Tuesday (10/8), the Academic Orientation of the Graduate Program for the academic year 2021/2022 was officially opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology UGM, Prof. Dr. Faturochman, M.A. This activity is an activity that must be followed by all new graduate students from the Master of Psychology, Masters of Professional Psychology and Doctorate Programs. This event was conducted online.
Along with the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in the faculty, the Faculty of Psychology UGM again held Psychological First Aid (PFA) training for the COVID-19 Survivor Volunteer Task Force Team. This Volunteer Task Force team is a team formed by the Faculty of Psychology UGM to help COVID-19 survivors in the Faculty of Psychology UGM in overcoming psychological problems. This is one of the prevention efforts by the faculty so that the fear and anxiety felt by survivors do not develop into mental health problems or disorders.
Pelita Harapan University, again, held their annual event called Psychology Village 12. In this commemoration, they organized the quiz contest of Psychosmart. This time, the topic raised was about self-efficacy in the psychology education context. In addition, there were also other topics such as Psychology Industry Organization, Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology, Mental Disorder, Counseling Theory, and Personality Theory. The UGM team was represented by Belinda, Hijriyahningrum Fifko Putri, and Lovena Nadira Setiawan, who had successfully gained the first award.
As many as 50 alumni of the Faculty of Psychology wrote a collaborative book entitled Jejak Delapan Tiga: Perjalanan Hidup Satu Angkatan Psikologi UGM that recounts their career pursuit journey in the psychology field. This 536-page book reflects the development of psychology based on their respective outlooks and experiences.
The Medical and Psychology Study Programs engage the most favorite study program in the admission of prospective first-year students for the Academic Year 2020/2021 Independent Selection Test for the Science and Social Sciences Fields. For the Science field, after Medicine, there were Pharmacy, Dentistry, Health Nutrition, and Industrial Engineering, followed as the top 5 study programs with the most registrants. Meanwhile, for the Social science field, after psychology, there were also Law, Management, Communication, and Accounting.
(16/05) Keluarga Alumni Gadjah Mada (KAGAMA) hosted a webinar via zoom meeting, called “Mental Health During COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak”. The purpose of this session was to provide some perspective and coping strategy to deal with problems in the midst of the pandemic, which related to mental health conditions.
COVID-19 outbreak occur in almost every country around the world, including Indonesia. According to this situation, Indonesian government enact “Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar” (PSBB) policy in several province and cities, which are DKI Jakarta, Surabaya and Sidoarjo. This policy is one of the effort from government to supress direct interaction in society.
(24/04) Center for Public Mental Health of Faculty of Psychology UGM held an online public lecture at 08.00-10.00 WIB. The topic is about Family Strengthening in Crisis Situation. The aim of the event is to educate the audience about family strength during this pandemic situation. Dr. John DeFrain from University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA had the opportunity to become a speaker for this event.
22/01 Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Pulau Pinang, Malaysia visit Faculty of Psychology Gadjah Mada University. Event was proposed by Unit Kerjaya & Kaunseling UiTM, a counseling unit which run by students in order to give peer counseling to others. The objective of the visit was to gain more knowledge about counseling.