Work From Home (WFH) that had been applied in Indonesia have various impact to the workers, such as the difficulties to differed the effective day and their day off.
On the online sharing session, called “COVID-19 and Worker’s Mental Health” that organized by Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH), Dr. Indrayanti, M.Si as a lecturer at the UGM Faculty of Psychology, explained the importance of managing work time and routines during WFH for workers. For example, determine the working space at home, dress neatly and make an agenda. Besides, communicating routines with family and the office is also important, in order to minimize conflicts that might occur.
Me time is also an important thing to do even outside of the pandemic situation. This is useful for releasing the tensions that exist in the mind, feelings and mental.
Another issue noted by Dr. Indrayanti, M.Sc., that it is important for workers to do self-acceptance or acceptance of the current situation. It is important to accept the situation and not deny it, because this is a fact and cannot be negotiated. Therefore, in order to bolster up WFH, workers need to prepare mental, physical, environmental and other supporting conditions such as a stable internet connection to stay focused during work.
Source: – mengatasi berbagai masalah yang dihadapi saat wfh