- diana[at]ugm.ac.id
- acadstaff.ugm.ac.id/diana
- orcid.org/0000-0002-0496-737X
- ID Sinta: 42594
Research Interests
Development of a mental health system with a multilevel approach, with family and school as the main roles, clinical psychology.
Diana Setiyawati, S.Psi., MHSc., Ph.D., Psychologist is an academic and psychologist currently working at the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. (UGM). Her academic journey began with earning a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Universitas Gadjah Mada in 2000, with a thesis titled “Power Reading Method to Improve Reading Skills in Children.” She then continued her professional psychology education at the same institution, graduating in 2002. In 2007, Diana completed the Master of Human Sciences in Psychology – MHSc.Psy program at the Department of Psychology, International Islamic University Malaysia, with a thesis titled “Spirituality and Personality Correlates of Organizational Citizenship Behavior.” The pinnacle of her education was achieved in 2015 with a Ph.D. in Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences (Mental Health) from the Global and Cultural Mental Health Unit, Centre for Mental Health, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne, Australia. Her Ph.D. research is about Indonesian experts’ perspectives on a curriculum for psychologists working in primary health care in Indonesia. Thanks to this research, in 2014 Diana received the Australia Awards-Hadi Soesastro Prize from The Hon Julie Bishop, Deputy Prime Minister of Australia.
Student Name | Research Title |
Radhiya Bustan | Counseling from an Islamic Psychological Perspective on Marital Problems |
Dian Fakhrunnisak | Economic Factors and Mental Health |
Rika Hardani | Academic Success and Adolescent Subjective Well-Being: Understanding the Role of Strengths-Based Parenting, Persistence and Emotional Self-Regulation |
Intan Dewi Kumala | Disaster Resilient Family Model Based on Strengthening Mother’s Capacity |
Tesi Hermaleni | The Concept of Minangkabau Ethnic Family Relations in the Minangkabau Community |
Indri Yunita Suryaputri | School Readiness in Implementing Whole School Well-being Case Study on Schools Implementing Welfare Schools in the Special Region of Yogyakarta |
Zaldhi Yusuf Akbar | Teen Aggression Prevention Program in Yogyakarta City |
- Putri, A. K., Armstrong, G., Setiyawati, D., & Andriessen, K. (2024). Unveiling studies on
self-healing practices for suicide loss survivors: A scoping review. Death Studies, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1080/07481187.2024.2304773 - Suryaputri, I. Y., Mubasyiroh, R., Arfines, P. P., Rachmalina, R., Idaiani, S., Sitorus, N., … & Setiyawati, D. (2024). The Effects of a School-Based Mental Health Program on Students’ Knowledge, Behavior, and Depression: A Quasi-Experimental Study in Four Indonesian High Schools. Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS], 32, 243-261. https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jpss/article/view/269755
- Subandi, M. A., Derin, S., & Setiyawati, D. (2023). Al Ghazali’s Concept of Diseases of the Spiritual Heart and its Significance to the DSM-5-TR Diagnosis. Journal of Religion and Health, 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10943-023-01871-y
- Setiyawati, D., Jatmika, W. N., Puspakesuma, N., Retnowati, S., & Colucci, E. (2022). Suicide first aid guidelines for Indonesia: A Delphi consensus study. Journal of Mental Health, 31(3), 410–431. https://doi.org/10.1080/09638237.2021.2022632
- Agustini, R. T., Setiyawati, D., Wulandari, A., Ekowanti, D., & Padmawati, R. S. (2022). PSYCHOLOGISTS’ ROLE IN MENTAL HEALTH PROMOTION PROGRAM AT PUBLIC HEALTH CENTRE. The Indonesian Journal of Public Health, 17(1), 171–183. https://doi.org/10.20473/ijph.v17i1.2022.171-183
- Bouman, T. K., Lommen, M. J. J., & Setiyawati, D. (2022). The acceptability of cognitive behaviour therapy in Indonesian community health care. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 15, e26. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1754470X22000228
- Madill, A., Shloim, N., Brown, B., Hugh‐Jones, S., Plastow, J., & Setiyawati, D. (2022). Mainstreaming global mental health: Is there potential to embed psychosocial well‐being impact in all global challenges research? Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 14(4), 1291–1313. https://doi.org/10.1111/aphw.12335
- Widyarini, N., Retnowati, S., & Setiyawati, D. (2022). An explorative study of beliefs in two groups of community health promoters of adolescent reproductive health in Indonesia: Informed by theory of planned behavior. Ethnicity & Health, 27(4), 894–908. https://doi.org/10.1080/13557858.2020.1838453
- Hunt, A. J., Guth, R. E.-Y., & Setiyawati, D. (2021). Evaluating the Indonesia Free Pasung Movement: Understanding continuing use of restraint of the mentally ill in rural Java. Transcultural Psychiatry, 136346152110096. https://doi.org/10.1177/13634615211009626
- Aulia, F., Hastjarjo, T. D., Setiyawati, D., & Patria, B. (2020). Student Well-being: A Systematic Literature Review. Buletin Psikologi, 28(1), Article 1. https://doi.org/10.22146/buletinpsikologi.42979
- Supriyadi, A., & Setiyawati, D. (2020). Validation of training module to increase self-efficacy of adolescent peer counsellors in Indonesia. Journal of Mental Health, 29(4), 385–391. https://doi.org/10.1080/09638237.2019.1608926
- Anjara, S. G., Bonetto, C., Ganguli, P., Setiyawati, D., Mahendradhata, Y., Yoga, B. H., Trisnantoro, L., Brayne, C., & Van Bortel, T. (2019). Can General Practitioners manage mental disorders in primary care? A partially randomised, pragmatic, cluster trial. PLOS ONE, 14(11), e0224724. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0224724
- Widyarini, N. Retnowati, S. & Setiyawati, D. (2019). Peran komunikasi dengan orang tua dan perilaku seksual remaja: Studi metaanalisis. Jurnal Ilmu Keluarga & Konsumen. 12, 120-144. doi: 10.24156/jikk.2019.12.2.126
- Supriyadi, A. & Setiyawati, D. (2019). Validation of Training Modules to Increase Self-Efficacy of Adolescent Peer Counsellors in Indonesia. Journal of Mental Health. doi: 1080/09638237.2019.1608926
- Widyarini, N., Retnowati, S., & Setiyawati, D. (2019). Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Explore Beliefs of Public Health Promoters in Promoting Adolescents ‘ Reproductive Health: Case in Tengger. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research,304, 317-321. doi: 2991/acpch-18.2019.77
- Perdana, Y. & Setiyawati, D. (2018). Pelatihan self-control for pupils (Stop) untuk meningkatkan kontrol diri siswa SMP. Gadjah Mada Journal of Profesional Psychology, 4, 175-184. doi: 10.22146/gamajpp.46326
- Fathiyah, K. & Setiyawati, D. (2018). Effectiveness of face-to-face webinar combination in increasing understanding on school wellbeing for elementary headmasters in Yogyakarta Special Region. Psychological Research and Intervention, 1, 10-16.
- Nurdiyanto, F. & Setiyawati, D. (2017). Why people hesitate to help: Investigating the relationship between stigma and help-giving attitude. Anima Indonesian Psychological Journal, 32(4), 227-234. DOI: 10.24123/aipj v32i 4.853.
- Setiyawati, D., Blashki, G., Wraith, R., Colucci, E., & Minas, H. (2014). Australian experts’ perspectives on a curriculum for psychologists working in primary health care: Implication for Indonesia. Health Psychology & Behavioural Medicine, 2(1), 970-982. DOI: 10.1080/21642850.2014.951937
- Setiyawati, D., Blashki, G., Wraith, R., Colucci, E., & Minas, H. (2014). Indonesian experts’ perspectives on a curriculum for psychologists working in primary health care in Indonesia. Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine, 2(1), 623-639. DOI: 10.1080/21642850.2014.912946
- Setiyawati, D., Colucci, E., Blashki, G., Wraith, R., & Minas, H. (2014). The International experts’ perspectives on a curriculum for psychologists working in primary health care: Implication for Indonesia.Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine, 2 (1), 770-784. DOI: 10.1080/21642850.2014.929005
- Setiyawati, D., Abdul Rahman, W.R. (2010). Beyond Others: How Do Spirituality and Personality Correlate with Organizational Citizenship Behavior?LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.
Book Chapter
- Hardani, R., Setiyawati, D., & Susetyo, Y. F. (2024). The validation process of questionnaire emotion regulation on Indonesian adolescents. In Families Mental Health and Challenges in the 21st Century (pp. 41-48). Routledge.
- Setiyawati, D. & Subandi (2019). Psychologists at Primary Health Clinics? Yes!: Initiatives undertaken at Gajah Mada University. In Pols, H. Good, MJ, Good, B. Jiwa Sehat Negara Kuat. Jakarta: Kompas
- Setiyawati, D. (2018). Psikolog yang dirindukan masyarakat (The Psychologist whom Missed by Indonesian Society). In Ramdhani, N., Patria, B. (Eds). Psikologi untuk Indonesia Maju Beretika. Yogyakarta: Gama Press
- Setiyawati, D. (2017). Sekolah yang mendidik pemimpin (The Schools that Educate a Leader). In CFER (Eds) towards a future school, Between hope and reality. Jakarta: Lentera Ilmu Cendekia
- Setiyawati, D. (2013). Berburu Supervisor (Hunting Supervisor). In Forum Linkar Pena (Eds). Wandering to Australia: the story of Indonesian Muslim Students Who Pursue a dream to the Country of Kangaroo. Yogyakarta: Pro You Media
- Setiyawati, D. (2013). Seluruh Bumi adalah Masjid (The Whole Earth is a Mosque). In Forum Linkar Pena (Eds). Migrated to Australia: the story of Indonesian Muslim Students Who Pursue a dream to the Country of Kangaroo. Yogyakarta: Pro You Media
- Setiyawati, D. (2011). Cycling Star. In Ernawati et al (Eds). The Ups & Downs of living in Australia. Canbera: Forum Lingkar Pena
- International Journal Writing Training, LPPM UGM, 2006
- International Conference for Postgraduate Student, IIUM, 2006
- Malaysia-Thailand Conference for Postgraduate Student, Bangkok, 2005
- National Development Planning Body (BAPPENAS) Background Study for Mental Health in National Middle-Term Development Plan. Principal Investigator.
- British Academy Writing Workshop Grant for qualitative writing in mental health.
Indonesia-Ghana. PI: Prof Erminia Colucci. Co Applicant. - ESRC AHRC Developing a network for mutual learning on the potential of creative arts for mental health advocacy and activism in Ghana and Indonesia PI: Dr Ursula Read. Co-Investigator.
- ESRC AHRC The impact of COVID-19 on people living with psychosocial disabilities in Ghana and Indonesia and priorities for inclusive recovery PI: Dr Ursula Read. Co-Investigator.
- ESRC GCRF Using collaborative visual research methods to understand experiences of mental illness, coercion and restraint in Ghana and Indonesia ES/S00114X/1 £234,612. PI: Dr Erminia Colucci. Co-Investigator.
- Obstacles and challenges of psychologists working in Primary Health Care in Yogyakarta Municipality and Sleman District. UGM Grant. PI 2 Diana Setiyawati [diana@ugm.ac.id]
- Comparison of Provinces with Psychologists Health Centers and Provinces Without Health Center Psychologists Findings from the Indonesian National Adolescents Mental Health Survey (Adolescent mental health based on I-NAMHS: Comparison between Provinces with and without psychologists working in primary health care). UGM Grant. PI
- Long-Term Impact of the Pandemic on Children’s Mental Health and Family and Recovery Strategies: A Systematic Literature Review of Similar Disasters (The long term impact of pandemic toward children and family mental health: systematic literature review). UGM Grant. PI
- Adaptation of CBT protocol to Handle Depression Disorders in Health Centers (Adaptation of CBT protocol for Depression treatment at Primary Health Care). UGM Grant. PI
- Adaptation of CBT protocol for anxiety treatment at Primary Health Care. UGM Grant. PI
- A study of framework for culture and context of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Adaptation Reference Design Study of Health Center sensitive CBT adaptation in primary health care). UGM Grant. PI
- Psychologists working in primary health care: Past, Present, Future). UGM Grant. PI
- Family Resilience Index (Family Strength Index). Yogyakarta Government Grant. PI.
- 2023 Writer, Analysis of Indonesian Annual Report of Mental Health, Ministry of Health
- 2022 Leader, Mental health team for Universitas Gadjah Mada, Health Promoting University
- 2021 Leader, Mental health team for Universitas Gadjah Mada, Health Promoting University
- 2020 Member, Expert panel for Mental Health Guideline development, National Covid-19 Taskforce
- 2020 Leader, Mental health team for Universitas Gadjah Mada Covid-19 Taskforce
- 2020 Consultant, Yogyakarta Governor Decree on Family Strengthening Strategy
- 2020 Course Coordinator, Online International Summer Course on Mental Health and COVID-19, Centre for Public Mental Health, Faculty of Psychology, UGM
- 2019 Consultant, Yogyakarta Governor Decree on Family Counselor
- 2019 Course Coordinator, International Summer Course on Mental Health and Family, Centre for Public Mental Health, Faculty of Psychology, UGM
- 2018 Course Coordinator, International Summer Course on Common Mental Disorder, Centre for Public Mental Health, Faculty of Psychology, UGM
- 2017 Expert team for Family Education Module, Yogyakarta
- 2017 Course Coordinator, International Summer Course on Mental Health Advocacy, Centre for Public Mental Health, Faculty of Psychology, UGM
- 2016 Consultant, Sleman District Regulation on Integration of Psychologists into Primary Health Care
- 2015 Member, ASEAN Mental Health Taskforce Meeting Committee
Pratiwi, B. B., Setiyawati, D., Yuniarti, K. W. (2020). Modul CBT untuk Fobia Spesifik. (Patent No. EC00202015335).
- 2019 National Finalist Best Social Humaniora Lecturer
- 2019 Education Innovator Universitas Gadjah Mada
- 2018 The Best Universitas Gadjah Mada Social-Humaniora lecturer
- 2014 Australia Awards-Hadi Soesastro Award, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
- 2011 Riady Scholarship
- 2009 Australian Development Scholarship/Australia Awards Scholarship
- 2005-present Lecturer, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
- 2015-present Director, Centre for Public Mental Health (CPMH), The Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
- 2024 Vice Leader of Mental Health Taskforce, Indonesian Ministry of Health
- 2023 Country advisor/consultant for Mental Health Landscaping Project in Indonesia (PATH, International Global Health Non-Profit Organization)
- 2022 Consultant of Background Study for Mental Health in National Middle-Term Development Plan (BAPPENAS)
- 2017-present Expert consultant for Yogyakarta Province Government (for Family Strength-Child Protection-Women Empowerment)
- 2006-2008 Program Manager of the Crisis Center (Aceh Tsunami Mental Health Recovery Program), World Vision Australia in collaboration with AIHI-The University of Melbourne and Universitas Gadjah Mada
