Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (CICP)

At CICP we focus our research on a range of psychological topics which are relevant to the Indonesian people. Some of the research include national identity, social responses toward the pandemic, intergroup relations, and historical representations of past political events. Our research uses a variety of methods including case studies, surveys and analysis of social media and our team of researchers disseminate their work through seminars and both national and international journals.

Head of Unit: Prof. Dra. Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti, M.Med.Sc., Ph.D., Psikolog


Research Scope

Research conducted by CICP is divided into various clusters which involve undergraduate, master, and doctoral students. Below are lists of current research clusters in CICP:

  • Culture and Identity
  • Spirituality
  • Social relation
  • Youth and mobility
  • Political psychology
  • Disruption, change and behaviour
  • Mental health
  • Disability and inclusion


The research output will be channelized into several outputs:

  • Scientific articles published in nationally and internationally reputable journals.
  • Book or book chapter.
  • Policy recommendations either formally institutional or other popular media (popular articles).
  • Present the results at various national and international conferences.

Center for Life-Span Development (CLSD)

CLSD is one of the research centers at the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) aimed to facilitate research, community services, and publication activities within the field of human development across the life-span. CLSD was developed as an extension from the former Early Childhood Development Laboratory (Lab. PAUD 2013 – 2018), which activities were focused on early childhood development and education.

Head of Unit: Aisha Sekar Lazuardini Rachmanie, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog


Research Scope

We conduct research related to the aspects of human development from infancy to late adulthood, including the physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional aspects. Our ongoing research:

  • Self-esteem, loneliness, and psychological distress among celebrity worshippers: Celebrity worship phenomenon from psychological perspective
  • Moral development in Indonesia: A cultural perspective
  • Memory and executive function in infants: A screening method by mothers
  • Assessment of socio-emotional conditions of preschool and primary school students: Preparation for school transition from online to offline learning 

Community services

We conduct workshops, trainings, seminars, and courses with various themes related to human development. We work with diverse collaborators including academicians, researchers, practitioners, and government officials. In 2022, we developed a module for community service in life-span development, consisting of various themes: socio-emotional development in early childhood, early childhood socio-emotional learning (a guide for teachers and parents), smart-using gadgets for kids, internet-savvy millennial teens, and sex education for adolescents. We have been implementing the socio-emotional development module in a training for the cadres of early childhood services in villages.

Internship program

We provide internship opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students in our Faculty. Interns are involved in the Center’s activities including research and publications as well as community services. They are also encouraged to propose their own research or programs. In order to make our interns skillful and productive, we facilitate them with many kinds of training including training in organizing events, creating and editing videos, ethics in research, data analysis using SPSS, etc. We also have a 3-weekly CLSD Reader’s Club, where interns discuss recent research papers from top national and international journals. 

Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH)

CPMH was founded on January 30, 2010. CPMH is expected to function as a center of education and training center, a policy advocacy center, and services in the field of community mental health. To realize the vision through strategic missions, CPMH focuses on five domains of community mental health, such as individual-family and community, mental health in the context of social crises and disasters, mental health in the work environment, mental health in the school and education environment, and service systems and policies and community mental health development. Currently, CPMH focusing programs that emphasize research and development activities, education and training, policy advocacy, and community education.

Head of Unit: Diana Setiyawati, MHSc., Ph.D.


Highlighted events & activities

  1. Annual International Summer Course on Advocacy Skills in Mental Health System Development: From Research to Policy.
  2. Designing the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) of the National Mental Health System in collaboration with the National Development Planning Agency.
  3. Developing massive online open courses (MOOCs) on several topics: “Campus-based mental health”, “Mental health literacy”, “Psychological First Aid”, “Strong family”, and “Marriage psychology”.

Highlighted research

  1. Using collaborative visual research methods to understand experiences of mental illness, coercion and restraint in Ghana and Indonesia. Collaborative research with Middlesex University, University of Ghana & King’s College University.
  2. The impact of Covid-19 on people living with psychosocial disabilities in Ghana and Indonesia and priorities for inclusive recovery. Collaborative research with Middlesex University, University of Ghana & King’s College University.

  3. Mapping of Indonesian mental health problems. Collaborative research with Healthy Indonesia Partnership Foundation (YKIS), supported by UNICEF.