

Kuliah Online CPMH: Digital Parenting

Senin (26/4) Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH) Fakultas Psikologi mengadakan Kuliah Online dengan topik Digital Parenting yang diisi oleh Nurul Kusuma Hidayati, M.Psi., Psikolog dan Wirdatul Anisa, M.Psi., Psikolog. “Sebenarnya ini melanjutkan dari kuliah online sebelumnya yang membahas tentang anak, internet, dan gadget. Untuk sekarang kita coba angkat tentang digital parenting atau pengasuhan digital”, jelas Wirdatul di awal acara.

Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa pandemi saat ini memaksa keluarga untuk melek tentang teknologi dan digital. “Hal yang menarik adalah Kementerian P3A mengeluarkan tiga prinsip tentang pengasuhan di era digital”, ujar Nurul. Salah satu prinsip adalah tentang keseimbangan yang berkaitan dengan pendampingan psikologis. Beberapa orang tua dan dewasa merasa sudah melakukan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan pengasuhan digital, namun setelah itu pembiaran tetap terjadi. Pengasuhan digital tidak hanya sebatas dialog dan pemasangan fitur-fitur parenting control, namun tetap diperlukan pendampingan secara psikologis untuk anak berkaitan dengan teknologi maupun internet.

Selanjutnya, berbicara tentang pengasuhan tidak hanya tanggung jawab Ibu saja atau orang tua saja. Akan tetapi, pengasuhan juga menjadi tanggung jawab keluarga, termasuk paman, bibi, kakek, nenek, dan anggota orang dewasa lainnya yang berada di lingkungan tumbuh kembang seorang anak. Selain itu, hal lain yang juga ditekankan dalam pengasuhan digital berkaitan dengan kesadaran keluarga itu harus belajar bersama. “Tidak usah ada rasa malu, tidak usah merasa aku ketinggalan paling jauh atau malah merasa aku yang harus paling tahu”, jelas Nurul.

Pada akhir acara, Wirdatul menyampaikan bahwa pengasuhan anak memang harus disesuaikan dengan perkembangan zaman. “Komunikasi menjadi hal yang penting, namun penyampaiannya juga perlu disesuaikan dengan lingkungan dan zaman dimana anak itu tumbuh”. Usaha orang tua dan orang dewasa di sekitar anak untuk memahami tentang digital harapannya dapat membantu penyesuaian dalam proses pengasuhan.

Sementara Nurul menutup acara dengan menitikberatkan komunikasi, interaksi, kehangatan, dan keterbukaan yang muncul antar anggota keluarga. Hal-hal tersebut merupakan prinsip yang ada pada proses pengasuhan. Selain itu, panitia juga berharap semoga acara ini dapat menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan para orang tua dan orang dewasa tentang pengasuhan, terutama pengasuhan di era digital seperti saat ini.

Article Review: Addressing Various Challenges During WFH

Work From Home (WFH) that had been applied in Indonesia have various impact to the workers, such as the difficulties to differed the effective day and their day off.

On the online sharing session, called “COVID-19 and Worker’s Mental Health” that organized by Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH), Dr. Indrayanti, M.Si as a lecturer at the UGM Faculty of Psychology, explained the importance of managing work time and routines during WFH for workers. For example, determine the working space at home, dress neatly and make an agenda. Besides, communicating routines with family and the office is also important, in order to minimize conflicts that might occur.

Me time is also an important thing to do even outside of the pandemic situation. This is useful for releasing the tensions that exist in the mind, feelings and mental.

Another issue noted by Dr. Indrayanti, M.Sc., that it is important for workers to do self-acceptance or acceptance of the current situation. It is important to accept the situation and not deny it, because this is a fact and cannot be negotiated. Therefore, in order to bolster up WFH, workers need to prepare mental, physical, environmental and other supporting conditions such as a stable internet connection to stay focused during work.

Source: – mengatasi berbagai masalah yang dihadapi saat wfh

Faculty of Psychology UGM Share Through Discussion and Talkshow Activities in Mass Media

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the type of outdoor activity for society become more limited. Many institutions applied work from home policy, and school from home for students. This limitation aim to suppress the spreading of COVID-19, which potentially spread through direct physical contact. Some area in Indonesia enacted Large Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), for example DKI Jakarta.

According to the condition, Saturday, April 11, 2020, Prof. Dr. Faturochman, M.A as the Dean of Faculty of Psychology Gadjah Mada University became one of the speaker at dialog about PSBB in one of private television program. The dialog discussed about COVID-19 growth in Indonesia and how to suppress it. It is important for every element in government to educate people about COVID-19. In order to support the idea, public figure in society and religious leaders can play important role in order to apply PSBB effectively.

PSBB also have some side effects, such as limitation of social and physical movements in public. This condition could affect mental condition and cause psychological discomfort. According to the phenomenon, Prof. Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti, MMedSc., Ph.D. as The Third Vice Dean and Dr. Diana Setiyawati, M.HSc.Psy., Ph.D. as Chief in Center of Public Mental Health (CPMH) aslo became speakers on one of radio talkshow in Yogyakarta.

During the dialog, they have the opportunity to share their perspective about mental health and COVID-19. Besides, the listeners also able to interact with the speakers and discuss about the problem they faced during this pandemic. There are some highlighted problems from the listeners, those are economic problem, anxiety and feeling unproductive. They also curious about effective coping strategy to apply during this main time. We hope that public would be able to have broader perspective about mental health and know how to keep well during this pandemic.