UGM Psychology Doctoral Program held a Virtual Open House on Thursday and Saturday (6/5 & 8/5). The event can be followed through a zoom link distributed by the committee to participants who have registered or can be followed through the UGM Psychology Faculty Knowledge Channel YouTube channel. This event was held to introduce the Psychology Doctoral Program to the general public by raising the tagline Nurturing, Enabling, and Enriching Doctorate Program. Through this tagline, it is hoped that when someone has joined the extended family of the UGM Psychology Doctoral Program, they can guide, empower, and enrich each other’s knowledge.
On the first day, the event was divided into two sessions. In the first session, Pradyta Putri Pertiwi, S.Psi., Ph.D and accompanied by Etik Setyaningsih as a guide. Starting at 10.00, participants were invited to take a virtual walk for 30 minutes to see the learning environment of the UGM Psychology Doctoral Program. Starting from visiting classrooms used to units where Doctoral Program students can intern and collaborate on scientific research.
Then, in the second session, it was continued with a presentation on the 2020 UGM Psychology Doctoral Program curriculum delivered by Rahmat Hidayat, S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D. Prior to the presentation of the latest curriculum, Rahmat invited participants to know the history of the beginning of the formation and the journey of the Psychological Science Doctoral Program over the decades until now.
The virtual open house event continued on the second day which began with the introduction of the academic community of the UGM Psychology Doctoral Program and the promoter and co-promoter by the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology UGM, Prof. Dr. Faturochman, M.A. Afterwards, the event was continued with discussions and questions and answers on the 2020 UGM Psychology Doctoral Program Curriculum which was delivered the previous day.
In the next session, it was filled with how to build chemistry between promoters and students through the topic “Student and Promoter Relationships”. The session was attended by Dr. Avin Fadilla Helmi, M.Si., and Dr. Bagus Riyono, M.A as the promoter representative and Dr. Cicilia Larasati Rembulan, M.Psi., A psychologist as an alumni and Tri Astuti, M.Psi., A psychologist representing students of the UGM Psychology Doctoral Program.
Furthermore, the virtual open house event of the UGM Psychology Doctoral Program was closed with an introduction and presentation of the Promovendus Club which was filled by Arumi Savitri Fatimaningrum, S.Psi., MA, and Sartana, MA who are students of the UGM Psychology Doctoral Program class of 2019. This Promovendus Club is a one of the places where students of the UGM Psychology Doctoral Program gather and are already 9 years old. In addition, the Promovendus Club is one of the special parts of the UGM Psychology Doctoral Program because it acts as an intermediary for the kinship that exists between students.