Konferensi Nasional Peneliti Muda (Young Researchers National Conference) is an annual program held by Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Hamka’s Faculty of Psychology in Jakarta. The third conference is held on April 6-7, 2018, in UHAMKA’s Kebayoran Baru Campus. The delegate from UGM is Ramadhan Dwi Marvianto, a psychology student from Year 2014. Ramadhan was awarded as Peneliti Muda Terbaik (Best Young Researcher) in the conference for his research topic that utilized local culture and also for his systematic, empirical, and coherent presentation of the research results.
The theme of the conference was “Political Branding Generasi Milenial (Millennial Generation’s Political Branding)”. This event started with the opening of the conference, followed with a national seminar about political branding, and ended with the research result presentation for each research theme. The presentation themes were Career & Organization, Cyber Psychology, Positive Psychology, Emotion & Well-Being, Family & Parenting, Religiosity, Relationships, Political Psychology, and Educational Psychology. In this conference, Ramadhan presented his research in the theme of Career & Organization. His research was titled “Peran Kepemimpinan berbasis Budaya Jawa Astha Brata dan Achievement Motivation terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior pada Siswa Sekolah Menegah Atas (The Role of Leadership Based on Astha Brata Javanese Culture and Achievement Motivation towards Organizational Citizenship Behavior of High School Students)”. His research aimed to show how big of a role Javanese culture-based leadership and achievement motivation have in the relationship with the behavior of high school students who are active and in spirit with the organizations they are a part of.
This event was a positive medium for students to actualize themselves and their potentials in research and also for them to build connections and relations with others. Congratulations Ramadhan, and for the students reading this article, remember that we will always encourage you to aim high and work on issues you are passionate about, just like Ramadhan did. Go out there and show yourself to the world!