Technological advances are increasingly demanding everyone to be flexible in the face of challenges in this era. It is also the reason that the Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (CICP) Faculty of Psychology UGM facilitates Psychology students to know and understand big data, as well as its role in supporting research that cannot be released of academic responsibility as a student. The event was held on 30 April 2019 in Auditorium G-100, Faculty of Psychology UGM and took place in the afternoon until evening. The event namely “Big Data Workshop” was dominated by the students of the Masters and several students from S1. John Kartika Herdiyanto, S. Psi., M.A. is a speaker in this activity. He is a lecturer at Udayana University and Doctoral Program Student at the Faculty of Psychology at Gadjah Mada University.
As a humankind who live in the era of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution, where everything requires the Internet demands human being to revolutionize information. One of the most crucial roles in this era is the presence of all data or big data. The speaker illustrates that big data is a movement or initiative for organizations to retrieve, store, process and analyze previously-unavailable data where it is not possible or uneconomical to be retrieved, stored, processed, and analyzed.
As a Psychology’s student have been engaged in research, especially with a qualitative approach, the adjustment of data retrieval techniques with this approach is necessary. John also said since technology becomes an integral part of human work, many technology tools can be used. He referred to it as a qualitative new approach. He modeled observations can be done by looking at CCTV, attendance biometric, wearable data gadgets (watches, heartbeat, sleep time, steps, distance). While data retrieval with the help of poll can also be done online, researchers can utilize survey monkey or Google forms. Social Media can also be used as one of the tools in facilitating researchers such as data from Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and others. Based on data from the 2019 national survey, the Indonesian public media user indicators in Indonesia reached 24.34 million.
John also explained that big data has a lot of advantages as researchers got abundant data, things exist, and data is open access. But beside the advantages there are also weaknesses such as data completeness limitation, the existence of data irregularities, require other software to process the data that has been taken
At the end of the opportunity, John explained as long as the big data for example from Twitter was even used to influence public opinion so that it is often utilized by politicians or political parties. While the trending topics are always a barometer of public perception. This causes the “war” of opinions to be more free.
Once the overall submission of the material is completed, the speaker directs the participant to use one of the applications or programs that can help coding the data coming from the big data namely MAXQDA software.
MAXQDA can be one of the file storage programs grouping attributes or variable formats with data management then occurs coding processes, categorisation and credibility results. This process is also a common process for qualitative data analysis. Further MAXQDA can be directly used to obtain data from Twitter, YouTube and others. Then processed to be further categorized.