The Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada successfully held a graduation ceremony for masters graduates (19/04/2016). A total of 13 psychology masters graduates and 19 psychologists from the masters profession program. Until now, the total amount of psychology masters graduates from the Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada is 2,244 graduates.
The Psychology masters profession program awarded Ardian Praptomojati as the gradute with the highest GPA of 3,96 as well as the predicate of cumlaude. Other graduates awarded the predicate of cumlaude are Pauline Pinkan Pantauw (GPD 3,88), Deisi Daningratri (GPA 3,86), Meydisa Utami Tanau (GPA 3,84), Clara Lukitasari Wibowo (GPA 3,80), Monika Windriya Satyajati (GPA 3,80). While gradutes with the predicate of very satisfactory are 11 people and 2 people graduated with the predicate satisfactory. The shortest period of study of 2 years and 4 months were achieved by Ardian Praptomojati, Deisi Daningratri, Iyulen Pebry Zuanny and Rezka Masturah.
Meanwhile the Psychology Masters Science Program awarded Muharrimah Khaira as the graduate with the highest GPA of 3,79 as well as the predicate of cumlaude. The predicate of cumlaude was also awarded to Sofia Nuryanti (GPA 3,76). Meanwhile, the amount of graduates with the predicate of very satisfactory were 9 people and 2 people graduted with satisfactory. The shortest period of study of 1 year and 7 months was achieved by Sofia Nuryanti.
The Faculty of Psychology also awarded Ni Wayan Primanovenda Wijayaptri and Safiruddin Al Baqi as gradutes with the best thesis publication. Ni Wayan’s thesis was titled ‘Application Of Picture Communication Systems (PECS) To Improve Functional Communication In Adolescence With Autism’ under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Amitya Kumara, MS., Psikolog. Meanwhile, Baqi’s thesis was titled ‘Strategi Pengelolaan Marah dan Ekspresi Emosi Marah Pada Orang Jawa (Temper Management Strategy and the Expression of Anger Emotion for Javanese ’ under the supervision of Dr. Nuryati Atamimi, S.U., Psikolog.