Still in the series of celebrations for the 57th Anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology, UGM Faculty of Psychology held Psychology Week on the last day on Friday (7/1). The event on the last day was also held in two methods, not only online but also offline. The event on the last day of Psychology Week starts at 08.00 WIB and is filled with agendas from the Career Centre of the Faculty of Psychology UGM.
Career Centre is one of the units in the Faculty of Psychology UGM. “The Career Centre compared to other units is the youngest and newest unit and has the vision of preparing graduates of the Faculty of Psychology UGM who have career competencies, have a global perspective, and are able to contribute to the progress of the nation,” explained Lu’luatul Chizanah, S.Psi., M.A.
Then at 10.00, it was followed by an event from the Centre for Life-Span Development (CLSD). The event presented by CLSD was related to the “Showcase of Infant Memory and Executive Skills Development Module: A Screening by Mothers”. To check memory and executive skills in infants can be done using a variety of games, such as A instead of B, heading the box, moving objects, and stepping on a rubber game.
Then the event was continued by the Psychological Consultation Unit (UKP) which presented a showcase at 13.00. The showcase event organized by UKP brought up the topic of UKP Synergizing UKP Sharing: “Embracing Children’s Emotions”. The purpose of embracing children’s emotions is not to make children feel happy when they are sad or to eliminate the sadness felt by children, but the purpose of embracing children’s emotions is to allow children to feel each emotion safely.
At 15.00 the event was continued with the Book Launching of the Academic Community of the Faculty of Psychology UGM. The event was delivered by Prof. Dr. Tina Afiatin, M.Sc., and Lu’luatul Chizanah, S.Psi., M.A as editors. The event was also continued with the 2021 Outstanding Student Thanksgiving Night offline which started at 19.00 WIB. The event was the closing of the Psychology Week series as a celebration of the 57th Anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology UGM.