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Student of Psychology UGM Attains 3 Medals in Karate Competition

Aliffa Milanisty, student class of 2018 Faculty of Psychology UGM is a student who can achieve 1 gold medals and 2 silver medals in competition karate Sunan Kalijaga cup 9th. This competition is national competition was held every year in December or January. At that time Aliffa enrolls the competition on 25-27 January.

Faculty of Psychology Gave a Motivation to Student of SMAN 1 Cikembar

Tuesday, (5/3) SMAN 1 Cikembar, Sukabumi visited Faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). SMA Negeri 1 Cikembar brought about 250 students from 9 class in grade 9, Science and Social major. This visitation to campus is a routine agenda held by SMA Negeri 1 Cikembar for their student, and the purpose for increasing motivation to continue study to university. The visitation held in auditorium G-100 Faculty of Psychology UGM.

Debate Team Psychology’s UGM to be a winner in National Debate Competition at Surabaya

Debate team which has 3 member students of psychology 2018, Almira Rahma Safira, Septika Chintya, and Sinta Kartika follow the activity of Debate National Psychology Competition in Katolik Widya Mandala University, Surabaya. The competition was going for 3 days on 11-13 April 2019 and has been announced that debate team Psychology’s UGM as a winner.

The big theme in this competition is “let success be your noise”, by the emphasis on the existence of positive psychology theory on each argumentation.

Prior to on the last session, the team run several eliminations selecting steps and quarter-final, then on semifinal section and competing with the team from Indonesia University by theme debate over the effectiveness of home-schooling and formality school.

Debate Team Psychology’s UGM won semifinal step with scoring team 860 and UI team 684. This winning point carried out debate team psychology UGM that came back competing on the open final section.

On the last final, debate team psychology UGM has faced with the team from the guest house, which is Katolik Widya Mandala University. Matching motion on final competition given by the impromptu system. During 30 minutes before competition, finalist seeks out appropriate argument regarding revolution Industry 4.0 and social welfare in Indonesia. Until on peak of the event, awarding night, debate team Psychology’s UGM has been announced as a winner National Debate Psychology Competition.

“National Debate Competition is pretty challenging and encouraging us to learn more about unknown knowledge. Meanwhile useful for increasing critical thinking and elaborating theories that were given and also encouraging us to develop interpersonal ability when meeting with newbie from various universities”, Sinta explains.

Student of Psychology UGM Won Appreciation as the First Winner in 5th International ACM in Human-Computer Interactions and UX Conference

UGM student re-incised achievement in the fifth competition International ACM and Human-Computer Interactions and UX Conference at Petra University, Surabaya. Javaccino’s team with members Kairania Qalbi (Faculty of Psychology) and Gita Prasulistiyono Putra (Faculty of Economics and Business) won labeled the first winner in hacksprint International competition.

Hacksprint competition was held by ACM SIGCHI Chapter (Indonesia & Australia) and Association of Digital Interaction Indonesia is apart from the International Conference event about User Experience and Human-Computer Interaction run 4 days 3-6 April 2019.

Hacksprint is a combination of design sprint and competition hackathon, where start-up founder, members of the team, and stakeholder figured out the solution of problems existed on limited time.

Javaccino’s team leader, Kairania Qalbi explained that the team is grateful for that achievement. “We don’t think win because the runner up and third is team from IT consulting company in Jakarta and team from Filipino. We grateful can back giving an achievement for UGM, also get experience mentoring and pitching in front of mentors from various prestigious universities and companies such as Google and Spotify.

The competition theme this year is Digital Transformation for Environmental Sustainability. Idea, concept, technology, and solution obtained from competition hacksprint aimed to be able to overcome environment problem utilize innovatively digital technology.

In that competition, Javaccino team made mobile application as a donation platform without spending personal fund for reforestation program in Indonesia. This application made by intuitive design to use solution from the process of design thinking hacksprint competition.

After elimination sessions such as proposal review, idea, prototype, and video, there are 8 teams that were selected to go to the final session and got the opportunity for pitching with a various mentor from various companies and prestigious universities in the world. 8 teams succeed to go towards the final session coming from Consulting IT Company and Various University, for instance, First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities (Philippines), Universitas Gadjah Mada, Bina Nusantara University, and Multimedia Nusantara University.

Essay of Psychology’s UGM Won Runner Up in the Essay Student Competition 2019

Essay Student Competition 2019 is Competition for essay writing was held by Faculty of Psychology Sultan Agung Semarang Islamic University, especially by association Rohis Qolbun Salim. The theme appointed in the essay competition up is “ role of a Moslem student as an agent of change” with the option a number of sub-themes which are education, social, economic, and politic.

This competition held since early March for abstract and full paper assembly until April 6, 2019. Then has been done an assessment essay by a judge to be done the selection to determine the finalist. Announcement of essay finalist was April 10, 2019. There are eight teams be essay finalist including 1 team from Faculty of Psychology UGM.

The eight finalist teams do the presentation in Faculty of Psychology Sultan Agung Semarang Islamic University on Saturday, at April 13, 2019, in-room K 3.1. The final session agenda was started with an opening from the committee and welcome speech from the second vice of dean Faculty of Psychology Sultan Agung Semarang Islamic University, then continue with the presentation section from finalist.

Each finalist got number randomly was obtained when registration. Faculty of Psychology team UGM get turn the fifth presentation among eight finalist teams. Each team has 10 minutes for presentation and next session with Q n A with 2 judges as a lecturer from Faculty of Psychology Sultan Agung Semarang Islamic University.

Psychology UGM team consisted of Oom Qomariyah (grade 2015) and Sekar Dewi (grade 2018) brought essay with the title “TUVID (Fortune-Video) as an enhancement well-being” including social sub-theme. This Essay describes a solution by application made for increasing happiness of adolescents with easy and simple way.

On the last final session, Psychology UGM team won runner up. Oom as a chairman of essay team revealed “Although essay idea was simply added by the time of short preparation did not reducing our team’s spirit to present our creation well, so we could achieve runner up. Other than that, we also could learn much more new things from other finalists have. We hope next time could give a contribution better than today”

Gebyar Sinergi’s Master of Psychology of Clinical Profession 2018

Master of Psychology of clinical profession 2018 organizes “Gebyar Sinergi” with theme “when every little steps count to synergize your mind and body”. Located in Selasar building D on 25 April 2019. The event runs from 10 pm to 1 pm. The event is filled with several booths or expo, such as Let’s drink water, 5S, and Grateful to be Great. Basically, this event is the task of the Community intervention lecture that is being held by Diana Setiyawati, M. HSc. Psy., Ph.D and Ariana Marastuti, S. Psi., MSW. The concept of this event was derived in order to promote a class Community intervention program. While the assessment itself has already begun from the first semester, and in the second semester the lecture has just been remmated.

Firstly, all of postgraduate student was designed program and felt that they need for sharing opinion because the goal of event is student from whole level in psychology. Lecturer give a freedom the topic campaigned by gebyar sinergi. So, the student tried to see the problem gotten in faculty and then they in the Faculty which they later presented became one of the topics in the event that was held on thursday.

Zahrah Nabila Putri trusted as supervisor this event. Hersefl explained widely about reason of emerging these three ideas. Such as 5S, which is abbreviation from senyum, sapa, salam, sopan, santun. The background, because recently lack of interaction level, so we rarely become greeting. While wall of gratitude existence is for persuading students to always be grateful, unautomatic as a part to release stress. And the last stand is drink water campaign is a form intervention drink water, the idea got from concern of student where many student more frequently have been bought flavored drink than mineral water. So the committee provide tumbler was sell with affordable prize so that the participant could be aware to drink mineral water by refill their tumblers.

The preparation for this agenda about 2 weeks and so briefly. Even post-gradutaes student purposively to surround faculty of psychology hall to see whether blow up the problem in community intervention, and the biggest theme is randomly with see the similarity from 3  subtopics inside.

Zahrah also explains for other students to not only be aware physically but also mentally that was attached by psychology. Herself and her friends hope the community intervention could help to create psychologically the environment in  faculty of psychology.