Saturday (21/8) The Launching & Webinar Program “Tenang Lapang: Covid 19 Psychological Support Center” was successfully held online. This event is the inauguration of a free psychological support and counseling service program with an online platform during the pandemic which was initiated by the UGM Faculty of Psychology, Kapsigama (Alumni Families of the Faculty of Psychology UGM), and PAMPsi (UGM Profession Alumni Association).
The event, which was attended by 210 participants from various circles, was opened with remarks from Prof. Dr. Faturochman, MA, dean of the Faculty of Psychology UGM. Also giving a speech at this event the Governor of Central Java and General Chairperson of Kapsigama, Ganjar Pranowo, SH, M.IP. Ganjar fully supports the Quiet Field program so that it can be accepted by the general public. Not to forget the Chairperson of Kapsigama, Prabaswara Dewi, S.Psi, a Psychologist and the Chairperson of PAMPsi, Mediantara Tarigan, M.Psi., a psychologist representing their respective organizations who also gave a speech at this event.
The first speaker at this event was dr. Riris Andono Ahmad MD, MPH, PhD, Epidemiologist FK-KMK UGM. With his presentation entitled “How to Prepare the Impact of a Long Pandemic,” Riris explained comprehensively how the COVID-19 pandemic process occurred from an epidemiological point of view. With this, it is hoped that it will provide an understanding of new lifestyles and health protocols that must be adhered to as a consequence of being able to coexist with COVID-19 and adapt to the pandemic.
Pandemic control is greatly influenced by how well the 5M and 3T are implemented in the community. In addition, the availability of vaccines also greatly determines the control of the pandemic in a place.
“The problem then has to do with, one, the ability of vaccines to protect, and secondly our ability to be able to vaccinate billions of people in the world. So it has something to do with achieving the world’s herd immunity target,” explained Riris.
Furthermore, in the second session filled by Dr. Nurlaila Effendy, M.Si, Head of the Indonesian Positive Psychology Association (AP2I) Kapsigama gave a presentation entitled “How to Manage the Virulent World.” Nurlaila invited event participants to be able to interpret this pandemic period with a positive perspective. Nurlaila also provides practical tips that can be done by everyone to be able to maximize all their potential so that they can stay psychologically healthy during the pandemic.
In her presentation, Nurlaila also introduced the term growth mindset as opposed to fixed mindset. With a growth mindset, humans are expected to always carry out self-development by doing introspection of the mistakes and failures they experience. To enter into the growth mindset, humans need to have the capital, namely the strength mindset as opposed to the deficit mindset.
“Parenting in Indonesia and mostly in education, we use a deficit mindset pattern. So what we see is half of human functions,” explained Nurlaila while pointing out that the other half of the functions, namely the strength mindset, is also very important to identify. Strength mindset contains human strengths and potential that can be used as a basis for growth.
The event closed with a question and answer session. Both speakers had the same message, namely how we can adapt to change, make peace with the pandemic, and have the resilience to face whatever happens.