesia yang Luhur dan Mulia. Gelora Indonesia, Makassar.
  • 2020. Pergerakan Psikologi Islam: Dari Teori Menuju Aksi. Asosiasi Psikologi Islam, Jawa Timur
  • Formulate a meta-theory in the field of Motivation that integrates all theories of Motivation that have become one Grand Theory of human behavior, and have received appreciation from Japan, Germany, the Netherlands, Russia, Pakistan, and Australia.
  • Developed and conducts short courses on Islamic Psychology
  • Developed “Tazkia” Therapy as an advancement of CBT

Celebrity Worship: How Do Psychologists and Influencers Respond?

The Islamic Psychology Study Group (KKPI) of the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held an online webinar entitled Discover the Truth about Celebrity Worship: Insights from Psychologist and Influencer, on Friday (28/6). The webinar, which is part of the Islamic Psychology Summit 2024, aims to provide in-depth insights into human behavior, social influence, and the significant impact of media on individual values and society.

Chairperson of the Islamic Psychology Summit (IPS) committee, Indrayanti, M.Si., Ph.D., Psychologist, explained the series of events in IPS 2024, “The event towards the Islamic Psychology Summit 2024 will begin with an online webinar every month, discussing specifically about contemporary issues, for example like today which discusses in detail about celebrity worship. In addition, there are also calls for paper activities, pre-conference workshops, and then closed with a peak event that presents 15 expert speakers on Islamic psychology from around the world.”

Fuadh Naim, S.I.Kom, the first speaker who is also a content creator and founder of XKwavers explained why teenagers can become K-pop fans, “The majority of Korean artists have multi-talents that have been formed by entertainment agencies. They can sing and are also good-looking, smart, good at playing musical instruments, and various other advantages. This has resulted in Korean artists being seen as perfect by K-pop fans, K-popers are willing to fight anyone who dares to make fun of their idols”.

Fuad conveyed three factors that can make a person experience celebrity worship, “The first is of course a cool product, the second is an injury that eventually makes the individual look for fun entertainment, the third is the most influential, namely having no life value. As a result, someone who experiences celebrity worship can potentially absorb values contrary to existing norms”.

The second speaker who is a professor of social psychology at the Faculty of Psychology, Prof. Drs. Koentjoro, M.BSc., Ph.D., Psychologist, advised, “When having an idol, try to choose one that is by religious law, exemplify the spirit of your idol instead of copying his lifestyle. In order not to be easily carried away, then make a directed life plan and study with full seriousness. Imagine the tears of your parents because of your achievements, not because of your negative behavior that hurts their hearts.”


Author: Relung Fajar Sukmawati

Photo by John Price on Unsplash

Integrasi Clinical Hypnosis dan Neuroscience

Integration of Clinical Hypnosis and Neuroscience: Exploration and Application in HGI Studio Workshop

The research group of Faculty of Psychology UGM which is incorporated in Hypnotic Guided Imagery and Transpersonal Research Studio (HGI Studio) held a workshop entitled “Clinical Hypnosis and Neuroscience: EEG Reading and Its Application in Psychology” on Friday (21/6), in Room A-203, Faculty of Psychology UGM. This workshop is the first part of a three-part series aimed at exploring the science related to the field of clinical hypnosis.

The mixed event was attended by 72 participants from various professional backgrounds and institutions, including researchers, doctors, and psychologists from puskesmas, hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, universities, companies, and professional organizations.

Prof. Dra. Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti, M.Med.Sc., Ph.D., Psychologist, as Principal Investigator of HGI Studio and workshop moderator, opened the event by providing an overview of the research that has been carried out since 2019. This research is funded by the Productive Innovative Research of the Education Fund Management Institution of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance (RISPRO – LPDP). This research aims to develop measurements of human emotions using psychophysiological equipment such as EEG, HRV, GSR, and body temperature.

The research, which has entered its third year, is also supported by nine research centers from various universities in Indonesia, including North Sumatra University, Gunadarma University, Padjadjaran University, Maranatha University, Diponegoro University, Widya Mandala Christian University in Surabaya, Udayana University, and Ganesha University of Education.

Prof. Kwartarini explained that the rampant phenomenon of gendam and fraud became the basis of her interest in studying hypnosis further. From her findings, the use of hypnosis in therapy resulted in rapid changes for cases such as smoking cessation or specific phobias through memory reconstruction. In her exploration, Prof. Kwartarini met with various experts and realized the need for in-depth understanding so that clinical hypnotherapy can be utilized optimally. Therefore, in this workshop she invited Prof. Ismail to explain the process of memory reconstruction from a physiological perspective.

Prof. Dr. dr. Ismail Setyopranoto, Sp.S (K), is a professor of Neurology from the Department of Neurology, Faculty of Public Health Medicine and Nursing (FKKMK) UGM.

“Our organs other than the brain only receive orders,” explained Prof. Ismail. When the body receives a signal such as pain, there is a process where the signal can be amplified or ignored. This process involves chemicals such as tnf alpha and tnf beta, where tnf beta acts as a protector. With proper regulation, stress, confusion or pain can be minimized.

Furthermore, Prof. Ismail explained about the concept of balance in the body, called the interior milieu. According to him, it is important not to see bacteria as an enemy that must be eliminated immediately, because our bodies need antibodies to fight infection. The same goes for stress, which is important to manage well in children in order to maintain their mental health.

“Don’t assume that a child who learns to walk and then falls is stopped. It is a process of balance between inhibition and excitation,” she explained.

This workshop is expected to provide a deep understanding of the integration between clinical hypnosis and neuroscience and its application in modern psychological practice.

The first part of this workshop can be watched through the Knowledge Channel of the Faculty of Psychology UGM.

Author: Edwin Gandawijaya

Editor: Erna Tri Nofiyana

Photo: Yunissa Meganingtyas