

Personality and Emotion Regulation Strategies

Esti Hayu Purnamaningsih


The emotions has many important functions in our life such as in relation of interpersonal communication, and health. In interpersonal communicative function aimed to signal to other information about internal state. Emotions manifests in specific cognitive, behavioural, and physiological reactions, thus closely related to health. There is wide variety of ways for individuals to regulate their emotion. In this regard, there are two kinds of emotion regulation strategy; first Antecedent-focused emotion regulation consisting of situation selection, situation modification, attentional deployment, cognitive change and second, Response-focused emotion regulation consisting of suppression. The purpose of this research is to investigate personality factors relate with emotion regulation strategies. 339 students from Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada were participating in this study and given The Big Five Personality Factors (Ramdhani, 2012, adaptation), and the modified version of the Emotion Regulation Scale was used, Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (John & Gross, 2004) which measure personality and emotion regulation respectively. Using multiple regression analysis, the study indicated that personality predicts emotion regulation strategies.

Keywords: Personality, emotion regulation, strategies

Applying confirmatory factor analysis to evaluate the fit of measurement models in education and psychological assessment

Wahyu Widhiarso*, Jiri Kozeny**


Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to verify three measurement models as defined by classical test theory for three scales that represent a wide range of individual attributes and are manifested in various indicators. The congeneric measurement model represents a general true score model whereas the others represent restrictions on congeneric model it. It is assumed that congeneric model will match the characteristics of all of these measures. Accordingly, we hypothesized that the congeneric model will fit to the data. Analysis results suggest that the congeneric measurement model appears to be the best fit for the data. Based on our findings, we recommend that it is important to make a distinction of which measurement model fits to the data before continuing into further analysis.

Keywords: statistics; model; measurement; congeneric; personality.

*Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Humaniora No 1, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

**Prague Psychiatric Center, Ustavni 91, Prague 8 – Bohnice, 181 03 , Czech Republic