Tingkat Kesejahteraan, Kondisi Kesehatan dan Rasa Kebahagiaan pada Orang Lanjut Usia di Daerah Pedesaan (Well-being)

Peneliti: Prof. Dr. Sartini Nuryoto

The aim of this researh was to describe the condition of welfare, health, and happiness of the old people in rural areas.

The research was conducted in mountainous rural areas in Kulon Progo, precisely in Hargotirto village, and Minomartani village, Sleman. The subject of the research is the old people who engaged in the activity of “Yandu Lansia” (integrated service for the old people). The number of the subject was 72 persons (male and female) who inhabit Crangah, Nganti, Sungapan, and Minomartani village. The method that employed was observation and interview.

The result of this research is the wealth, health, and happiness of the old people in Kulon Progo (in Crangah, Nganti, Sungapan, in Hargotirto village) is moderate from the perspective of independency, economy, and religion. The old people in Minomartani show better condition, because in general they are government official pensioners, while the old people in Hargotirto in general are tapper farmers and brown sugar makers.

Key words: The Old People, Wealth

Kesimpulan :
Berdasarkan pemaparan hasil penelitian terdapat perbedaan secara umum antara lansia di daerah Kulon Progo dan Sleman dalam hal pencapaian kesejahteraan hidup yang meliputi kemandirian kesehatan dan kepuasan. Hal ini disebabkan antara lain karena tingkat pendidikan yang berbeda karena pendidikan akan mempengaruhi daya pikir dan kesadaran untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan atau mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi.

Dari data yang diperoleh ternyata bahwa dengan dilaksanakannya pos pelayanan teropadu pada setiap bulan, lansia merasakan:
1.    Mereka lebih akrab
2.    Senang berkumpul
3.    Tekanan darah terkontrol
4.    Lebih sehat