Satriyo Priyo Adi, S.Psi., M.Sc.

Minat Penelitian

Cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, psycholinguistic.

Biografi Singkat

Satriyo Priyo Adi, S.Psi., M.Sc., telah berhasil menyelesaikan studi master dalam bidang Brain Imaging and Cognitive Neuroscience di University of Birmingham, Birmingham, Inggris. Pendidikan ini ditempuh dari September 2022 hingga September 2023 dengan tesis berjudul “Language Switching and Brain Dynamics: UBET Framework Explores Bilingual Language Control and Adaptation”Sebelumnya, Satriyo menyelesaikan pendidikan Sarjana Psikologi di Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Gadjah Mada, dengan skripsi berjudul The Differences of Inhibitory Control Between Low Media Multitasker and High Media Multitasker.

Selain prestasi akademisnya, Satriyo memiliki pengalaman mengajar dan supervisi di bidang Design Thinking dan User Research sebagai mentor, serta sebagai Laboratory Assistant di Laboratorium Mind, Brain, and Behaviour, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Kepakarannya meliputi Brain Imaging Data Analysis, Brain Imaging Data Acquisition, Experimental Psychology, Survey Quantitative, dan Computational Psychology Experiment.

  • Indrayanti, I., Claudia, A. V., Adi, S. P., & Lufityanto, G. (2022). Science Majoring Background Modulates the Psychological Responses to Stress on Numerical Task. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP), 8(2), 150–164.
  • Jamaluddin, S. F., Adi, S. P., & Lufityanto, G. (2021). Social influences on cheating in collectivistic culture: Collaboration but not competition. Group Dynamics, 25(2), 174–189.
  • Adi, S. P., Wiradhany, W., & Koesrohmania, S. (2018). Inhibitory Control and Role of Sex. Proceeding of the 6th ASEAN Regional Union Psychological Society (A R U P S) Congress “Driving Mental Revolution in the Psychological Century: Enhancing Psychological Services for a Better Future”. 796-807. ISBN: 978-602-96634-8-8
  • Indrayanti, I., Claudia, A. V., Adi, S. P., & Lufityanto, G. (2022). Science Majoring Background Modulates the Psychological Responses to Stress on Numerical Task. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP), 8(2), 150–164.
  • Jamaluddin, S. F., Adi, S. P., & Lufityanto, G. (2021). Social influences on cheating in collectivistic culture: Collaboration but not competition. Group Dynamics, 25(2), 174–189.
  • Adi, S. P., Wiradhany, W., & Koesrohmania, S. (2018). Inhibitory Control and Role of Sex. Proceeding of the 6th ASEAN Regional Union Psychological Society (A R U P S) Congress “Driving Mental Revolution in the Psychological Century: Enhancing Psychological Services for a Better Future”. 796-807. ISBN: 978-602-96634-8-8
  • Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (2022)
  • Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (2019)
  • Lecturer | Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (Oct 2023 – present)
  • User Researcher | Halodoc, Jakarta, Indonesia (Sep 2023 – Sep 2024)
  • Product Researcher Specialist | & Stockbit, Jakarta, Indonesia (Oct 2021 – Sep 2022)
  • Lead User Experience Researcher | Mamikos, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (Jan 2021 – Aug 2021)
  • Senior User Experience Researcher | Mamikos, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (Dec 2019 – Dec 2020)
  • User Interface/User Experience Designer Internship | MOKA Point of Sales, Jakarta, Indonesia (Jun 2019 – Dec 2019)
  • Laboratory Assistant | Laboratorium Mind, Brain, and Behaviour UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (Jun 2017 – Mar 2019)
  • Research Assistant | Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (Sep 2016 – Jun 2017)