Students of Psychology Attain Achievement Medals in Sport Field

Psychology students re-incised achievement. This time not only 1 student won achievements in sports but also there are 4 students. Students who get achievement namely Nadya Valdiyen Gumanti, Aria Notharia, Illona Acintya Jovita, and Maria Leony Elvaretta. The match that delivered the four of them as winners were FISIP UAJY 3-on-3 Basketball Fistcup (Atmajaya University) on March 2-3, 2019. This match was the first match was followed by them as a team. Because it has been a long time for the competition for girls in field of the basket itself, they have never followed yet unless PORSENI GAMA. This matter is a reason they interest in this match. However, confessed by them that no special preparation. Although there is no preparation specifically as one team they all can prepare themselves for maintaining endurance before the competition by running or doing soft sport. At the first time feel no confident because other teams that follow this match were so competitive. But they all always keep their mind that this match “really have fun”, so the match was going well so easily without any burdensome or challenge. On match 3-on-3 the precious experience comes from participants also follow in this match. Because for finally they can know each other with the other friends in entire Jogja, so extend friendship. These students psychology students love basketball because basketball is a sport that plays an important role in training coordination among a team, teamwork and ability for decision making. Specifically, as a student of psychology, the things that related to the emotion felt to be regulated when wrestling with Basketball. For them, victory remains a priority, but the most important thing is how much life experience and life learning can be taken as much as possible. Finally, they explain that pleasure emerged when they can participate in this match. Moreover, they can keep solidarity also an amazing thing. And at the end, all realized when faculty amazingly supported and facilitated their interest.