Answering today’s challenges, various institutions need a deeper review to get a picture of the combined aspects of the developed technology as challenges of the day itself. Therefore, various components of the technology are learned to fulfill the demands of work or learning needs. One of the components in question is big data. Due to this, Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) Persero in collaboration with the Faculty of Psychology UGM held a workshop titled “Big Data Analysis for Human Capital” Workshop.
This Workshop lasts from Thursday, November 21st to Saturday, November 23rd, 2019 at the Kasultanan Ballroom Hotel Royal Ambarukmo Plaza. Participants who participated in the event were PLN employees who also at the same time studied at the Magister of Psychology Professions Faculty of Psychology UGM.
The event was first opened by Prof. Dr. Faturochman, M. A as the representative of the Faculty of Psychology UGM which is also the dean of the Faculty of Psychology at Gadjah Mada University. Furthermore, the opening was continued by PT PLN (Persero), namely Muhamad Ali who served as director of Human Capital Management of PT PLN Persero. The event continued with further explanation of big data and an overview of the HR information System from the Executive Vice President Talent Development PT PLN Persero. Participants are also welcome to discuss with management guided by Dr. Sumaryono, M.Si. The next session on the same day is filled with the exposure of the director of DSSDI UGM, Widyawan, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D., and also Zakiya Aryana (Alumni S2 Smart City & Urban Analytic) which presents examples of big data analysis-based research.
On the second day, participants got the material about extracting and visualizing data from Yunita Sari, S. Kom., M.SC., Ph.D which is a lecturer in the Faculty of MIPA UGM. The participants were then asked to complete a practical task in resolving the problems they faced using the big data analysis technique. During the day Prof. Andrej as a representative from the University of Groningen also presents the material about Big data in Social Research.
The third day was closed with the preparation of the research theme of each student, which is expected from this then it will appear a draft research output as part of the participant’s obligation to complete their final assignment in the Master’s program.