UGM Psychology held a seminar titled “Smart People, Smart Schools, and Smart City: Mempersiapkan Generasi Cerdas di Era Digital di Sekolah (Smart People, Smart Schools, and Smart City: Preparing a Smart Generation in the Digital Era in Schools)”. This seminar took place on Friday, April 6, 2018 at 08.30 a.m. until 11.30 a.m. in G-100 Auditorium. In this seminar, 107 principals of junior high schools in Sleman became part of the audience. This seminar was held from the initiative of the research team led by Dr. Neila Ramdhani, M. Si., M. Ed.
This seminar was held as a response to the advances of digital technology in developing children’s education. As explained in the seminar’s term of reference, “The internet has ben an inseparable part of Indonesian children and teenagers’ daily lives, and therefore efforts to increase awareness, knowledge, and skills are needed, especially regarding internet safety.”
From the seminar’s term of reference, there are three aims of the seminar. The first aim is to increase school principals’ concern about the importance of Internet literacy in schools as a preventive measure for the negative impacts of Internet use. The second aim is to increase the capacity of responsibility of schools in developing programs oriented to the smart use of Internet through the role of the principals. Lastly, the seminar aims to increase the knowledge and principals’ intentions to do real action in Internet literacy education according to the notion of ‘smart schools’.
The event started with an opening speech from the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology. The Head of Sleman’s Education Department also gave a few words. After that, the speaker of the seminar gave the materials. The first material, titled Smart City: Konsep dan Keterkaitannya dengan Dunia Pendidikan (Smart City: Concept and Relation to Education)”. Dr. Neila Ramdhani, M. Si. M. Ed presented the second topic. Dr. Neila presented the material titled Smart People for Smart Schools: Urgensi Menyiapkan Agen Perubahan di Sekolah untuk Mendidik Generasi Cerdas Milenial (Smart People for Smart Schools: The Urgency of Preparing Change Agents in Schools to Educate a Smart Millennial Generation).
After all of the materials were delivered, the moderator led a Q & A for 30 minutes. There were a few principals who asked questions. Then, the research team conducted their presentation. They presented a demo of ‘smart application’. After that, there was also a participant selection for research. This seminar ended at 11.30 a.m., closed by the MC. [Excel]