

Webinar “Toxic” Parenting II oleh CPMH

Jumat, 10 Juli 2020 Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH) kembali adakan webinar seri kedua dengan tema “Toxic” Parenting. Kegiatan ini merupakan kelanjutan dari webinar atau kuliah umum sebelumnya yang diadakan pada Jumat 4 Juli 2020 dengan topik serupa. read more

CPMH Closes Online Sharing Session with Mental Health During The Pandemic Topic

(05/05) Public Center for Mental Health (CPMH) held the seventh online series of sharing sessions on Tuesday, May 5, 2020. The session titled “Mental Health During Pandemic“. The speakers this last CPMH session are, Prof. Dr. Kwartarini W Yuniarti, MMed.Sc., Psychologist, as Vice Dean for Research, Community Service and Cooperation; Tri Hayuning Tyas, M.A., Psychologist, as lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology UGM and clinical psychologist; Dr. Diana Setiyawati, M.HSc., Psychologist, as lecturer, psychologist, and Head of Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH) Faculty of Psychology UGM; Nurul Kusuma Hidayati, M.Psi., Psychologist, as psychologist at CPMH, UKP and Gama Medical Center (GMC) UGM; and Wirdatul Anisa, M.Psi., Psychologist, as psychologist at CPMH, UKP, and one of the private service facilities in Yogyakarta. read more

Article Review: Addressing Various Challenges During WFH

Work From Home (WFH) that had been applied in Indonesia have various impact to the workers, such as the difficulties to differed the effective day and their day off.

On the online sharing session, called “COVID-19 and Worker’s Mental Health” that organized by Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH), Dr. Indrayanti, M.Si as a lecturer at the UGM Faculty of Psychology, explained the importance of managing work time and routines during WFH for workers. For example, determine the working space at home, dress neatly and make an agenda. Besides, communicating routines with family and the office is also important, in order to minimize conflicts that might occur. read more

Faculty of Psychology UGM Share Through Discussion and Talkshow Activities in Mass Media

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the type of outdoor activity for society become more limited. Many institutions applied work from home policy, and school from home for students. This limitation aim to suppress the spreading of COVID-19, which potentially spread through direct physical contact. Some area in Indonesia enacted Large Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), for example DKI Jakarta. read more

UGM Forms a Call Center Service as Psychosocial Support for Academics

COVID-19 pandemic is a problem that have been face by many countries, including Indonesia. Every country are forced to adapt with the new condition. Society must face uncertain condition, they have to stay at home and limit their direct social activities in order to maintain mutual safety and reduce the risk of spreading the virus until the situation getting better. The limitations of the movements and uncertainties in daily life are some factors that could leads to discomfort. read more

CPMH Holds an Online Sharing Session to Help Facing COVID-19 Pandemic

Central for Public Mental Health (CPMH) will hold online sharing session with Family Strength In Order to Face COVID-19 Pandemic as the main topic. It will be hold on April 16, 2020 from 19.30-21.30 WIB by using WhatsApp Messenger. This sharing session is aimed to be one of the platform to share about mental health during COVID-19 pandemic. Anyone who feel like to share or express their feelings are open to join this event. The event are free and anyone are able to participate or join, from students to general public. Dr. Budi Andayani, M.A., Psikololog, Dr. Sumaryono, M.Si., Dr. Diana Setyawati, M.HSc., Psikolog, Nurul Kusuma Hidayati, M.Psi., Psikolog, dan Wirdatul Anisa, M.Psi., Psikolog are the discussants for the session. read more

Worksop: Building Strong Families by CPMH

Central Public For Mental Health (CPMH) was organized a workshop called Building Strong Families. The event was held for two days, from January 15 to 16, 2020 at Auditorium G-100. It was attended by 99 audiences who has psychology as educational backgroud, rerearcher, lecturer and housewife. read more