Acintya Ratna Priwati, S.Psi., M.A.

Minat Penelitian

Identitas sosial, diri (self), antarbudaya.

Acintya Ratna Priwati merupakan peneliti dan akademisi di bidang psikologi sosial dan perkembangan manusia. Acintya saat ini menempuh studi doktoral di Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale di Université Paris Cité, Prancis. Sebelumnya, ia menuntaskan pendidikan di tingkat sarjana dan magister di Fakultas Psikologi UGM dengan gelar Master of Arts (di bidang Psikologi Sosial) pada tahun 2018. Acintya saat ini sedang melakukan penelitian yang focus di identitas nasional dan memori. Selain itu, Acintya memiliki ketertarikan penelitian di bidang identitas sosial, diri (self), psikologi antarbudaya, hubungan interpersonal,dan psikologi siber. Sebagai tenaga pengajar, Acintya mengampu mata kuliah seperti Psikologi Sosial, Psikologi Komunikasi, Rentang Perkembangan Manusia, dan Asesmen Dasar.

Artikel Jurnal

Priwati, A., R. & Sanitioso, R., B. (2024). Exploring National Identity and Collective Memory across Cultures: Comparison of Indonesia and France. Frontiers in Political Science, 6:1233210. htpps://    

A’yuninnisa, R., A. Priwati, A., R, Marvianto, R., D. Hamsyah, F. & Faturochman. (2023). Unraveling the Work-Related Distress Profiles of Election Officers in Yogyakarta: Lessons Learned from the 2019 General Election. Jurnal Psikologi, 50 (3), 299-317.

Saptandari, E. W., Shabarina, Z. R. N., & Priwati, A. R. (2022). Online psychoeducation in the COVID-19 pandemic situation: an effort to improve mental health. Abdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang, 7 (1), 38-53.

Arista, R. Priwati, A., R. & Yunifa, P. (2021). The Sense of Community of Online Taxi Drivers. Psympathic: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, 8 (2), 307-324.

Priwati, A. R., Putri, A. K., Puri, V. G., Ayuningtya, A. A., Minza, W. M., & Yuniarti, K. W. (2021). Multiculturalism as a Mediator of Ethnic Identity and National Identity among Javanese Adolescents. Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia, 25(1), 108-115.

Priwati, A., R. & Helmi, A., F. (2021). The manifestation of digital literacy in social media among Indonesian youth. Humanitas, 18 (1). DOI:

Helmi, A., F. Widhiarso, W. Marvianto, R., D. Priwati, A., R. Mustari, A. & Artikasari, Y., V. (2020). The Fourth Dimensions of the Job-Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model of Work Engagement in Indonesian Context. Jurnal Psikologi 47 (3). DOI:

Helmi, A., F. Riasetiawan, M., Priwati, A., R. Rahma, I., R. Arlianto, Marvianto., R., D. & Shaleha, R., R. A. (2020). Hashtag War: 2019 Presidential Election Rhetoric in Indonesia. Humanitas 17 (2). DOI:

Helmi A., F. Widhiarso, W., Putri, A., K. Marvianto, R., D., & Priwati, A., R. (2019). A model of online trust among adolescents. International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning. DOI:

Editor Buku

Helmi, A., F. Rembulan, C., L. & Priwati, A., R. (2020). Riset-riset CyberpsychologyZahir Publishing

Bab Buku

Priwati, A., R. & Rahman, E. (2022). Kreasi di Media Sosial a la Milenial (Creations on Social Media a la Millennials). A chapter in Dari Milenial tentang Milenial (From Millennials about Millennials). W. M. Minza and A. Febriani (Eds.) (p. 1-28). Penerbit PT Kanisius

Priwati, A., R. (2020). Pelampung di Derasnya Informasi (The buoy in the torrent of information). A chapter in Riset-Riset Cyberpsychology (Cyberpsychology Research) A. F. Helmi, C. L. Rembulan and A. R. Priwati (Eds.) (p. 22-31). Zahir Publishing

Fadilla, A., F. Kamali, Y., & Priwati, A., R. (2017). Relational Model Theory, a chapter in Teori Psikologi Sosial Kontemporer. Depok: Raja Grafindo Persada


Priwati, A., R. (2013). Promoting Happiness, Health and Quality of Life: The Role of Psychology, Technology and Environmental Sciences, a chapter International Conference of Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology. Langkawi: Universiti Malaysia Perlis

National Identity from Youth Perspective2021Center for Indigenous and Cultural PsychologyResearcher
Indonesian Intergeneral on Memory and Identity Construction2020Center for Indigenous and Cultural PsychologyResearcher
Public Reaction about COVID-192020Center for Indigenous and Cultural PsychologyResearcher
Cyberbullying: Unveiling The Digital Landscape of Teenage Bullying in Indonesia2020Center for Digital Society and Center for Life-Span DevelopmentResearcher
Hashtag War: 2019 Presidential Election Rhetoric in Indonesia2019Faculty of Psychology UGMResearcher
Social identity on GO-CAR drivers in Yogyakarta2019Center for Indigenous and Cultural PsychologyResearcher
Multiculturalism, Ethnic Identity and National Identity among Ethnicities in Indonesia2019Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology and Indonesian Psychocultural ConsortiumResearcher
Study on Death of KPPS Members in Yogyakarta: Indonesian General Election 20192019Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and Faculty of Medicine UGMResearcher
  • The 33rd International Congress of Psychology, Prague (2024)
  • European Association of Social Psychology (EASP) Summer School, Košice (2024)
  • Journée des Doctorantes Indonésiennes, Paris (2024; 2023; 2021)
  • Society of Australasian Social Psychology (SASP) Summer School, Melbourne (2023)
  • Circle U. Sandpits, Louvain-la-Neuve (2022)
  • International Conference of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology, Yogyakarta (2019)
  • ASEAN Regional Union of Psychological Societies, Bali (2017)
  • International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama (2016)
  • Temu Ilmiah Nasional Ikatan Psikologi Sosial, Bandung (2016)
  • Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology, Langkawi (2012)
  • Prix Mahar Schützenberger, 2024
  • European Association of Social Psychology (EASP) Travel Grant, 2023
  • Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia, 2021