(23/9) Human Resource Quality Improvement Institute (UPKM) Faculty of Psychology Gadjah Mada University held the sixth Post COVID Quality of Work Life Seminar Series online. The event was organize trough Zoom Meeting and also broadcasted live from UPKM Psikologi UGM Youtube channel.
The topic of discussion was about Reconcile with Politics in The Current Organization, and it was delivereb by Chiefy Adi Kusmargono, S.Psi., M.Sc, CEO of PT. Indonesian Maritime and Logistics Education who is also an alumni from Faculty of Psychology UGM.
The event was opened with a speech from Prof. Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti, MMedSc., Ph.D. Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, and Partnership. Afterwards, the session continued with presentation from the speakers.
In his presentation Chiefy Adi Kusmargono, S.Psi., M.Sc said “Office politics will not bring progress and benefit within the organization”. Sometimes politics can even occur in campus or student organization level, for example the selection of committee members is based on closeness to certain people, whereas primarily in choosing members it is necessary to prioritize the competence. Besides, he also conveyed about several causes of office politics, which are performance, environment, resources, trust and goals. For example, distrust of the employees and desire or ambition to achieve power can become one or two causes.
However from the leader’s point of view, office politics can be resolved in several ways, including communicating with the parties involved in the conflict, confronting or discussing the causes of the problem and being cooperative in order to find solution.
At the end of the event, the session was closed with discussion between participants and the speaker that guided by the moderator. This seminar was attended by 100 participants from partners, UGM students and general public.