Neila Ramdhani

neilaComplete Name: Dr. Neila Ramdhani, M.Si., M.Ed.

Email: neila_psi[at]


Position: Associate Professor

The Head of Doctoral in Psychology Program, Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada






  1. Doctoranda in Psychology, Nov 1986 (Gadjah Mada University)
  2. Master of Science Psychology, May. 1994 (Gadjah Mada University)
  3. Master of Science in Education, Dec 1999 (University of Leeds, UK)
  4. Doctor in Psychology, Dec 2009 (Gadjah Mada University with Sandwich Like Program at University of Massachussett, USA).

Research Interest:

  1. Cyber Psychology
  2. Organizational Behavior
  3. Mental Health
  4. Clinical Intervention

Course Taught:

  1. Leadership & Organizational Behavior – Graduate Course
  2. Communication & Managerial Skills – Graduate Course
  3. Organizational Development and Change – Graduate Course
  4. Clinical Intervention – Doctoral Degree


  1. Learning Methods and Media Psychology – Graduate Course
  2. Psychology of Technology – Graduate Course
  3. Cyber Psychology – Undergraduate Course
  4. Mental Health – Undergraduate Course
  5. Behavior Modification – Undergraduate Course

Professional Organizational Membership

  1. Indonesian Psychological Association
  2. American Psychology Association (International associate)
  3. International Association of Applied Pstchology (International associate)
  4. International Association of CyberPsychology, Training, and Rehabilitation

Experience and roles in managing journals


Peer review Journal

Sudarmilah, E., Fadlilah, U., Susanto, A., Ferdiana, R. Ramdhani, N., & Santosa, P.I. (2018). Expert Judgment on Preschoolers’ Cognitive Game Prototype. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 118(20), 539-544.

Ramdhani, N., Thontowi, H.B., & Ancok, D. (2018). Affective Reactions Among Students Belonging to Ethnic Groups Engaged in Prior Conflict. Pacific Rim Journal of Psychology, 12(e2),

Ramdhani, R., Ancok., D, & Adrianson, L. (2017). The Importance of positive affect: The role of affective personality in predicting organizational citizenship behavior. Makara Hubs-Asia, 21 (2), 62-69,

Sudarmilah, E., Susanto, A., Ferdiana, R., Ramdhani, N. (2017). Preschoolers’ cognitive game prototype. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation: Applied System Innovation for Modern Technology, ICASI 2017

Nugraini, I., & Ramdhani, N. (2016). Keterampilan Sosial Menjaga Kesejahteraan Psikologis Pengguna Internet (Social skills maintaining psychological wellbeing of the Internet users). Jurnal Psikologi43(3), 183-193 (In Indonesia).

Ramdhani, N. (2016). Emosi Moral dan Empati pada Pelaku Perundungan-siber (Moral emotion and empathy of cyberbullying perpetrators). Jurnal Psikologi43(1), 66-80 (In Indonesia).

Ramdhani, N., Widjaja, J. D., & Rahmawati, N. (2015). Internet Supported Cognitive Behavior Therapy to Help Students with Shy-socially Isolated Problems. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 165, 179-188.

Suparli, A.S., Ramdhani, N. (2015).  Does Moral Emotion Plays Role in Cyber-bullying?. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. Suparli, A.S., Ramdhani. N. (2015). Does Moral Emotion Plays Role in Cyber-bullying?. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences.

Gunadi, I. G. A., Harjoko, A., Wardoyo, R., & Ramdhani, N. (2015). The Extraction And The Recognition Of Facial Feature State To Emotion Recognition Based On Certainty Factor. Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology, 82(1).

Gunadi, I. G. A., Harjoko, A., Wardoyo, R., & Ramdhani, N. (2015, November). Fake smile detection using linear support vector machine. In 2015 International Conference on Data and Software Engineering (ICoDSE) (pp. 103-107). IEEE.

Sudarmilah, E., Susanto, A., Ferdiana, R., Ramdhani, N. (2015). Popular games, can any concept of cognitive preschoolers be in it?CITACEE 2015 – 2nd International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and Electrical Engineering: Green Technology Strengthening in Information Technology, Electrical and Computer Engineering Implementation

Sudarmilah, E., Susanto, A., Ferdiana, R., & Ramdhani, N. (2015, November). Developing a game for preschoolers: What character, emotion and reward will tend to hack preschoolers?. In 2015 International Conference on Data and Software Engineering (ICoDSE) (pp. 89-92). IEEE.

Ramdhani, N. (2014). Teacher Quality Improvement for Building a Better Relationship between School Counselors and Students. Procedia Social and Behavioral Science 

Adrianson, L. & Ramdhani, N. (2014). Why you and not me? Expressions of envy in Sweden and. International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology, 3(3), 43-65.

Sudarmilah, E., Ferdiana, R., Nugroho, L. E., Susanto, A., & Ramdhani, N. (2013, October). Tech review: Game platform for upgrading counting ability on Preschool Children. In Proceeding on The 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (lCITEE 2013).

Ramdhani, N. and Wiradhany, W. (2013). Indonesia Digital Natives. Book Chapter ini. Mustofa, K. Neuhold, E.J., Tjoa. A.M., Weippl, E., & You,L. Information and Communication Technology, Lecture notes in computer science no. 7804. pp, 152-161.

Adrianson, L., Ancok, D., Ramdhani, N, & Archer, T. (2013). Cultural influences upon health, affect, self-esteem and impulsiveness: An Indonesian-Swedish comparison. International Journal of Research Studies on Psychology, Vol. 2, No. 3.

Ramdhani, N. & Ancok, D. (2013, December). Educational innovations for empowering teachers in acomplishing better education in Indonesia. In QScience Proceedings (No. 2013, p. 11). Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals

Ramdhani, N., Ancok, D., Swasono, Y., & Suryanto, P. (2012). Teacher Quality Improvement Program: Empowering teacher to increasing quality of Indonesian’s education. Procedia Social and Behavioral Science, No. 69. pp. 1836-1841.


  1. Ramdhani & B. Patria (Editors). (2017). Psychology for advanced and ethical Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press (In Indonesia)
  2. Ramdhani, S. Wimbarti & Y.F. Susetyo (Editors). (2016). Psychology for strong and happy Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press (In Indonesia).

Ancok, D. & Ramdhani, N. (2014). Pemimpin Sekolah yang Inspirasional (An Inspirational School Head Master). Jakarta: Titian Foundation. (In Indonesian)

Ramdhani, N. (2012). Menjadi Guru Inspiratif (Inspiring Teacher, A positive psychology approach in educational setting). Jakarta: Titian Foundation. (In Indonesian)


Ramdhani, N. (2017). Communication in the digital era, will ethic be a concern?. In N. Ramdhani & B. Patria. Psychology for advanced and ethical Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press (In Indonesia)

Ramdhani, N. (2016). Internet Game and Addiction, will self control be a solution?. In N. Ramdhani, S. Wimbarti & Y.F. Susetyo. Psychology for strong and happy Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press (In Indonesia).

Ramdhani, N. (2012). ‘Email user behavior’. In Faturrochman, T.H. Tyas, W.M. Minza., and G. Lufityanto. Psychology for Communicaty Wellbeing. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar (In Indonesian).