Technological advances are increasingly demanding everyone to be flexible in the face of challenges in this era. It is also the reason that the Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (CICP) Faculty of Psychology UGM facilitates Psychology students to know and understand big data, as well as its role in supporting research that cannot be released of academic responsibility as a student. The event was held on 30 April 2019 in Auditorium G-100, Faculty of Psychology UGM and took place in the afternoon until evening. The event namely “Big Data Workshop” was dominated by the students of the Masters and several students from S1. John Kartika Herdiyanto, S. Psi., M.A. is a speaker in this activity. He is a lecturer at Udayana University and Doctoral Program Student at the Faculty of Psychology at Gadjah Mada University.
Theory Building Training (TBT) was held by the Center For Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (CICP) Faculty of Psychology UGM continues on the second day. Where T. Novi Poespita Chandra, M.Si was given the trust to be a speaker. She is a lecturer in Developmental Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology UGM as well as the Ph.D Candidate at Melbourne University with a research Grounded Theory approach. In the training she shared the experience of being a researcher Grounded Theory from taking data up to data analysis and how it is implemented.
Center For Indigenous And Cultural Psychology (CICP) Faculty of Psychology UGM presents Theory Building Training (TBT) by lifting the title of Intermediate Level Grounded Theory “Advanced training of basic TBT, containing materials and training for criticizes existing theories and builds new theories through the approach of Grounded Theory “. Training that took place from 26 until 27 April 2019 attended by various circles from various campus institutions in Indonesia such as Department of Medicine, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Bhayangkara University, Jakarta Raya, Ganesha University of Education, UIN Alauddin Makassar, University 17 August 1945, Soegjapranata Catholic University, Al-Azhar University of Indonesia, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, and Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Friday (26/4), the Faculty of Psychology UGM organized a College Life for the new students of the 2018 class and the assistant lecturer. This activity is carried out in two periods, each period lasts from 8 am to 3 pm . College Life is an activity organized by the Faculty of Psychology UGM which aims to improve students skills and strategies in order to become an active learner.
On program master of professional psychology, the highest GPA was obtained by Citra Ayi Safitri very satisfactory. In this period, there are 25 graduates labeled very satisfactory and 15 graduates labeled satisfactory. The shortest study period is 2 years 5 month has been obtained by Citra Rahmanwati, Elya Marfu’atun, Hasan Fahrur Rozi, Huda Saifullah Kamalie, Kurnia Wahyuni, Meilany Widiasari, Ni Made Diah Ayu Anggreni, Suci Purnama Sari dan Zahara Nur Azizah.
While for Master of Psychology program, the highest GPA has obtained by Anselmus Agung Pramudito and Rika Iffatifarihah and labeled very satisfactory. In this period, there are 8 graduates have been labeled very satisfactory and 8 graduates have been labeled satisfactory. The shortest study period is 1 year 10 month 16 day has been obtained by Renny Ria Suprapto.
Faculty of Psychology gave achievement for Anselmus Agung Pramudito and Olaffiqih Annaba Yoga Wibowo as the best graduates of draft publication thesis. Anselmus did research about “Dinamic return forming trust and trustworthiness on relation marriage post the disclosure of the affair”. Under the guidance of Dr. Wenty Marina Minza, M.A. While Olaffiqh’s thesis with title “. The influence of CBT Based Self Help & Gamification against the level of Student Depression disorder ” under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Thomas Dicky Hastjarjo.
Psychology UGM presented a seminar about mental health. Prof. Therese Hesketh Ph.D. had the opportunity to become a speaker at the seminar. Therese is currently a Professor at University College London (UCL).
Towards Faculty of Psychology UGM 5.5. Explore the Idea of Psychology is the title for open house Faculty of Psychology UGM this year. Located in Selasar building D faculty of Psychology and Auditorium G 100, an open house was going rousing. This event was held on Thursday, 21 March 2019. The event was going to start at 9 am and ended at 3 pm.
(22/03) as a continuance from graphic design training on early March, Unit of Learning Technology Development (UPTB) carried out again techno training. Techno training this time focused on mastery in videographic.
Thursday (21/3), Faculty of Psychology UGM held information technology training and competition making poster for Faculty Staff's Psychology UGM. This training held for 2 days in 3 session, which was on 21-22 March 2019.