Saturday (6/11) Tenang Lapang Covid-19 Psychological Support center held a free webinar with the title “Take Care of Yourself, Take Care of Your Right and Left”. Tenang Lapang Covid-19 Psychological Support Center is a psychological consultation service for the general public affected by the Covid-19 pandemic initiated by the UGM Faculty of Psychology in collaboration with the Paguyuban Alumni Mapro UGM , and Keluarga Alumni Fakultas Psikologi (Kapsigama) UGM.
This event starts at 09.30 WIB and ends at 12.00 WIB. The event was attended by 100 participants from various backgrounds.
The speakers at this event are dr. Mulyaningrum, Sp. ENT-KL, doctor at Gatot Subroto Hospital Jakarta and Yulia Direzkia, S.Psi., M.Sc., Psychologist, health worker at the psychology clinic of the Aceh Mental Hospital, EMDR Europe Accredited Consultant. They presented material on respiratory and psychological health in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The initial session was opened by the presentation of the Tenang Lapang volunteer team, represented by Toetik Septriasih M.Psi., Psikolog. In her presentation, Toetik explained about the current condition of the Tenang Lapang program which has been running since 14 August.
Furthermore, the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology UGM Rahmat Hidayat, S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D. also gave full support to the Quiet Field program. In his presentation, Rahmat appreciated the spirit and dedication of the volunteer team, psychologists, administrators and all parties who are members of the Tenang Lapang.
In the first presentation, dr. Mulyaningrum explained a lot about the SARS-COV2 virus which belongs to the large family of coronaviruses. According to dr. Mulyaningrum Covid-19 symptoms are similar to SARS. The difference is that the SARS death rate from the total number of cases was 9.6%, higher than Covid-19 (less than 5%), although the total number of Covid-19 cases was more than SARS. Covid has also spread more widely to several countries than SARS.
Next dr. Mulyaningrum also explained how to maintain a healthy nose. According to dr. Mulyaningrum nose should not be dry because it can cause disturbed nasal innervation. At the end of his presentation dr. Mulyaningrum also explained how to clean the nose by washing the nose.
The second speaker, Yulia, gave a presentation entitled Psychological First Aid (PFA). In her presentation, Yulia discussed a lot about the crisis conditions experienced by humans so that they experienced stress. Yulia describes the phases of increasing stress in normal levels, gradually rising to the peak, namely toxic stress.
“The stress turned out to be growing. Not then after stress if we don’t handle it he will be fine. No. Stress must be overcome. Because if he was initially under normal stress, then when there was another trigger or another crisis situation, he could become traumatic stress,” explained Yulia.
In the final session, Yulia explained about Psychological First Aid, namely skills to prevent trauma. Psychological First Aid is a short way to provide psychological support for individuals, families, and communities after a crisis that involves active listening skills and personal interaction.