

Using Visual Methods in Qualitative Research

Monday (31/1) Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH) Faculty of Psychology UGM held an online webinar with the title “Using Visual Methods in Qualitative Research: Examples from Research on Youth Substance Addiction in Assam”. This event is a dissemination of the results of the research project The Big Picture which moves to examine the resilience of adolescents to addictive substances in Assam, India. read more

CPMH’s Online Lecture: Brain and Mental Disorders

Wednesday (28/1) Center for Public Mental Health, Faculty of Psychology UGM held an Online Lecture with the topic “Brain and Mental Disorders”. The event at 13.00 WIB was delivered by Dr. Diana Setyawati, MHSc., Psy as resource persons. Held online via Zoom, this event was attended by various groups of participants, such as students, lecturers, and practitioners. read more

Big Data Training for Doctoral Students

Thursday (27/1) and Friday (28/1) the Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (CICP) in collaboration with the UGM Psychology Doctoral Study Program held a webinar with the title “Big Data Training for Doctoral Students”. This event discusses the application of data collection and analysis techniques from social media in research in the field of psychology. This event is specifically for students of the UGM Psychology Doctoral Study Program. read more

Faculty of Psychology UGM Graduated 27 Psychologists, 6 Scientists, and 2 Doctors

Wednesday (26/1) UGM Faculty of Psychology held the Release of Graduates/Graduates and Psychologist Oath Taking Period II Academic Year 2021/2022 for the Postgraduate Program. This event was attended by 37 graduate students of Master of Psychology, Master of Professional Psychology, and Doctor of Psychology. The graduates who took part in this period consisted of 29 students from the Master of Professional Psychology Program, 6 students from the Masters Program in Psychology, and 2 students from the Doctoral Program in Psychology. read more

Informed Consent on Research Involving Humans

Friday (14/1) the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Psychology UGM in collaboration with the Doctoral Study Program in Psychology held a Research Ethics Seminar. This event took the theme “Informed Consent on Research Involving Humans”. This event is a series of intensive courses related to research ethics for doctoral students of the Faculty of Psychology UGM but also opens opportunities for the academic community of the Faculty of Psychology UGM to participate. This event took place at 2.30 PM until 4.30 PM and was attended by 150 participants. read more

Stigma and Mental Health Problems

Friday (14/1) Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH) UGM held an event entitled Stigma and Mental Health Problems. This event is a series of activities for Kuliah Online (Kulon), a mental health literacy program that is routinely held by CPMH every two weeks. This event is open to the public and is held online. read more

Faculty of Psychology UGM Explains How to Apply for Ethical Clearance

Friday (14/1) the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Psychology UGM in collaboration with the UGM Psychology Doctoral Study Program held a research ethics seminar. This event took the title “Procedure for Submission of Ethical Clearance of the UGM Psychology Ethics Committee”. This event is part of an intensive course related to research ethics which is intended primarily for doctoral students of the Faculty of Psychology UGM but is also open to the entire academic community of the Faculty of Psychology UGM. read more

Alumni Day 2022: A Day with Alumni

The Alumni Family of the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAPSIGAMA) together with the Faculty of Psychology UGM held the Alumni Day 2022 event (15/1) which aims to reconnect between Alumni and their Alma mater. Starting at 09.00 WIB, this event was held offline and online via the UGM Psychology Knowledge Channel and Zoom. Besides being attended by alumni, the event was also attended by Alma mater Relations (HunTer), Psychology Student Parents Association (POTMAPSI), and Dharma Wanita Faculty of Psychology UGM. read more

Research Ethics Workshop with Child Participants

Thursday (13/1) Center for Life-span Development (CLSD) UGM  held a Research Ethics Workshop with Child Participants. This event discusses the dynamics of research with child participants in various contexts. The event is held online by bringing in expert speakers who are experienced in conducting research with children. read more

Online Workshop: Research Ethics in Mental Health Research

On Wednesday (12/1), the Doctoral Program in Psychology UGM held a second day Research Ethics Series with Dr. Diana Setiyawati, M.HSc., Psy., Psychologist and Aliza Hun from Australia National University. The event began with a speech delivered by the Head of the UGM Psychology Doctoral Study Program, Edilburga Wulan Saptandari, S.Psi., M.Psi., Ph.D Psychologist. “Thank you also to the ladies and gentlemen who were present, both doctoral students and friends from various places and various institutions. Today is the second day of the Research Ethics Series, yesterday we discussed research ethics in general and tomorrow there will be once more webinar session,” said Edilburga through his speech. read more