UGM Psychology Passes 55 Graduates

Universitas Gadjah Mada Faculty of Psychology passed 55 graduates in the recent graduation ceremony, held on 16 November 2016. The number comprised 16 male and 39 female graduates. The ceremony took place in the faculty auditorium and was held subsequently after the university-wide ceremony at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM.

18 graduates earned the cum laude distinction. Their names and GPA are as follows: Susana Nur Kusumaningsih (IPK 3.87), Nurul Aisya Beryllia (IPK 3.73), Kamila Sekar Arum (IPK 3.67), Try Nanutomo Putro (IPK 3.67), Rossy Ana Pratiwi (IPK 3.67), Nur Istikhomah (IPK 3.67), Melia Silmina (IPK 3.65), Ni Luh Putu Ayu Swandewi (IPK 3.63), Pitaloka Husnul Khotimah (IPK 3.63), Nisrina Putri Utami (IPK 3.59), Hindra Afri Kartiko (IPK 3.58), Dara Nurfitri (IPK 3.57), Novita Ambarita (IPK 3.57), Asep Amin Koswara (IPK 3.54), Miftah Faizah (IPK 3.53), Ali Araafi Akbar (IPK 3.52), Cindi Meidiana Gustia (IPK 3.51), Lucia Thesandhira (IPK 3.51).

The honor for Highest Grade Point Average was awarded to Susana Nur Kusumaningsih, with 3.87 GPA. The graduate with the shortest study period in this graduation period was Ali Araafi Akbar, who completed his study within 3 years 8 months and 19 days. Next, Miftah Faizah was notable in that she was the youngest among the graduates. She was 21 years 6 months and 22 days old when she earned her bachelor degree in psychology (S. Psi).

Congratulations and good luck!