

Technology in Training: Data Processing with Jamovi, an Alternative to Replace SPSS

Some people may use SPSS more often for data processing, even though besides SPSS there are other data processing applications that can be used. One such application is JAMOVI and on Friday (5/3), the Learning Technology Development Unit (UPTB) held a Technology in Training event: “Data Processing with JAMOVI, an Alternative to SPSS” to introduce JAMOVI to academics, especially students. The event was filled by Wahyu Jati Anggoro, S.Psi., M.A. and starting at 13.00 to 15.00. read more

Intensive Academic Writing Skills Course

In order to improve scientific writing skills in Indonesian, the UGM Psychology Doctoral Program held an Intensive Academic Writing Skills Course which will take place on Monday (1/3) and Tuesday (2/3) March 2021. The event is divided into four sessions, each of which focuses on the topics of “Scientific Writing is Fun”, “Diagnosis of Writing Ability”, “Writing Process” and “Examples of Simple Writing” were filled in by Drs. Heru Marwata, M.Hum. Through this event, Heru challenges each participant as well as guiding and correcting mistakes made by the participants. In addition, this event also provides a lot of knowledge in writing that can be continuously trained so that in the future it can be even better. read more

Research Ethics with Human Participants

Psychology Doctoral Program, Faculty of Psychology UGM held an event entitled “Research Ethics with Human Participants” which took place on Thursday (25/2) and Friday (26/2). This event was held for two days and was attended by various participants who came from various educational and professional backgrounds. read more

Online Graduation of Undergraduate Psychology Study Program Period II Academic Year 2020/2021

Wednesday (24/02), the Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University held a graduation activity for the Undergraduate Psychology Study Program Period II Academic Year 2020/2021 consisting of Regular Class and International Class / International Undergraduate Program (IUP). In this period, the Undergraduate Psychology Study Program of the Faculty of Psychology UGM has 43 graduates consisting of 39 regular class graduates and 4 international class graduates (International Undergraduate Program / IUP). read more

IUP Intake

For three days starting from Thursday (18/2) to Saturday (21/2) IUP Psychology UGM held the first batch of intake. This event is an admission path for new students for international class programs or the International Undergraduate Program. read more

“Clinical Psychological for Dummies: Alumni Sharing Session” in The Period II Online Graduation Provisioning Program for 2020/2021

Saturday (20/02), the Faculty of Psychology UGM held an online Graduation Ceremony for Period II of 2020/2021. This event is basically open to non-graduates but mostly dominated by prospective graduates of the Bachelor of Psychology program. In this debriefing event, the speaker was Widya S Sari, M.Psi., A psychologist who is an alumni of Bachelor and Master of Professional Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University who is currently working as a Clinical Psychologist. This event takes place from 09.00 s.d. 10.30 and opened by Galang Lufityanto, M.Psi., Ph.D. as the Head of the UGM Psychology Faculty Undergraduate Study Program. Through his remarks, Galang advised the graduates that the graduates had been equipped with psychological skills and knowledge and the most important thing was that the attitude as a graduate of a psychology graduate needed to be maintained. This is related to the graduates who carry the name of the UGM Faculty of Psychology alma mater. read more

SEMILOKA CLSD: Research Ethics with Child Participants

Thursday (4/2) Center for Life-Span Development (CLSD), Faculty of Psychology UGM collaborated with the Doctoral Program of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology UGM to hold a workshop with the theme “Research Ethics with Child Participants”. This semiloka event was attended by 125 people from various walks of life, such as academics from various higher education institutions in Indonesia, teachers from various schools, NGOs, researchers, even housewives. read more