Wednesday (23/02) Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada held the Release of Period II Graduates/Graduates of the Academic Year 2021/2022 for the Undergraduate Program and the International Undergraduate Program. This event was attended by 43 undergraduate students and 4 students from the International Undergraduate Program, so the total number of graduates for the period II Academic Year 2021/2022 was 47 students.
In the Undergraduate Program, the highest-Grade Point Average was achieved by Ivana Nur Intishar and Triyuni Lestari, which was 3.87 while achieving cum laude predicate. Meanwhile, Ivana Nur Intishar achieved the fastest study period, which was 3 years 3 months 11 days. Ivana was also the representative of the graduates who gave a speech at this release. “Friends, I believe that today not only we are happy, but look at our parents who support them with prayers and all their hard work,” said Ivana.
For the International Undergraduate Program, the highest Academic Achievement Index was achieved by Nadya Fahayyindina, which was 3.90 and won the cum laude predicate. In addition, Setiawati Dwi Saputri achieved the fastest study period with a study period of 3 years 5 months 6 days.
The Faculty of Psychology also gives awards to students who excel, both in academics and student affairs. There are 26 students who excel in academic activities with cum laude predicate, and 10 students, namely Almira Devi Zaafarno, Joshua Aljamo Christ Prasetya, Ariyana Chandra Dewi, Neng Wita Juwita Agustin, Wisnu Yogi Pradhana, Ikana Naifah Tahara Asirwada, Tetria Yuningtyas Maysarah, Monica Giovani Hadi Susanto, Meutia Rifqy Wibowo, and Kairania Qalbi who excel in student activities
The graduation ceremony was filled with remarks from representatives of parents, namely Willy Kasim who is the parent of Triyuni Lestari. Through his remarks, Willy hopes that the Faculty of Psychology UGM will continue to contribute to producing quality individuals and excellent human resources who are responsive to change.
In addition, a speech was also given by the Chairperson of the Gadjah Mada Psychology Alumni Family (KAPSIGAMA) Prabaswara Dewi, S.Psi., Psychologist. who advised the graduates to take care of their classmates. Another thing was also conveyed by Rahmat Hidayat, S.Psi., MSc., Ph.D., as the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada through his speech, that in essence life is full of struggles. “With this foundation of gratitude, InshaaAllah, greater blessings, higher successes, and truer victories will be yours,” hoped Rahmat.