Wednesday (25/8) to Friday (28/8) the UGM Psychology Doctoral Study Program held Sarasehan Guyub Promovendus Club (SGPC): Speciap Edition. This event is a meeting place for students of the UGM Psychology Doctoral Study Program to present and discuss research that will be, is being, or has been done. This special edition features students from the class of 2021 who present their research proposal plans.
The entire event consisted of six sessions divided into three days. On the first and second days, the first session took place at 13.00 WIB to 15.00 WIB and continued with the second session at 15.30 WIB until 17.30 WIB. On the third day the event started early. The first session took place at 09.00 WIB to 11.00 WIB and continued with the second session at 13.00 to 15.00 WIB.
The event was attended by students of the UGM Psychology Doctoral Study Program class of 2021 and some of the Psychology Masters and Professional Masters students. Also present were several promoter lecturers, co-promoter lecturers, and also several retired lecturers who also provided input to the presenters.
There were a total of 14 presenters who gave presentations in this event. The presenters take turns presenting the research design plan that will be implemented. They have diverse interests and research themes but are still within the scope of psychology.
After presenting their research plans, the reviewers from the Doctor of Psychology students took turns giving reviews, comments, suggestions and criticisms to the presenters. The presenters also received input from the promoter lecturers and co-promoters of their research. Other participants were also given the opportunity to ask questions and provide input.
Some presenters are already steady with their research titles, but some are still in the refinement stage. The following are the names of the presenters as well as the titles of the thesis plans presented:
Sheilla Varadila Peristianto (Raos Rumangsa Concept in Schizophrenia Families); Amalia Rahmadani (Growth After Experience of Complex Childhood Trauma in Emerging Adult Age Students); Wresti Wrediningsih (Student Welfare: Concepts and Models of School-Based Interventions); Lusi Nur Ardhiani (Self Harm to Indonesian Students), Dian Fakhrunnisak (Predictor of Mental Health in Indonesia); Haiyun Nisa (Application of Therapeutic Jurisprudence in Divorce Cases to Realize Women’s Welfare); Nevi Kurnia Arianti (Effective Contribution of the Work of Non-Governmental Institutions in Psychosocial Sector to Public Policy: Case Study of Disaster Areas); Fadilah (Mobile Game-Based Assessment Framework Model in the Measurement of Psychological Aspects); Medianta Tarigan (Situational Judgment Test (SJT) for Personality Assessment with Cognitive Diagnosis Model (CDM) Method); Radhiya Bustan (Islamic Counseling through the Riyadhah Approach and Al Ghazali’s Mujahadah Perspective on Marriage Problems), Asmulyani Asri (Integration Model of Subordinates’ Trust to Superiors in Organizations), Nurafni Indahari Arifin (Differences in Occupational Wellbeing Models for Civil Servants and Private Employees in Makassar City); Brigita Erlita Tri Anggadewi (Childhood Trauma to Children with Special Needs); Rr. Diyah Woro Dwi Lestari (Psychosocial Factors in Beta Major Thalassemia Patients: Designing a Comprehensive Treatment Model for Adolescents and Adults with Beta Thalassemia Major).
The event went very smoothly. Discussions between presenters, reviewers, and event participants were warm and inspiring. It can give rise to new ideas for further research in the future.