Hubungan Antara Dukungan Sosial Orang Tua Dengan Kemampuan Regulasi Emosi

Peneliti : Dra. Anastasia Suwasiyah, SU     


The aim of this study is for knowing the relation between teenagers’ perception toward parent social support with the emotion regulation ability. The hypothesis made: there is the positive relation between teenagers perception toward parent social support with the emotion regulation ability. When the score about teenagers’ perception toward parent social is high, higher score of the emotion regulation ability also. The object of the study was SMP Negeri 1 Hargotirto, Kokap, Wates. The subject of the study was a hundred students consist of 1st year student and 2nd year student, both of them consist two classes each. The data analysis was made using the correlation product moment technique. The result shows there was a significant positive relation between teenagers perception toward parent social support with the emotion regulation ability, with r = 0.401; p = 0.00 (p<0.01). This things could be happened because of the parent support is one of the external support source which can help teenagers in overcoming several teenagers problem included the forming of their emotion regulation ability.

Keywords : parent social support, emotion regulation