Amazed by Quran: How to Make It the Map of Our Life

Faculty of Psychology UGM on Friday (7/5) held a Friday Morning Study Webinar with the topic “Amazed by Quran: How to Make It the Map of Our Life”. This event is the fourth event that has been held as a routine activity every Friday during the month of Ramadan. This time, the event was filled by Ustadz Dr. Muntaha bin Artalim Zaim which starts at 08.00 WIB.

There are several things that are on the agenda of Muslims with the Qur’an and Rasulullah has done them. Some of them are always with the Qur’an. Togetherness with al-Qur’an means not limited to carrying al-Qur’an everywhere, but always with al-Qur’an also includes filling it with reading, contemplating, and practicing activities. Apart from that, there is also an agenda to teach and explain the Koran which includes interpreting, strengthening, and making new laws that are not in the Qur’an.

Then, there are many names attached to al-Qur’an, one of which is al-Qur’an like a pearl. For Muslims who interact deeply with the Qur’an, they will get the diamond rays of the Qur’an. In addition, the al-Qur’an as the kalamullah must be understood correctly by Muslims because it contains the words of Allah which should not be misunderstood. Therefore, the knowledge of the Qur’an is very necessary so that Muslims can interact with the Qur’an properly and according to their respective needs.

Furthermore, Ustadz Dr. Muntaha provides the opportunity for participants to interpret as well as possible the verses in Surat Al-Hijr. Through this method, Ustadz Dr. Muntaha wanted to exemplify his direct interaction with the Qur’an and convey the importance of asbabun nuzul. Ustadz Dr. Muntaha explained that Muslims who interact with the Koran only through the translation of the verse are not enough, so it must be followed up by understanding the chronology of the passage of the verse. Both in terms of language, including in terms of history.

Through this event, Ustadz Dr. Muntaha also conveyed the importance of being a knowledgeable person. When someone becomes a knowledgeable person, then when that person has no knowledge, the knowledge will be eternal. People who have passed away when knowledgeable, then through that knowledge will be remembered. Of course, this is good news for teachers who produce works through writings or journals that are written because of Allah. In addition, it is also important to be patient. For example, being patient in obedience, while undergoing worship in the month of Ramadan, have endured hunger and thirst all day long, still have to continue with taraweh prayers. If you are impatient, it is impossible to finish the taraweh prayer. Even people who are patient are admired and congratulated by malaikat later.