Faculty of Psychology Won National Debate Competition

Team of Debate Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) attain the first champion in Olympiade Psychology National branch Debate Competition Psychology in Gunadarma University, Depok on 11-13 March 2019. This activity was held for honing critical thinking, increasing spirit, uphold sportsmanship, and increasing confidence. The taken big theme on this year is Surpass Yourself, with Leipzig concept: Learning Psychology with Amazing Goals. Team of Debate Psychology UGM which has members Almira Rahma, Sinta Kartika, dan Septika Chintya, student grade 2018, won the first champion after passing by 4 selection steps before has been on the final position. The competition so competitive caused the way to champion nervously. On the allowance stage, team of debate Psychology UGM competes with Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Bandung, Universitas Tarumanegara, and Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ). Team of Debate Psychology UGM won three matches, so can get the highest point on that chamber. That point delivered the UGM Psychology debate team to the next round, up to the final round. On the final round, debate team of Psychology UGM faced with UNJ’s team with the theme that related to self-actualization and financial success. On the final Session, UGM’s team won a debate with the point 5:0 “Debate competition give excellent influences for us, both as facilitation to hone critical thinking however increasing speaking ability and explaining view”, Sinta Said.
Tags: achievement