Moved from the surrounding environment that is faced by various problems of adolescent delinquency, Tenya Ika Agnesia, students of the Faculty of Psychology UGM pay more attention to the youth life. He started his step to participate in the selection of the Yogyakarta Youth ambassadors in the GenRe in 2019.
Monday (9/9), Maria Gracia Amara Pawitra, had the opportunity to represent the Faculty of Psychology of UGM in the PYNESCO: Psychology UNNES Smart Competition at the Faculty of Education, State University of Semarang.
On 20 – 22 August 2019, students of the Faculty of Psychology UGM, Ajeng Prameswari along with students of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, Saut Togu Pandiangan, have a poster competition held at The 2nd Asia Pacific Youth Leadership Summit 2019 by The University of North Malaya. Activities held in Penang, Malaysia consists of leadership training and poster competition.
Saturday (21/09) Youth Empowerment Studio (YES) in collaboration with Faculty of Psychology UGM organizes training. The training was titled “YES! How To Be A Good Listener “. Attending the event, Aliyaturrahmah Supriyadi, S. Psi as a researcher at the Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH) and the General Manager of Youth Empowerment Studio Ni Luh Vidary Wiakta Putri.
Friday (20/09), housed in the space Auditorium G-100 Faculty of Psychology UGM, Institute of Psychology student organized a public lecture titled “Know Yourself: Do I really have depression?”. This public lecture was presented by Faculty of Psychology UGM, Idei Khurnia Swasti, S. Psi., M. Psi., Psychologist. The event initiated by the Psychology Student Institute aims to provide students with depression-related knowledge.
At the national level Tournament “University of Indonesia Tennis Cup 2019”, Michael Robert Alvianto Tanoso as the only student representing UGM in the match again managed to bring home a pretty proud achievement. This event was held by the University of Indonesia and played in Cilandak, South Jakarta. Michael won the champions on two numbers, the Runner-up on the men’s singles and semifinalists on the men’s doubles number.
Saturday (7/9), Renesa Balqis and Siti Afifa Choirunissah, two students of the Faculty of Psychology UGM participated in the SINATION (Business Plan Competition) event. This event is a business event competition titled Take Your Chances in Innovation and Creativity for Industrial Revolution 4.0. The competition is organized by the Student Association of Socio-economic agriculture/agribusiness (HIMASETA) Faculty of Agribusiness University of Jember, in order to welcome the role of young entrepreneurs in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution.
On 9 September 2019 then, Winnie, Faculty of Psychology UGM attended the Psychology UNNES Smart Competition (PYNESCO) at the State University of Semarang. National essay competition which is one of the series of events from PYNESCO. This national essay competition carries the theme of “Healthy Mental in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0”.
Evinda Nur Rohmah, students of the Faculty of Psychology UGM, managed to achieve the best 4 in the event of the Special Regional Language Ambassadors election Yogyakarta 2019. Evinda and 29 Other finalists were crowned the DIY language ambassador on 19 July 2019 then.
The Art Therapy Workshop of Session II and III was completed on Friday (6/9) and Tuesday (10/9). At the Auditorium G-100, the Faculty of Psychology at Universitas Gadjah Mada was attended by approximately 70 participants. The workshop was guided by Prof. Evelin Witruk from University of Leipzig, Germany. Acted as a moderator of the workshop is Satwika Rahapsari, S. Psi, M.A., R-DMT, a lecturer at Faculty of Psychology UGM.