On Saturday, March 2 2024 08.30-11.30 WIB, the Center for Life-Span Development (CLSD) Faculty of Psychology UGM through The Reading Buddies Team held a read-aloud or reading-aloud training event in Suronatan Village, Notoprajan Village, Ngampilan Kemantren, Yogyakarta City. The event was attended by 19 people, including Toddler Family Development (BKB) cadres and parents with young children. This event aims to introduce and improve the abilities of BKB cadres and parents in practicing reading aloud at home and in the community. This training activity is a continuation of the reading-aloud activity carried out by The Reading Buddies Team two weeks previously, to ensure that the people in Suronatan Village can independently continue this literacy activity.
The event began with remarks from BKB representatives, followed by remarks from the moderator who was also a CLSD representative, Kevin Pasquella Helian, S.Psi. The event then continued with a speaker session by Navia Fathona Handayani, S.Psi., a literacy activist with extensive reading-aloud movement experience. The material presented includes an explanation of the importance of reading aloud, book elements that need to be considered when reading aloud, and a demonstration of the practice of reading aloud. Participants listened enthusiastically to understand various aspects of reading aloud taught by the speaker.
Next, the event involves dividing the trainees into four small groups. This agenda aims to apply the material that the presenter has previously taught. Two facilitators, Rahmita Laily Muhtadini, S.Psi., and Riskhi Pratama Kusuma Arum Jati, S.Psi., were tasked with guiding the dynamics of participants in small groups. In this process, participants are given time to choose a book by considering various elements such as theme, plot, setting, and story characters. Each participant then practices reading aloud in a small group. This process is very important to ensure that participants understand the concept of reading aloud not only in the realm of knowledge but also in the realm of skills.
The next agenda is a practice session reading aloud by participant representatives from each group. Apart from aiming to see the participants’ abilities after the training, this agenda is also designed for a joint evaluation process. Participants provide appreciation and input to fellow participants during the process of reading aloud in front of the class. The event closed by presenting certificates, door prizes, and group photos.
It is hoped that the entire series of events in this reading-aloud training can increase the sensitivity and abilities of BKB cadres and parents. It is also hoped that this event can build independence for the residents of Suronatan Village by spreading the spirit of literacy at home and in the community.
Source: CLSD UGM
Editor: Erna