UGM Psychology and Middlesex University are Using Innovative Art for Mental Health Research

Mental health literacy in communities is a component that can’t be separated from the construction of a comprehensive mental health system. Unfortunately, stigma towards mental illness survivors and things around that continue to become barriers for a good mental health system here in Indonesia. An appealing new method should be considered to increase mental health literacy and erase stigma towards people with mental disorders. One method that can be used is through research based on innovative art.

In 2019, UGM Psychology through its CPMH (Center for Public Mental Health) will work with Middlesex University from England in conducting research on mental health. This collaboration was initiated by Dr. Erminia Colucci, a senior lecturer from Middlesex University, who was awarded £1 million from Global Challenges Research Fund. The funding was given by the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) and AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council). The people involved in this research are Dr. Colucci, Dr. Diana Setiyawati (UGM Psychology), Dr. Ursula Read (King’s College London), and Dr. Joseph Osafo (Ghana University).

This research will use some creative methods, such as the making of a participative film and a theater play. Dr. Colucci will act as the primary investigator. The research will be titled “Menggunakan Metode Penelitian Visual Kolaboratif untuk Memahami Pengalaman Penyakit Mental, Pemaksaan dan Pemasungan di Ghana dan Indonesia (Using Collaborative Visual Research Method to Understand Mental Illness Experience, Coercion, and Shackling in Ghana and Indonesia).” This research, using its art methods, is expected to increase mental health literacy and erase stigma towards mental illness survivors, as well as abolishing the practice of shackling that sadly is still something that happens to mental illness survivors in many countries.

Pada penelitian yang menggunakan beberapa metode kreatif seperti pembuatan film partisipatif maupun pertunjukan teater ini, Dr. Colucci bertindak sebagai investigator utama. Dengan judul “”, penelitian ini dikembangkan dari riset sebelumnya mengenai praktik pasung di Indonesia. Penelitian dengan metode kesenian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan literasi kesehatan mental dan mengurangi stigma terhadap penyintas gangguan jiwa, bahkan bisa mengurangi praktik pasung yang masih lazim diberikan kepada para penyintas gangguan jiwa di berbagai negara.