Wednesday (28/7) to Friday (30/7) the Doctoral Program of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology UGM held the SGPC event which stands for the Sarasehan Guyub Promovendus Club. This event is a meeting place for the Promovendus Club family, namely the old and new students of the UGM Psychology Doctoral Study Program.
The SGPC event takes place in two sessions in one day. The first session took place at 09.00 WIB until 11.00 WIB, while the second session took place at 13.00 WIB until 15.00 WIB. Especially on the last day there was only one morning session.
Each session is divided into three parallel classes. Each parallel class is filled with two presenters who present their research process. Each participant is free to choose the class he is interested in to attend presentations and discussion sessions.
The event was opened by the Head of the UGM Psychology Doctoral Study Program, Rahmat Hidayat, S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D. In his opening remarks, Rahmat recounted the beginning of the idea of creating a routine event for Promovendus Club members since 2015, namely SGPC.
“This Guyub Promovendus Club meeting is an opportunity or forum for us to gather, exchange ideas, exchange ideas with a friendly atmosphere, relax in a forum for the Promovendus Club, which is a club for our students and doctoral candidates,” explained Rahmat.
Through the SGPC event, doctoral students have the opportunity to present their research proposals and get input from reviewers, both alumni, previous batches, and non-promoter lecturers.
The event is held in parallel in each session so that participants can choose the class to be followed according to their interests. This event also invites students from S2 and S1 study programs, intended to share, enrich the realm of knowledge, and sharpen research interests.
The SGPC event committee said that the event went smoothly. The committee also plans to hold the SGPG again in August with a special presenter for new UGM Psychology Doctoral students batch 2021.