UGM Psychology Passes 57 Graduates

The Faculty of Psychology in Universitas Gadjah Mada passed 57 students as graduates in the fourth graduation ceremony of the 2016/2017 academic year. There were 14 male graduates and 15 female graduates. The passing ceremony took place in the faculty’s auditorium after the university-level graduation ceremony in Grha Sabha Pramana (8/23/2017).

Twenty-seven of those students, Ayuning Galuh Resmi, Nurlintang Fitri Listya Astika, Inggriani Leila Roosi, Safira Tiara Dewi, Ummaimah Insyirah Tahali, Ayu Novita Dwi Aryani, Masitha Hanum Utomo, Razkia Laras Abadani, Zahra Frida Intani, Smita Dinakaramani, Fadiah Awanis, Sharfina Kumala Dewi Yusuf, Gabriela Desy Kusumawardani, Aulia Nur Savitri, Hana Naufalinda Afifah, Maria Stephanie Gunandar, Sadida Fatin Aruni, Novanda Fatih Hardanti, Belladina Nadyarinda Raharja, Mikael Reno Prasasto, Firma Agus Tina, Alya Fauziyyah, Meyrantika Maharani, Akhmad Kurniawan, Ainurizan Ridho Rahmatulloh, Happy Virgina Puspa Nirmala, and Diajeng Anindhitya Dwianjani graduated cum laude.

In this graduation, Alya Fauziyyah graduated with a 3.82 GPA, the highest of them all. Firma Agus Tina graduated with the shortest study period, graduating after 3 years 7 months and 25 days. This graduation, Fadiah Awanis, graduating at the age of 21 years 2 months and 30 days old, was the youngest graduate in all of UGM.

Congratulations, may the odds be ever in your favor!