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Two team of Faculty of Psychology Win The Smart Competition Psychobig 2019

Psychobig (Psychology Brilliant Generation) is an intelligent competition in the psychological psychology organized by research and Science of Faculty of Psychology at Diponegoro University (UNDIP), Semarang. This event is a national level student competition that is routinely held annually. In 2019, Psychobig carried the theme “Emerging Strength Towards Positive Transformation”. read more

Faculty of Psychology Wins 1st Place Poster Contest PPSF 2019

On October 11-12, 2019 then, the team from the Faculty of Psychology UGM consisting of Zahirah Tsurayya Mufidah, Ni Luh Vidary Wiakta Putri, and Riza Fatihah Azzahra participated in a poster competition at the Positive Psychology Student Festival (PPSF) 2019 held at Maranatha Christian University, Bandung. The event was initiated by the Indonesian Positive Psychology Association (AP2I) since the association was formally established in 2017. read more

Thalia Was Chosen to be a Positive Psychology Ambassador 2019

Saturday (12/10), Thalia advised RA Purwanto, students of the Faculty of Psychology UGM, 2016 followed the event of Positive Psychology Ambassador which is one of the competition branches of Psychology Positive Student Festival 2019. The event was held for 2 days, 11-12 October 2019 at Maranatha Christian University, Bandung. There are several branches of the Positive Psychology Student Festival 2019, namely Poster competition, intervention design, short Film, and positive psychology ambassadors. This competition is the first year competition held by the Indonesian Positive Psychology Association (AP2I) with the theme “Integrating Science and Practice for a Positive Life”. read more

CICP Organized Theory Building Training (TBT) Advance

The Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (CICP) again organizes the Theory Building Training (TBT). CICP takes the theme of Theory Building Training (TBT) Advance: “How to Writing Up Qualitative Research”. This event is a continuation of the previous TBT implementation of the intermediate scale. The goal is slightly different from the previous TBT type where the focus is no longer one of the qualitative approaches to which at that time is discussed about grounded theory. But TBT this time more focused on how to write qualitative research. read more

Student of Psychology Wins 2 Degrees in The National Leadership Forum 2019

Zaadila Muftial, students of the Faculty of Psychology UGM and M. Khalid Rivaldo from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM chose to challenge themselves out of the comfort zone by attending the National Leadership Forum. This event is one of the series of events of Dies Natalis 4 PKN STAN, held at the state Finance Polytechnic, Bintaro. This event raised the issue of the transfer of the capital of Indonesia with the title “Moving the Capital City Away from Java: A Costs and Benefits Perspective”. read more

Opening Lustrum Faculty of Psychology XI Lasts Festive

Friday (25/10) Faculty of Psychology UGM organized the opening of the XI Lustrum. The event began several series of activities at Lustrum’s celebration which will be held in January. The opening of Lustrum this time is different from previous years because it involves not only lecturers and educational professionals but also students who are involved both in planning and at the time of implementation of the event. read more

Faculty of Psychology UGM Melapprove 32 Psychologists and 24 Scientists

The Faculty of Psychology of Gadjah Mada University held a professional oath-taking event and the release of a graduate program on October 23, 2019.

The number of graduates of the professional Psychology Masters Program as much as 32 psychologists with details of 4 men and 28 women. The number of graduates from Master of Psychology as many as 24 scientists with details of 5 men and 19 women. Until now, the total graduate School of the Faculty of Psychology of Gadjah Mada University amounted to 2,889 people. read more

Dwi, Champion Fusion Innovative Competition Contest 2019

Dwi Nurarifah, a student of the Faculty of Psychology UGM 2017, together with two other students, Qooi Insanu (Faculty of Geography UGM) and Joko Purwo (Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM) participated in the competition of Fusion Innovative Contest 2019 organized by IEEE ITB Student Branch with the theme of “Technology for Humanity”. The competition was held at Institut Teknologi Bandung, West Java. read more

CICP Workshop to Provide Researchers in Publications

Center for Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (CICP) Faculty of Psychology again held workshops. This Workshop was themed in publication. The Workshop was a researcher from the Centre for Cultural Psychology of Aalborg University, Denmark, Luca Tateo, Ph.D., and Giuseppina Marsico, Ph.D. The event was held from 8 a.m. to evening and lasted two days on Thursday and Friday, precisely on the 17th and 18th of October 2019. Located in building A-214, Workshop was attended by the lecturer, Doctoral Program Student, and Magister. CICP has also invited students from undergraduate programs. But the participants who dominate are the Doctoral Program Students who are in the process to become the first writers. The direction of this Workshop actually provides opportunities for the first writers in his research or the second writer who is doing the writing process. read more

Oom wins 1st level National essay competition at UNY

Oom Qomariyah, students of the Faculty of Psychology UGM succeeded to win the first champion in a national level essay competition. This essay contest is organized by the Association of Religious Studies (HASKA) Faculty of MIPA, Yogyakarta State University. Taking the theme “Harmony of diversity to print superior generations of character in the era of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution” and several sub-themes of choice, participants were asked to choose one of these themes as the theme of the essay written. read more