Saturday (27/3) Kapsigama in collaboration with OCIA (Office of Cooperation, International Affairs, and Alumni) of the Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University and the Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University held an event entitled Psychologists to Enter School “Secret Motivating Students: Psychological Perspectives”. This event reviews how to motivate students in learning based on educational psychology theories.
The event took place from 09.00 WIB to 11.45 WIB. Participants of this event are teachers and educators to school principals from primary, secondary, to upper levels. They come from schools in various regions in Indonesia.
The event was preceded by a few opening speech. The first opening speech from the Head of Kapsigama Prabaswara Dewi S.Psi., Psychologist. Then the second opening speech was delivered by the Head of Professional Master Program, Faculty of Psychology UGM, Dr. Sumaryono, M.Si. Furthermore, the third opeing speech were delivered by the Director of Professional Education and Development of Teachers and Education Personnel (P3GTK), Dr. Praptono, M. Ed., Also opened this event.
The speakers at this event were Dr. Yuli Fajar Susetyo, M.Sc., Psychologist, lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology UGM who is an expert in Educational Psychology. Apart from being a lecturer, he is also known as a trainer and motivator in the field of education. Yuli has also written several books on education and motivation.
In this event, Yuli explained material about how to motivate students to learn from a psychological perspective. Before explaining the strategies regarding motivation, Yuli asked the participants to first understand the students they face in their daily profession as a teacher.
Yuli emphasized that there are no shortcuts in understanding students. Every student is unique with a variety of potential in it. That’s why Yuli doesn’t give ready-to-use practical tips for dealing with students. On the other hand, Yuli invites teachers to comprehend the theoretical basis of children’s motivation in learning comprehensively.
“The purpose of our meeting is that we try to make a common understanding of important things that we must understand, then ladies and gentlemen will construct themselves how to apply them in school,” Yuli explained.
Yuli explained that before motivating students, teachers are invited to understand themselves whether they are motivated in teaching. This is important because one’s own condition greatly affects the teacher’s performance in dealing with students. In addition, the teacher will also be a model for students in motivating themselves in the learning process. The persistence of the teacher will inspire his students.
“If viewed broadly, it is not only talking about motivation for high achievement, but more broadly than that we will inspire them so that they have the motivation to become big, contributing people. Then become a person who never falls just because of a small problem,” said Yuli.
In his presentation on motivation, Yuli provides many basic educational theories such as multiple intelligence, self-fulfilling prophecy, self-efficacy, self-worth theory, social cognitive theory and so on. Everything is explained in detail and linked to case examples in everyday life so that participants can understand it more easily. However, Yuli also explained that in motivating children’s learning, teachers must still pay attention to the aspects of children’s welfare and happiness.
The event took place smoothly and interactively. Participants enthusiastically asked questions about good and correct motivation from a psychological point of view. The committee of the event hopes that the holding of this event can encourage teachers and educators who attend this event to gain insight into the theory of motivation and can apply it to their students according to their character and needs.