

Kuliah Online CPMH: Kesepian dan Kesehatan Mental

Jumat (17/12) Fakultas Psikologi UGM bekerjasama dengan Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH) mengadakan Kuliah Online yang mengangkat topik “Kesepian dan Kesehatan Mental”. Topik tersebut dibawakan oleh dua narasumber yang sudah sering mengisi acara Kuliah Online CPMH, yaitu Nurul Kusuma Hidayati, M.Psi., Psikolog dan Wirdatul Anisa, M.Psi., Psikolog. “Temanya sebenarnya sudah banyak dibahas oleh banyak pihak, apalagi kalau kita berselancar di Instagram”, ujar Nurul di awal acara. read more

Online Lecture: “Suicide Prevention”

Monday (29/11) the Center for Public Mental Health again held a series of online lectures open to the public. The theme this time is “Suicide prevention”, an actual issue that often gets public attention but there is not much knowledge about how to prevent and deal with it. read more

Kuliah Online: “Pencegahan Bunuh Diri”

Senin (29/11) Center for Public Mental Health kembali mengadakan seri kuliah online terbuka untuk umum. Tema yang diangkat kali ini adalah “Pencegahan bunuh diri”, sebuah isu aktual yang sering mendapatkan perhatian public namun belum banyak pengetahuan bagaimana mencegah dan menanggulanginya. read more

CPMH Online Lecture: Bullying and Mental Health

Wednesday (24/11) Faculty of Psychology UGM in collaboration with the Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH) held an Online Lecture with the topic “Building and Mental Health”. The topic was presented by two speakers, namely Nurul Kusuma Hidayati, M.Psi., Psychologist and Wirdatul Anisa, M.Psi., Psychologist. “Why do we explain all kinds of bullying, it turns out that in the field there are still many friends or even adults who don’t understand that it is bullying or teenagers who finally realize that they have been bullying all this time,” explained Nurul. read more

Kuliah Online CPMH: Perundungan dan Kesehatan Mental

Rabu (24/11) Fakultas Psikologi UGM bekerjasama dengan Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH) menyelenggarakan Kuliah Online yang mengangkat topik “Perundungan dan Kesehatan Mental”. Topik tersebut disampaikan oleh dua pembicara, yaitu Nurul Kusuma Hidayati, M.Psi., Psikolog dan Wirdatul Anisa, M.Psi., Psikolog. “Kenapa kami memamaparkan tentang segala macam perundungan, ternyata di lapangan masih banyak temen-temen atau bahkan orang dewasa yang belum memahami bahwa hal itu adalah perundungan atau teman-teman remaja yang pada akhirnya menyadari bahwa ternyata selama ini telah melakukan perundungan”, jelas Nurul. read more

Collaborating with CPMH, Psychology Doctoral Study Program Holds Intensive Training

Monday (12/9) UGM Psychology Doctoral Study Program in collaboration with the Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH) held Mastering Scoping Review and Systematic Literature Review events. This intensive training event is packaged in twelve sessions of twenty-four hours and will last for ten days. The event, which was intended for postgraduate, doctoral students, lecturers, researchers, and professionals in public or private institutions was attended by 82 participants from all over Indonesia. read more

Gandeng CPMH, Program Studi Ilmu Doktor Selenggarakan Pelatihan Intensif

Senin (12/9) Program Studi Doktor Ilmu Psikologi UGM bekerjasama dengan Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH) menyelenggarakan acara Mastering Scoping Review dan Systematic Literature Review. Acara pelatihan intensif ini dikemas dalam dua belas sesi selama dua puluh empat jam dan akan berlangsung selama sepuluh hari. Acara yang diperuntukkan bagi mahasiswa S2, S3, dosen, peneliti, dan profesional di instansi negeri ataupun swasta ini dihadiri oleh 82 peserta dari seluruh Indonesia. read more

Opening Online Summer Lecture Series 2021 CPMH

Monday (19/7) the Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH) of the Faculty of Psychology UGM held the opening of the Online Summer Lecture Series 2021. This year the CPMH took the theme “Predicting The Long-term Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic: Recommendation to Strength Mental Health Systems”. This event is the opening of a series of online lecture webinar events that will be held until August 4th. read more

Opening Online Summer Lecture Series 2021 CPMH

Senin (19/7) Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH) Fakultas Psikologi UGM melaksanakan acara pembukaan Online Summer Lecture Series 2021. Pada tahun ini CPMH mengambil tema “Predicting The Long-term Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic: Recommendation to Strength Mental Health System”. Acara ini menjadi pembuka dari rangkaian acara webinar kuliah online yang dilaksanakan hingga tanggal 4 Agustus mendatang. read more

CPMH’s Online Lecture: Psychosocial Support for COVID-19 Patients

As a form of education for the Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH) to the public, on Monday (12/07) held an online lecture with the topic “Psychosocial Support for COVID-19 Patients”. Together with Nurul Kusuma Hidayati, M.Psi., Psychologist and Wirdatul Anisa, M.Psi., Psychologist, it is hoped that this online lecture can make the community as agents who provide social support for those around them who are affected by COVID-19. read more