Latest Developments in Psychometric Research

The UGM Psychology Doctoral Program for five days (22-26 / 03) held an Intensive Course “Latest Developments in Psychometric Research”. The event which was attended by 89 participants was opened by Rahmat Hidayat, S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D as the Head of the Psychological Science Doctoral Study Program. Through his remarks, Rahmat said that the presence of participants from various educational and institutional backgrounds is expected to generate an exchange of thoughts, inspiration, insights and knowledge.

The first day of this course is filled by Dr. Rachmawati, M.Ed. at 08.00 WIB. Rachmawati delivered material with the theme “Technology Implementation in National Assessment”. Through this theme, Rachmawati explained that the world of psychometrics, which is considered very rigid, special, and specific, has now begun to be used in an extraordinary way, “The time has come in Indonesia, data is available, technology is available, its use is critical and urgent. So, ladies and gentlemen who are currently studying in the field of psychometrics have a channel to do research and work, “said Rahcmawati.

In the second session, which was filled by Agung Santoso, Ph.D, which started at 13.00 WIB. Agung delivered a material presentation entitled “Longitudinal Item Response Model”. Agung said that, “Usually when people talk about theories in the physical sciences, usually the theory has been proven, then it has been established which is supported by a lot of research. While it is a response item, it is more similar to a model. Model for describing complexity-reality ”.

Then the second day, started by Whisnu Yudiana, S.Psi., M.Psi with the topic “Test Equating: Not Only Gender, Tests Must Also Be Equal” which started at 10.15 WIB. In the next session, Sukaesi Marianti, M.Sc., Ph.D. & Wahyu Widhiarso, S.Psi., M.A. The event which started at 13.00 WIB with the topic “Person Fit: Sometimes What Is Wrong is not a Item, People Can Also Be Wrong”.

Then, the third day was filled again by Wahyu Widhiarso, S.Psi., M.A with the topic “Rasch Mixture Model: Rasch Model Now Has a Mix”. “It is called a mixture because the analysis is mixed with latent rasch,” said Wahyu. The purpose of Rasch’s analysis is to identify the psychometric properties of measuring instruments at the item, test and person levels, as well as to estimate item parameters and individual abilities / traits. Besides Wahyu, the event on the third day was also filled with Kartianom, S.Pd., M.Pd, who delivered material on “Cognitive Diagnostic Modeling: Do Students Know the Material Exactly?”. According to Kartianom, the accuracy of students knowing the material is used to monitor and improve the quality of Indonesian education which is correlated with improving the quality of learning. “How to place students in the context of a known and unknown”, explained Kartianom.

On the fourth day, the event was filled with two speakers, namely Muhammad Dwi Rifqi Kharisma Putra, S.Psi., M.Sc with the topic “Formerly Factor Analysis, Now Knowing Item Factor Analysis” and Sukaesi Marianti, M.Sc., Ph.D with the topic “Response Time in Measurement: Time also provides valuable information”.

Finally, on the fifth day, the event was filled by Adiyo Roebianto, S.Psi., M.Si at 08.00 with the topic “Test Scoring: A Little Escape from the Sum Score Hegemony”. Meanwhile, at the closing ceremony, it was filled by Prof. Dra. Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti, M.Med.Sc., Ph.D with the topic “Cultural and Linguistic Validation in Adaptation of Test Equipment”.

The intensive course “Latest Developments in Psychometric Research” is the second package, after two weeks earlier the Psychological Science Doctoral Study Program held an intensive course “Recent Developments in Clinical Psychological Research”. The purpose of holding this event is as a form of implementing the 2020 curriculum which is more based on research learning. Therefore, structured learning packages are designed to be more flexible in the form of intensive course packages.