Saturday, August 22, Faculty of Psychology UGM held online sharing session with alumni called Pengen Ngobrol. This event was a collaboration that organized by Faculty of Psychology and Office of Cooperation, International Affairs and Alumni (OCIA) Faculty of Psychology UGM, and already held for the second time.
Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2020, Fakultas Psikologi UGM kembali adakan acara sharing online dengan alumni yang bertajuk Pengen Ngobrol. Acara yang merupakan kolaborasi dengan Unit Kerjasama Hubungan Internasional dan Alumni Fakultas Psikologi (OCIA) ini merupakan seri kedua yang telah diselenggarakan.
Determining career path after graduation sometimes require deep consideration and needs a lot of process to go through as well. According to this, Saturday, August 8, 2020, OCIA or Office of Cooperation, International Affairs and Alumni Faculty of Psychology UGM held the first online event called Pengen Ngobrol, which basically intended for students and fresh graduates.
Menentukan tujuan karir setelah lulus terkadang bukan membutuhkan pertimbangan panjang, perlu banyak proses yang harus dilalui serta. Menjawab hal tersebut, Sabtu, 8 Agustus 2020, OCIA atau Unit Kerjasama Hubungan Internasional dan Alumni Fakultas Psikologi UGM menyelenggarakan acara sharing online perdana berjudul Pengen Ngobrol, yang utamanya diperunttukkan bagi mahasiswa dan fresh graduate.
Professional Psychologist Alumni Association once again held online sharing session on Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 1.00 – 3.30 PM. The theme that brought up at the session was The Role of Educational Psychologist in Various Areas.