Indrayanti, S.Psi., M.Si., Ph.D., Psikolog

Research Interest

Leadership, Organizational Behavior, HRM content, HRM process, Employee Well-being, Mental Health at Work, and  Multilevel Modeling

Indrayanti, S.Psi., M.Si., Ph.D., Psikolog is an industrial and organizational psychologist, senior researcher at the Center for Public Mental Health at the Faculty of Psychology UGM, and a mental health activist in the workplace. She served five times as the Head of the Human Quality Development Unit at the Faculty of Psychology, UGM. Currently, Indrayanti is part of the Task Force Team of the Subdirectorate for Character Development and the Subdirectorate for Student Creativity at Universitas Gadjah Mada. She have a concern for realizing mental health in the academic work environment where she work and serve as a Civil Servant in the Republic of Indonesia. Psychological first aid has become one of her concerns and is very important in the educational world for students and the entire academic community. A healthy mental environment is the right of every citizen, so as public servants, there is a responsibility to help realize this in the academic world they currently serve. Indrayanti completed her doctoral education at Nottingham Business School, England, with a focus on Work & Organizational Psychology. Previously, Indrayanti obtained her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in psychology from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.

  • Leadership, Psychological Empowerment, and Employee Mental Well-Being: An RCT Study Using Gamification – Academic Excellent Schema A Grant | UGM Research Directorate  

    Support and Strengthening Team Effectiveness for MSMEs in the Bantul Region Towards Digital MSMEs – PKM Grant from the Faculty of Psychology UGM

Student Name  Research Title
Asmulyani Asri Interpersonal Trust of Leaders Towards Followers and Follower Trustworthiness in Higher Education in the Context of Bugis Culture
Harlina Nurtjahjanti The Role of Psychosocial Work Environment on Cyberloafing in the New Normal Era
Fitria Rahmi Employee Adaptability in Facing the VUCA Era

Indrayanti, I., Hidayat, T., Feoh, N.C., Maloky, D.M., Pangastuti, D.Y.R., & Sriwijaya, B. (2023). Kepemimpinan, Budaya dan Perilaku Organisasi untuk Quality of Work Life. Dalam proses penulisan.

Kurniawan, C. K., & Indrayanti. (2023). Schwartz’s Values, Perceived Organizational Support (POS), and Work Engagement: The Mediating Role of Work Meaningfulness: [Schwartz’s Values, Perceived Organizational Support (POS), dan Work Engagement: Peran Mediasi dari Work Meaningfulness]. ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal38(1), 105-128.

Indrayanti, I., Claudia, A. V., Adi, S. P., & Lufityanto, G. (2022). Science Majoring Background Modulates the Psychological Responses to Stress on Numerical Task. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP)8(2), 150.

Indrayanti, I., & Ulfia, N. (2022). Implementing akhlak culture of soe’s Indonesia: the role of authentic leadership and distributive justice climate. International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT)10(3), 172–178.

Indrayanti, I., & Ulfia, N. (2022). Authentic leadership and innovative work behavior through organizational culture: A study in Indonesian state-owned enterprises. F1000Research11, 1243.

Gumilang, N. A., & Indrayanti, I. (2022). Work engagement among millennial employees: The role of psychological capital and perceived organizational support. Humanitas: Indonesian Psychological Journal, 87–100.

Hafiz, M., & Indrayanti, I. (2022). Work engagement and organizational commitment on millennial employees in terms of authentic leadership perception. Humanitas: Indonesian Psychological Journal19(1), 41–50.

Indrayanti, I., Claudia, A., Adi, S., & Lufityanto, G. (2022). Science Majoring Background Modulates the Psychological Responses to Stress on Numerical Task. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP), 8(2), 150-164. doi:

Ath Thaariq, M. F., & Indrayanti, I. (2021). The Work Stress of Millennial Employees Reviewed from the Viewpoint of Organizational Climate with Team-Member Exchange as a Moderator [Stres Kerja Karyawan Milenial Ditinjau dari Iklim Organisasi dengan Team-Member Exchange sebagai Moderator]. ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal36(2), 156-183.

Anggarini, C. R., & Indrayanti, I. (2021). Work stress in aircraft maintenance technicians: The role of work-life balance. Humanitas18(1), 45. doi:

Adininggar, H., Indrayanti, I., & Himam, F. (2020). Peran Resiliensi Karier sebagai Mediator antara Perceived Supervisor Support dan Employability Generasi Milenial. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP), 6(2). doi:

2016. Understanding gender to strengthen the role of HRM process on employee participation and job performance: An empirical study in public sector organizationsProceeding. 31st International Congress of Psychology 2016 (ICP2016), July 24-29, Yokohama, Japan

2016. Pengelolaan sumber daya manusia penunjang well-being karyawan (Human resource management to support employee well-being). Book Chapter. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, pp. 123-142. ISBN: 978-979-420-039-5, 1601004-B1E.

2013. The role of organizational identification on employee well-being in human resource practicesANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 192 – 201

2012. Karyawan dan Kekuatan Iklim Organisasi (Employee and Organisational Climate Strength). Book Chapter. Psikologi untuk Kesejahteraan Masyarakat. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar Publisher, pp. 298-314. ISBN: 978-602-229-037-7

2009. Exploring the dynamic of trust to stranger among undergraduate students. Center for Indigenous & Cultural Psychology (CICP). Working Paper. Faculty of Psychology, UGM.

2006. An Attitude of Pedestrians People of C. Simanjuntak forward Environmental Stressor (Air & Sound Pollutions) as An Environmental Health Phenomenon. INSIGHT. Vol. IV. No. 1. ISSN: 1693‐2552

2006. Somatization on Astra Honda Authorized Service Station’s Mechanics. INSIGHT. Vol. IV. No. 1. ISSN: 1693‐2552

2005. Self‐Management Training for Reduce Level of Somatization of AHASS’s Mechanics. Conference Proceeding. Bandung: APIO II.

2005. The Effectiveness of Self‐Management Training to Reduce Level of Somatization Disorder of Astra Honda Authorized Service Station’s Mechanic. Thesis. Unpublished. Gadjah Mada University: Faculty of Psychology

2004. Strategic & Techno Structural Analysis for Corporate Culture in PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek Jawa Barat. INSIGHT. Vol. II. No. 2. ISSN: 1693‐2552

2000. The Correlation between Positive Thinking and Somatization. Undergraduate Thesis. Unpublished. Gadjah Mada University: Faculty of Psychology




  • 2010. National Conferences & 11th Congress of HIMPSI. Solo, 18 ‐ 20 March 2010
    Presenting paper: (1) How Male & Female Trust to Stranger: An Indigenous Psychological Analysis; (2) Trustworthiness in Trusting Parents & Close Friend Among Adolescent.
    Presenting Poster: (1) Compatibility in Giving Relation: The Basic’s of Undergraduate Trust to Professor and Father
  • 2009. Symposium of Leader & Indonesian Leadership: ‘A Searching’, Indonesian Industrial & Organizational Psychologist Association (APIO) and Faculty of Psychology Catholic University Atmajaya Jakarta, Indonesia, June 3, 2009
  • 2009. Bio-psychology Conference:’Improving the Quality of Life’. Faculty of Psychology Gadjah Mada University in collaboration with Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

Seminars and Training

  • 2016. Assessment Center Assessor Certification Program. Industrial & Organizational Psychology Association, May 16-20, 2016, Eastparc Hotel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • 2015. Workshop on Publishing in 4* Journals: Learning from DoingBritish Academy of Management, March 4, 2015, Nottingham Conference Center, Nottingham, United Kingdom. Working paper entitled: “The Impact of HRM practices on employee well-being and job performance: A Review and Empirical Study.”
  • 2012. Workshop on M-Plus Software, Australian School of Business, University of New South Wales, September – October 2012, Sydney, Australia.
  • 2012. Workshop on Advance Methodological Application for Research, Faculty of Psychology, UGM, June 2012, Solo, Indonesia.
  • 2012. Workshop on Multilevel Modeling, Australian School of Business, University of New South Wales, January – February 2012, Sydney, Australia.
  • 2010. Workshop on Happiness in the Span of Developmental, Magister of Science UGM, December 13, 2010, Faculty of Psychology UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • 2010. Workshop on Improving Entrepreneurial Learning Methods, Dirmawa‐UGM, October 25‐26, 2010, University Center UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • 2010. Training of Trainers, PPSMB UGM 2010, Sub Direktorat PPKB, Faculty of MIPA, Sekip Utara, July 28, 2010, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • 2009. Workshop of Student Centered Learning (SCL), PPP‐UGM, October 2009, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • 2009. Workshop Writing for International Journal Paper, LPPM UGM, November 19 ‐20, 2009, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • 2009. International Mental Health Leadership Program, Center for International Mental Health, School of Population Health, The University of Melbourne, Australia, 3 ‐ 28 August 2009
  • 2009. Workshop of International Research Planning Program, LPPM‐UGM, November 2009, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • 2009. Workshop of Structure Equation Model, Faculty of Psychology UGM, World Class Research University Program 2009, April 15, 2009, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • 2009. Workshop on The Role of Psychologist in Community Mental Health: Looking for Agents of Change, Faculty of Psychology, March 12, 2009, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • 2009. Training for Trainers: Management of i‐research and i‐hpc, LPPT‐UGM, January 23, 2009, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • 2008. Workshop of Psychological Tools for Employee Development, Q‐Assessment, and Development Center, February 9, 2008
  • 2006. Workshop of Emotional Reconciliation for Increasing Productivity & Personal Recovery, Psychology Faculty of Sanata Dharma University, August 26, 2006
  • 2006. Workshop of Psychological Support for Humanity Services, Indonesian Psychologist Association (HIMPSI) sponsored by The Global Fund for Children and Spanish Psychological Association, June 21‐22, 2006
  • 2000. Interpretation Grafis & Rorschach, Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University (UGM), 2000
  • Leadership, Psychological Empowerment, and Employee Mental Well-Being: An RCT Study using Gamification – Academic Excellent Scheme A Grant | UGM Research Directorate 
  • Assistance and Strengthening Team Effectiveness of MSMEs in the Bantul Region Towards Go Digital MSMEs – PKM Grant, Faculty of Psychology UGM
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, Organisational Identity within HRM Practices: A Narrative Approach, 05/2011 – 11/2011
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, The Role of Organisational Identification towards Employee Well-being on Human Resource Practices, 05/2012 – 11/2012
  • Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada, Trust, Self, & Achievement Studies in Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (CICP), 12/2008 –
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, Willingness to Achieve Performance during ASEAN China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) 2010: An Empirical Study in Small & Medium Enterprises, 03/2010 – 10/2010
  • Coordinator Continuing Education Program Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
  • Head of the Bachelor of Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, December 2021 – August 2023.
  • Chair of the Employee Engagement Survey Expert Team, PT PP (Persero), 3 April 2023 – 4 August 2023.
  • Leader of the Competence Dictionary Compilation Team of PT Bosowa Berlian Motor, 16 June 2022 – 15 October 2022.
  • Tim Ahli Survey Employee Engagement, PT PP(Persero), 17 January 2022 – 8 April 2022.
  • Head of Human Quality Development Unit UPKM (HR Quality Improvement Institute), Februari 2017 – Januari 2022.

Student Senate

International Society

National Society

  • Organizing Committee HIMPSI Yogyakarta, 2016 – 2020
  • Member of APIO (Indonesian I/O Psychologist Association), 2005 – now
  • Member of HIMPSI, Psychologist Organization in Indonesia, 2002 – now
  • Best Presenter. APIO-HYMPSI. November 4, 2023.
  • Head of the Best Study Program, MBKM motivator, Universitas Gadjah Mada, November 2022.
  • Research Fellowship. Supported by Australian Leadership Awards Fellowship (ALAF) – Center for International Mental Health (CIMH), School of Population Health, The University of Melbourne, Australia. 2009.