Saturday (07/09), Faculty of Psychology at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) with Alumni Psychology UGM, ‘ 98 hosted the reunion of “Psychology Sanga Wolu Releasing Rindu”. Located in the auditorium Room G-100, the event was attended by dozens of alumni of ‘ 98, several lecturers and staff, as well as students of Faculty of Psychology UGM from various backgrounds of study and force. Also present in this event is Dr. Nida Ul Hasanat, M.Si. As deputy Dean I of academic and student affairs, and Ardian Praptomojati, S. Psi., M. Psi., as assistant vice Dean I.
The role of the show is Albertha Sekundarti, an alumnus of ‘ 98 who currently serves as director of Human Resource (HR) PT. Mitra Adiperkasa (MAP). The Alumni who are familiarly called “Mbak Uun” This guide all participants undergo a whole series of reunion events. The highlight of the event, the sharing session with the title “Explore Yourself: Reach Your Dream Through Psychology”, presents a variety of alumni who are successful in various fields.
A session sharing event is divided into three sessions talk show and casual discussion, each guided by a moderator. The first session, with the theme “Discussion of Educational and Developmental Psychology”, was guided by Putu Rahayu Ujianti, who currently serves as lecturer and head of UPT Counseling service at the University of Education Ganesha Bali. This session discussed various topics related to the Science of Psychology application in the world of education and development. In addition, alumni who act in doubles, as parents while working together share perspectives and trick tips on raising and educating their children.
The second session was moderated by Ratri Atmoko Benedictus and titled “Discussion of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (PIO)”. “Mas Ting” a familiar greeting of the alumni, currently working as PIO lecturer at Universitas Atma Jaya Jakarta. The discussion in this session was the alumni who worked in various organizations, including the Army Psychology Service, the State Electricity Company (PLN), MAP, Nasmoco, and In this session, they emphasized the importance of Psychology students to always anticipate the rapid development of technology in the workforce. In addition, students of Psychology UGM must always develop various competencies such as communication, adaptability, and resilience, in order to be able to compete with alumni from campuses and other majors in the workplace.
The last session was “advanced study opportunity discussion with scholarships”, and presented Ratna Prabandari as a moderator. Ratna has received USAID scholarship and currently serves as head of the Scholarship Services Division of Education Fund Management (LPDP). In addition to sharing the experience of managing LPDP scholarships and tips for students who are interested in taking them, Ratna also invites alumni who have received scholarships for study in various countries, such as Australia, Germany, and the Netherlands. Scholarship recipients tell the grief of the scholarship selection process and study abroad, as well as the benefits they get.
The enthusiasm of participants in the sharing session is quite high, evidenced by the number of questions given by the participants to the time at the end of each session. To appreciate the active contribution of participants, alumni 98 provide a variety of interesting prizes for each participant who asks. Sharing session by alumni closed with photos with alumni, participants, and staff attending, followed by a feast and entertainment session and door prizes for alumni of ‘ 98.