- aliyaturrahmah.s[at]ugm.ac.id
- acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/aliyaturrahmah.s
- orcid.org/0000-0003-3005-2840
- ID Sinta: 6862841
Minat Penelitian
Pelayanan klinis, perkembangan sistem kesehatan jiwa di Indonesia, bagaimana psikolog bekerja dalam sistem kesehatan mental Indonesia, kesehatan mental remaja.
Aliyaturrahmah Supriyadi, S.Psi., MHS., seorang profesional dalam bidang psikologi, terus berkontribusi secara aktif dalam dunia akademik dan penelitian. Aliya lulus dari Program Sarjana Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) dengan judul skripsi Validasi Modul Pelatihan Keterampilan Dasar Konseling untuk Meningkatkan Efikasi Diri Konselor Sebaya Remaja. Kemudian melanjutkan pendidikan S2 di Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University dengan judul penelitian Association between adolescents’ perceived school support and depressive symptoms in three Indonesian cities (An analysis based on the Global Early Adolescents Survey data).
Dalam perjalanannya, Aliyaturrahmah telah mengembangkan berbagai penelitian dan proyek yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan mental di Indonesia. Komitmennya dalam bidang ini diwujudkan melalui berbagai seminar, pelatihan, serta publikasi ilmiah yang mendalam.
- Annual Mental Health report for the Directorate of Mental Health, Ministry of Health
- Pengembangan Panduan Penanganan Kasus Kegawatdaruratan pada Layanan Unit Konsultasi Psikologi (UKP) (Development of a Guide for Crisis Services at Psychology Consultation Unit)
- Perilaku bunuh diri pada mahasiswa: prevalensi, faktor risiko, dukungan, dan hambatan akses pelayanan kesehatan mental (Suicidal behaviors in students: prevalence, risk factors, support and challenges to mental health services access)
- Program kesehatan mental berbasis sekolah – Evaluasi sekolah sejahtera di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (School-based mental health services – Evaluation of Sekolah Sejahtera in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta)
- PKM Penelitian Sosio-humaniora (Student Creativity Program from Direktorat Jenderal Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan)
Susetyo, Y. F., Supriyadi, A., Setiyawati, D., & Hidayati, N. K. (2024). Development of a training module for adolescent Peer Counsellors based on a systematic literature review. Psikologia: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi, 19(1), 67-74. https://doi.org/10.32734/psikologia.v19i1.14503
Supriyadi, A., & Setiyawati, D. (2019). Validation of training module to increase self-efficacy of adolescent peer counsellors in Indonesia. Journal of Mental Health, 29(4), 385–391. https://doi.org/10.1080/09638237.2019.1608926
Research Intern September 2014-2015
Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Participating in training and discussion sessions on Indonesian indigenous and cultural studies, conducting qualitative cultural research.
Researcher 2014-2015
Eksplorasi Konsep Pakewuh dalam Memahami Kecenderungan Tindak Nepotisme (An exploration of ‘pakewuh’ concept to understand tendencies of nepotism)
Researcher 2014-2015
Exploring Adolescent’s Identity Clarification through Self-disclosures in Facebook Statuses
Presented at the 2015 International Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (AAICP)
Research assistant September – December 2015
Mental Health Services and Psychosocial Support in Post-disaster Setting
Research assistant February – November 2016
Kesehatan Jiwa di Lingkungan Kerja: Kebijakan yang Berpihak pada Keluarga (Mental health in the workplace: Family-friendly policy)
Research assistant March – October 2016
Survey of High School Student Mental Health for Promotion and Prevention of Mental Disorders at School
Researcher (Undergraduate thesis) January 2017-2018
Validation of Training Module to Increase Self-Efficacy of Peer Counselors in Indonesia
Research assistant July – December 2017
Penyusunan Standar Pelayanan Psikologi Klinis di Puskesmas untuk Menangani Gangguan Depresi dan Kecemasan di Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Primer (Formation of a Clinical Psychology Service Standard to treat Depressive and Anxiety Disorders in Primary Health
Research assistant October 2017 – December 2018
Adaptasi Protokol CBT untuk Menangani Gangguan Depresi di Puskesmas (Adaptation of CBT Protocol to Treat Depression in Primary Care)
Research assistant April – November 2020
Mental Health in COVID-19 Pandemic Peran Perguruan Tinggi dan Sekolah dalam Promosi, Prevensi dan Intervensi: Sebuah Pengembangan Model (Mental Health in COVID-19 Pandemic, Role of Universities and Schools in the Promotion, Prevention and Intervention: Developing a Model)
Researcher August 2022 – February 2023
Background Study for the Long Term Development Plan of Indonesia – Bappenas (National Development Planning Agency)
Oral presenter 2015. 5th Asian Association for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology Conference. Exploring Adolescent’s Identity Clarification through Self-disclosures in Facebook Statuses
- Workshop: Suicide First Aid Guidelines 2023. Center for Public Mental Health. Training on the Indonesian Suicide First Aid Guidelines.
- Workshop: CBT Basics Training 2019. Center for Public Mental Health in collaboration with University of Groningen and University Van Amsterdam. Training on Basics of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
- Workshop: CBT Advanced Training 2019. Center for Public Mental Health in collaboration with University of Groningen and University Van Amsterdam. Training on Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
- Workshop: CBT for Psychosis Training 2018. Center for Public Mental Health in collaboration with University of Groningen. Training on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis.
- Quality Rights in Mental Health 2018. World Health Organization. Online training on rights of people with mental disorders.
- Pengembangan Panduan Penanganan Kasus Kegawatdaruratan pada Layanan Unit Konsultasi Psikologi (UKP) (Development of a Guide for Crisis Services at Psychology Consultation Unit)
- Video pembelajaran Psychological First Aid: Membantu Orang dengan Masalah Psikologis
- Perilaku bunuh diri pada mahasiswa: prevalensi, faktor risiko, dukungan, dan hambatan akses pelayanan kesehatan mental (Suicidal behaviors in students: prevalence, risk factors, support and challenges to mental health services access)
- Program kesehatan mental berbasis sekolah – Evaluasi sekolah sejahtera di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (School-based mental health services – Evaluation of Sekolah Sejahtera in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta)
- PKM Penelitian Sosio-humaniora (Student Creativity Program from Direktorat Jenderal
Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan)
Project Assistant October – December 2016
Writing workshop for teachers to develop children’s picture books on mental health
Coordinating with lecturers involved in the project, writing project proposal, assisting
to develop training material, organizing funds and logistics of workshop.
Project Assistant October – December 2016
Webinar training on school well-being for junior high school teachers of DIY province
Coordinating with provincial education office, project administration, scheduling training with schools and trainers, assisting in preparing training materials and presentations.
Trainer 2017
Training of life skills (goal-setting) for senior high school students at SMK 3 Wonosari, Gunung Kidul
Developing training material and delivering to students.
Project Assistant July – December 2017
Training for inclusive education teachers to create positive learning profiles
Writing project proposal, coordinating with schools and lecturers involved, organizing the logistics and technicalities of training, assisting to develop materials, and writing final report.
Project Assistant July – December 2019
Training for teachers and students to support the establishment of a tiered psychological referral
system at school
Writing project proposal, coordinating with trainers for scheduling, recruiting and
coordinating with schools involved, organizing logistics of training, training co-trainers, writing final report.
Trainer September 2019
Youth Empowerment Studio training on listening skills for adolescents
Developing and delivering training on listening skills
Trainer October 2019
Training on goal-setting skills and mental health literacy for junior high school students
Developing training material and delivering to students
Live translator 2017 – 2020
Various trainings held by Center for Public Mental Health
Providing live written translations from English to Indonesian and vice versa.
Manuscript translator 2018 – 2019
Translating manuscripts in Bahasa Indonesia into English for publication purposes,
specializing but not limited to psychology manuscripts.
- Pemberian Penghargaan Artikel llmiah Berkualitas Tinggi Tahun 2020 oleh RISTEK BRIN
- Member for Research Division January 2015 – May 2016
Youth Empowerment Studio (Student community focusing on adolescent mental health, one of the main programs is a weekly soft skill training for high school students) - Coordinator for Curriculum Division October 2016 – August 2017
JUARA+ (Community development project to train peer educators on adolescent reproductive health) - Manager for Research Division May 2016 – 2017
Youth Empowerment Studi