
Academic Staff

Theresia Novi Poespita Candra, S.Psi., M.Si., Ph.D., Psikolog

Research Interests

Lifespan Development, educational psychology, school wellbeing, social-emotional development and learning.

Theresia Novi Poespita Candra, S.Psi., M.Si., Ph.D., Psikolog, is a professional in the field of psychology with a strong and diverse educational background. She earned her Ph.D. from The University of Melbourne, Australia, marking the pinnacle of her academic journey in the field of psychology. Previously, Novi completed her master’s degree in psychology at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, which is also where she earned her bachelor’s degree. After finishing her undergraduate education, she continued by enrolling in the Professional Psychology Program at UGM to obtain a license as a professional psychologist.


Candra, T. N. P., & Rizal, M. N. (2021). Sekolah Menyenangkan: Konsep Sekolah yang Mempromosikan Well-Being Berdasarkan Suara Anak-Anak, Orangtua dan Guru di Indonesia: Grounded Analisis. Jurnal Psikologi Integratif9(1), 76-94.


2014. Sekolah itu Asyik (School is cool) (a book). Iip Yahya (Ed).  Indonesia Belajar Fondation publisher. Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

2015. Sekolah nir kekerasan ( Free violence school) (a book).  Irfan (Ed). Pustaka Ifada publisher. Yogyakarta


2014. Movement to emulate Australia’s fun school in Indonesia The conversation. indonesia-46194.

2015. Breaking the silence on violence in school. The Jakarta Post.

2017. Desain tambal sulam, pendidikan karakter di Indonesia. (The ‘uncomplete design’ of character education in Indonesia. (An article). Kilas Pendidikan, Edition 12.  31 Juli 2017.

Book Chapters

Poespita Candra, T.N., (2019). Curriculum in Primary Education (Indonesia). In Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury.

Poespita Candra, T.N., (2019). Digital Technologies and Online Learning in Primary Education (Indonesia). In Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury.

2017. Where is Psychology in the design of Indonesia education ?. (A chapter ) in a book ‘Indonesia tangguh’. Faculty of Psychology. Gadjah Mada Press.


2014. Listening to the voice of children, parents and teachers about school that promotes children’s wellbeing in Indonesia. Proceeding of  International Conference of Education, Psychology and Social Science. 22-24 May 2014. Beijing, China

2017. Konsep Sekolah Menyenangkan: Pendekatan holistik pendidikan karakter di Indonesia (The concept of joyful and engaging school: an holistic approach of character education in Indonesia) Proceeding of National Conference in Faculty of Education of The University of Flores, Ende, NTT. 2 nd December, 2017. Publisher : Primary  Education programme of Faculty of Education, The University of Flores, Ende, NTT. ISBN : 978-602-73039-3-5.

  • Psychologist at Yogyakarta International Hospital, (2008 – 2010)
  • Researcher of Centre of Indigenous Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, UGM (2008 – now)
  • Lecture Faculty of Psychology, UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2008 – now)
  • Educator CERES (Art and Education) Community, Melbourne, Vic, Australia (2010-2011 )
  • Co- Founder Gerakan Sekolah Menyenangkan (GSM) (Joyful and Engagement School Movement) ( 2012 – now)
  • Member of research group “Transformation of Education of Indonesia (2016 – 2018)
  • Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia collaboration with Monash University
  • Researcher of Centre of Life Span Developmental Psychology, UGM (2017 – now)
  • Consultant of World Bank for social emotional education in Indonesia (2018, 2019)

Smita Dinakaramani, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog

Research Interests

Aging and mental health, anxiety and health psychology.

Smita Dinakaramani is a clinical psychologist and a young academic at the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. (UGM). She completed her bachelor’s degree in psychology at UGM in 2017, then continued her studies in the Master’s Program in Professional Psychology at the same institution, which she finished in 2020. Smita obtained her Psychologist Practice License at the end of 2020, confirming her status as a professional psychologist.

As an academic staff member at the Faculty of Psychology at UGM, Smita has expertise in the fields of Lifespan Development and Clinical Psychology. Her research interests focus on aging and mental health, as well as anxiety and health psychology. Her contributions to teaching and research in the fields of developmental and clinical psychology promise new perspectives in understanding mental health throughout the lifespan.

Dinakaramani, S., & Indati, A. (2018). Peran Kearifan ( Wisdom ) terhadap Kecemasan menghadapi Kematian pada Lansia. Jurnal Psikologi, 45(3), 181-188.  doi:

Zahra Frida Intani, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog

Research Interests

Clinical developmental psychology, Child and adolescent intervention, Parenting.

Zahra Frida Intani, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog, is a psychologist who is currently active in the fields of education and research at Gadjah Mada University (UGM). With a strong educational background in the field of psychology, Zahra completed her undergraduate education at the Faculty of Psychology, UGM in 2017 with the research title The role of wisdom in subjective well-being in early adulthood, and continued her master’s studies in the field of Professional Psychology at the same university in 2017. 2020 after researching fathering training to improve the quality of parenting for fathers who have preschool-aged children.

In the scientific field, Zahra Frida Intani focuses on development throughout the human life span and clinical psychology. Her research interests are mainly in adolescent and early adult development, moral development, identity development, and spirituality.

  • Validation of the Early Childhood Socio-emotional Development Stimulation module
    Testing the content validity of Early Childhood Socio-emotional Development Stimulation module, the module that will be used by early childhood caregiver
  • Validation of “Cerdas Menggunakan Gadget untuk Anak” module
    Testing the content validity of the module. The module contains materials regarding gadgets and screen time management for children, self-regulation in gadget use, digital safety, and digital ethics
  • Mental Health in Higher Education during Pandemic
    Exploring pandemic related factors that influenced the mental health outcomes of college students, and


  • Riyono, B., & Intani, Z. F. (2024). Problems of Sensing Mentality and Development of Basic Human Potential Inventory: [Permasalahan Sensing Mentality dan Penyusunan Instrumen Alat Ukur Potensi Dasar Manusia]. ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal39(1), e09.
  • Intani, Z., & Swasti, I. (2023). Terapi Bermain Kognitif-Perilaku untuk Penanganan Anak dengan Penolakan Sekolah: Sebuah Studi Kasus. Gadjah Mada Journal of Professional Psychology (GamaJPP), 9(2), 183 – 196. doi:
  • Intani, Z., & Utami, M. (2022). Pelatihan Fathering untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pengasuhan pada Ayah yang Memiliki Anak Usia Prasekolah. Gadjah Mada Journal of Professional Psychology (GamaJPP), 8(1), 13-34.  doi:
  • Intani, Z., & Indati, A. (2019). Peranan Wisdom terhadap Subjective Well-Being pada Dewasa Awal. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP), 3(3), 141-150.  doi:

Book Chapter

Tina Afiatin., Muhammad Ikbal Wahyu Sukron., Sutarimah Ampuni., Zahra Frida Intan., Acla Himmah., Anggia Atin Aprila., Salma Nur Hanifah., Olyn Silvania., & Naila Rusyda. 2024. Validitas Isi Modul “Cerdas Menggunakan Gadget untuk Anak”. Dalam Buku Isu Kontemporer Perkembangan Anak, Remaja, dan Dewasa. Bandung: Penerbit Bimedia Pustaka. ISBN 978-623-8080-12-0.

  • Post-Pandemic Times: Mental Health and the Impact to University Students in collaboration with Diaspora Mengajar | October 2023
  • Free Counseling on World Mental Health Day in collaboration with Lembaga Advokasi Keluarga Indonesia | October 2023
  • Parent Webinar: Managing Parent’s Emotion in collaboration with Ruangguru | June 2023
  • Children’s Right and Protection for Sekolah Orang Tua Hebat (Parent Education Program) in Yogyakarta. In collaboration with The National Population and Family Planning Board | May 2023
  • Pelatihan Psychological First Aid dan Microcounseling in collaboration with Lembaga Advokasi Keluarga Indonesia | March 2022
  • Peer Counselor Training in collaboration with Direktorat Kemahasiswaan Universitas Gadjah Mada | March 2022


  • Developmental Psychology Lecturer at Department of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada (January 2022 – Present)
    Delivering Developmental Psychology courses (i.e Early Childhood Development, Children and Adolescents Developmental Stimulation and Life Span Development)
  • Researcher for Center for Life-Span Development (January 2022 – Present)
    Developing module for early childhood socio-emotional development stimulation, involved in parent training program, collaborate with government to disseminate module

Mental Health Service

  • Associate Licensed Clinical Psychologist at Unit Konsultasi Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada (January 2022 – Present)
    Conducting psychological assessment and psychotherapy for adolescents and young adults
  • Associate Licensed Clinical Psychologist at (February 2020 – February 2022)
    Conducting 10 one-hour online sessions of psychological assessment and psychotherapy per month
  • Psychologist for Education Department Semarang City (March 2020 – December 2021)
    Conducting psychological assessment, counseling, and psychotherapy for preschool, elementary, and middle school children. Educating and training teachers about screening exceptional learners and basic counseling skills. Involved in making regional regulatory policies regarding disabilities

Dr. rer. pol. Bhina Patria, S.Psi., M.A.

Research Interests

Higher education research, Tracer study, Problem-based learning, Writing productivity, Secondary data research, Bayesian analysis, Traffic Psychology.

Dr. rer. pol. Bhina Patria, S.Psi., M.A., graduated from Universitas Gadjah Mada with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology (S.Psi). Subsequently, Bhina obtained a Master of Arts (M.A.) and a Dr. rer. pol. from the University of Kassel, Germany. He is focusing on the field of Educational Psychology and Mental Processes & Behavior. Bhina actively conducts research on higher education research, tracer studies, problem-based learning, writing productivity, secondary data research, and Bayesian analysis. The courses he teaches include Big Data Management, Quantitative Research Methods (surveys and experiments), Quasi-experiments, Thesis Writing TP2T, and Educational Psychology.

Student Nama Research Title
Naomi Srie Kusumastutie Peran Response Inhibition, Emosi, dan Situasi Bahaya pada Performa Penghindaran Tabrakan (The Role of Response Inhibition, Emotion, and Dangerous Situations on Collision Avoidance Performance)
Rachmawati Faktor Psikososial yang Memengaruhi University Belongingness Mahasiswa (Psychosocial Factors Affecting Students’ University Belongingness)
Hartanto Pengaruh Intervensi Game Executive Function terhadap Keputusan Moral pada Pria dan Wanita pada Eksperimen Offline dan Eksperimen Online (The Effect of Executive Function Game Intervention on Moral Decisions in Men and Women in Offline and Online Experiments)
Difa Ardiyanti Pengembangan Model Intervensi untuk Menurunkan Prokrastinasi Akademik Dalam Mengerjakan Skripsi pada Mahasiswa (Development of an Intervention Model to Reduce Academic Procrastination in Working on Students’ Theses)


  1. Kusumastutie NS, Patria B, Kusrohmaniah S, Hastjarjo TD. (2024). Hazardous traffic scenarios for motorcyclists in Indonesia: a comprehensive insight from police accident data and self-reports. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion (Q2) 29:1-12. doi: Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38683671
  2. Kusumastutie, N. S., Patria, B., Kusrohmaniah, S., & Hastjarjo, T. D. (2024). A review of accident data for traffic safety studies in Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1294(1), 012012.
  3. Kusumastutie, N. S., Patria, B., Kusrohmaniah, S., & Hastjarjo, T. D. (2023). Drivers’ Decision-Making When Experiencing a Traffic Conflict: A Scoping Review. Transportation Research Record (Q2), 0(0).
  4. Patria, B. (2023). Students Are Happier In Madrasah: The Results of Bayesian Analysis on Indonesian National Survey Data. Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal, 6(2). (Q1)
  5. Patria, B. (2022). The longitudinal effects of education on depression: Finding from the Indonesian national survey. Frontiers in Public Health, 10. doi: (Q1)
  6. Patria, B. (2022, 2022/05/13). Modeling the effects of physical activity, education, health, and subjective wealth on happiness based on Indonesian national survey data. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 959. (Q1)
  7. Fakhrunnisak, D., & Patria, B. (2022, 2022/05/12). The positive effects of parents’ education level on children’s mental health in Indonesia: a result of longitudinal survey. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 949. (Q1)
  8. Patria, B., & Laili, L. (2021). Writing group program reduces academic procrastination: a quasi-experimental study. BMC Psychology, 9(1), 157. (Q1)
  9. Muhammad, AW, & Patria, B. (2021). Effects of self-regulation on tobacco addiction: a Bayesian approach. Universitas Psychologica , 20 , 1–10. (Q3)
  10. Reginasari, A., Afiatin, T., Subandi, S., Patria, B., & Muchlisah, M. (2021). Adaptation for Harmony: A Thematic Analysis Study of Internet Parental Monitoring Strategy in Indonesian Context. The Qualitative Report (Q1)
  11. Murti, H. A. S., Hastjarjo, T. D., & Patria, B. (2021). The Role of Critical Thinking and Executive Function in Misconceptions in Psychology. Jurnal Psikologi, 20(1), 10-21.
  12. Patria, B. (2015). The validity and reliability of a problem-based learning implementation questionnaire. Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Profession, 12(22). (Q1)
  13. Patria, B. (2014). The effects of learning environment on graduates’ competencies. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 3(1), 49-62.
  14. Patria, B. (2013). Learning environment and graduates’ transition period. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 2(1), 25-40.
  15. Patria, B. (2012). Change management in the higher education context: A case of student-centred learning implementation. International Journal of Education, 4(4), 176-191.
  16. Patria, B. (2011). Problem-based learning, graduates’ competencies and career success. PBL reflections(10), 15-21.
  17. Patria, B. (2008). Problem-based learning and graduates’ competencies. International Journal of Psychology, 43(3-4), 469-470.


  1. Patria, B. (2019). Identification of problem-based learning components and its effects on graduates competencies. Yogyakarta: Inparametric Press. ISBN: 978-602-19326-2-9
  2. Patria, B. (2024). Eksperimen Kuasi Penjaminan Hubungan Kausal tanpa Randomisasi. Yogyakarta: Inparametric Press. ISBN: 978-602-19326-7-4
  3. Patria, B. (2018). Psikologi dalam keselamatan berlalu lintas. Dalam N. Ramdhani & B. Patria (Eds.), Psikologi untuk Indonesia maju dan beretika. (pp.). Yogyakarta: Gama Press. ISBN: 978-602-386-208-5
  4. Patria, B. (2017). Tracer Study Universitas Gadjah Mada 2015. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
  5. Patria, B. (2012). Problem-based Learning, graduates’ competences and career success. In B. M. Kehm & U. Teichler (Eds.), Higher education studies in a global environment (74 ed., Vol. 1, pp. 135-143). Kassel: International Centre for Higher Education Research Kassel (INCHER-Kassel). ISBN: 978-3-934377-97-4
  6. Patria, B. (2011). Problem-based learning, graduates’ competencies and career success. Yogyakarta: Inparametric Press. ISBN: 978-602-19326-0-5.
  1. 2005-2011 International Center for Higher Education Research Kassel (INCHER-Kassel).
  2. 2012-present teaching staff at the Faculty of Psychology UGM
  • Studi longitudinal efek pendidikan [2019]
  • Studi longitudinal efek pendidikan terhadap kesehatan mental [2019]
  • Studi successive independent samples efek pendidikan islam terhadap kebahagiaan siswa [2019]
  • Studi longitudinal efek pendidikan orangtua terhadap kesehatan mental anak [2019]
  • Pengaruh writing groups terhadap proktastinasi mengerjakan tesis [2018]
  • Penerapan behavioral safety dalam keselamatan lalu lintas: penyusunan modul pelatihan peningkatan keselamatan di jalan raya [2017]

Edilburga Wulan Saptandari, S.Psi., M.Psi., Ph.D., Psikolog

Research Interests

Social emotional teaching & learning, School-based mental health, Exceptional children & family, Professional psychology education & training, Methodology: Visual methodologies in qualitative research, Delphi method.

Edilburga Wulan Saptandari, S.Psi., M.Psi., Ph.D., Psikolog, is a prominent figure in the field of Educational Psychology in Indonesia. Edilburga completed her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in 2006. After that, she continued her Master’s education in the Professional Master’s Program in Educational Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology, UGM, which she completed in 2009. Her dedication and passion for this field led him to pursue a PhD at the School of Psychology, Massey University, New Zealand, where she earned her Philosophical Doctor in Psychology degree in 2019. Her dissertation titled “Understanding Indonesian Primary School Teachers’ Social-Emotional Practice” received a lot of appreciation from the academic community.

Edilburga has deep expertise in the fields of Psychology and Cognitive Science. The main focus is on Educational Psychology as well as Developmental and Aging Psychology. Her research interests encompass critical issues such as bullying, community mental health, and school mental health, demonstrating his commitment to the psychological well-being of individuals and communities

  • Penerapan Photovoice Inovatif untuk Pembelajaran Inklusif di Perguruan Tinggi: Studi Participatory Action Research (Innovative Photovoice Application for Inclusive Learning in Higher Education: Participatory Action Research Study)
  • Implementasi The Reading Buddies untuk Stimulasi Anak Usia Dini di Komunitas (Implementation of The Reading Buddies for Early Childhood Stimulation in the Community)
  • Stimulasi Sosioemosional Anak Usia Dini pada Kader BKB: Implementasi Perangkat Pendampingan Perkembangan Stimulasi Sosioemosional pada Anak Usia Dini (Socio-emotional Stimulation of Early Childhood in BKB Cadres: Implementation of Development Assistance Devices for Socio-emotional Stimulation in Early Childhood)
Student NameResearch Title
Tri WinarsihKompetensi Sosial-Emosional Guru SD Untuk Pendidikan Inklusif di Indonesia: Konsep dan Pengukuran (Social-Emotional Competence of Elementary School Teachers for Inclusive Education in Indonesia: Concept and Measurement)
SartanaIdentitas Nasional Generasi Milenial di Indonesia (National Identity of the Millennial Generation in Indonesia)
RachmawatiFaktor Psikososial yang Memengaruhi University Belongingness Mahasiswa (Psychosocial Factors Affecting Students’ University Belongingness)
Titisa BallerinaKonsep dan Penerapan Sistem Among dalam Tripusat Pendidikan (Concept and Implementation of the Among System in Tripusat Education)

Kusumastutie, N. S., & Saptandari, E. W. (2023). Sekarang atau Nanti? Sebuah Studi Mixed-Methods tentang Keputusan Ibu dari Siswa SMP untuk Mengizinkan Anak Berkendara Sepeda Motor. Jurnal Psikologi16(1), 160-178.

Sartana, S., Helmi, A., & Saptandari, E. (2023). Psikologi Kebangsaan di Indonesia : Sebuah Kajian Literatur Komprehensif dan Agenda Penelitian. Buletin Psikologi, 31(1), 30 – 55.

Saptandari, E. W., Febriani, A., & Kisriyani, A. (2022). Siap Sekolah dari Rumah: Stimulasi Aspek Sosial-Emosional pada Anak Usia Dini. Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini6(5), 4417–4430.

Saptandari, E., Praptomojati, A., Handoyo, R., Anjarsari, N., Grahita, Y., & Mahambara, R. (2022). Layanan Telekonseling: Psychological First Aid dalam Situasi Pandemi COVID-19 Telecounseling Services: Psychological First Aid in COVID-19 Pandemic Situation. Jurnal Psikologi Teori Dan Terapan13, 51–71.

Saptandari, E. W., Nur Shabrina, Z. R., & Priwati, A. R. (2022). Online psychoeducation in the COVID-19 pandemic situation: An effort to improve mental health. AbdimasJurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang7(1), 40–55.

Istiqomah, I., & Saptandari, E. (2022). Identifikasi Kompetensi Psikolog dalam Telekonseling: Metode Delphi. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP)8, 220–237.

Fatimah, L., & Saptandari, E. (2022). Peran growth mindset dan dukungan orang tua terhadap keterlibatan siswa selama pembelajaran daring. Persona Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia11, 58–73.

Purifiedriyaningrum, I., & Saptandari, E. W. (2022). Hardiness, Dukungan Sosial, dan Penyesuaian Diri Guru Tingkat Sekolah Dasar di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP)8(1), 36.

Adika El Nino, Edilburga Wulan Saptandari. 2021. Hubungan Penerimaan Diri pada Orangtua terhadap Kreativitas Individu dengan ASD Dengan Moderator Dukungan Sosial Pada Orangtua. Jurnal Wacana Psikologi.

Sekar Tristi Apriza, Edilburga Wulan Saptandari. 2020. Kompetensi Sosial Remaja Berdasarkan Status Pekerjaan dan Pola Pengasuhan Ibu. Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan.

Edilburga Wulan Saptandari. 2020. Covid-19 and Mental Health: The Growing Need of Telecounseling in Indonesia. Buletin Psikologi.

Putri Rahmawati, Edilburga Wulan Saptandari. 2020. Peran Persepsi Siswa atas Keterampilan Sosial-Emosional Guru terhadap Regulasi Emosi Siswa Sekolah Inklusi. Jurnal Ilmu Perilaku.

Salvia Astriningsih, Edilburga Wulan Saptandari. 2020. Kontrol Diri Anak dalam Mengakses Youtube. INTUISI.

Pengarang buku : “Dongeng: Mendekatkan Kitab Suci pada Anak” (“Story Telling : Brings Bible Nearer to Kids”) 2008 (diterbitkan oleh Percetakan Kanisius)

Artikel “Peran Sekolah untuk Kesehatan Mental Anak dan Remaja (School’s Role for Children and Adolescent Mental Health)” in “Psikologi untuk  Kesejahteraan Masyarakat (Psychology for Society Well Being)” 2012 (diterbtikan oleh Pustaka Pelajar)

  • Forgiveness in Elderly (Undergraduate thesis, first researcher) 2006
  • Profile of Children and Adolescents in Prison (Researchers team member) 2008
  • “Guru Peduli” Traning Effectiveness to Reduce Bullying in Elementary School (Postgraduate thesis, first researcher) 2009
  • Preventing and Treating School Bullying:Understanding Teachers’ Role 2010
  • School Well-Being among Elementary School Students in Kota Yogyakarta 2011
  • School Well-Being among High School Students in Kota Yogyakarta 2011
  • Need Assessment of Universal Intervention on Mental Health Problem among High School Students 2012
  • Understanding the Social-Emotional Practice of Indonesian Primary School Teachers (Doctoral Thesis) 2019
  • June 17-19 and 26-27, 2019: Participant in “ToT AJT Cognitive Test”, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • April, 6-7 2019: Participant in “Pelatihan Penguji Kompetensi Profesi Psikologi (KPP)/Praktik Kerja Profesi Psikologi (PKPP) HIMPSI & A2TP2I, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • August 26-28, 2017: Oral presentation (Key Social-Emotional Practices in the Indonesian Classroom: Teachers’ Perspectives) at Asian Association of Social Psychology Conference in Auckland, New Zealand.
  • August 26-28, 2017: Oral presentation (The Indonesian Primary School Teachers’ Social-Emotional Practices) at Asian Association of Social Psychology Conference in Auckland, New Zealand.
  • November 21-22, 2016: Oral presentation (“I am their parent”: Indonesian Primary School Teachers’ Beliefs about the Emotional Dimension of Teacher-Student Relationships) at the 9th Educational Psychology Forum in Auckland, New Zealand.
  • November 24, 2016: Oral presentation (“Gentle, Patient and Fair”: Indonesian Children’s Voices of Teacher-Student Relationships) at Manawatu Postgraduate Research Day in Palmerston North, New Zealand.
  • November 27-28, 2015: Oral presentation (The Importance of Researching Teachers’ Social Emotional Competencies in an Indonesian Context) at the 1st Unnes International Conference on Research Innovation and Commercialization for Better Life, Semarang, Indonesia
  • January 26-29, 2013: Participant in “Play Therapy” Workshop, Universitas Padjadjaran, Yogyakarta
  • September 11-13, 2012: Participant in “Exploring Music Therapy in Healthcare” Training, Universitas Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • January 4-7, 2011: Oral presentation (Preventing and Treating School Bullying: Understanding Teachers’ Role) at Hawaii International Conference on Education in Honolulu, Hawaii
  • January 27, 2010: Oral presentation (“Guru Peduli” Training Effectiveness to Reduce Bullying in Primary School) at National Conference on Experimental Psychology in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Head of Doctoral Program in Psychology 2022 – present, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada

  • Central Board of Indonesian Psychological Association (HIMPSI) 2022-2026
    Head of Psychological Consultation Unit 2020, Psychological Consultation Unit, Universitas Gadjah Mada

  • Lecturer 2009 – present, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
    Psychologist 2009 – present, Psychological Consultation Unit, Universitas Gadjah Mada

  • Psychologist at Psychological Consultation Unit, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2009-present

  • Trainer and speaker in various training sessions and seminars for teachers, students, and parents, especially on mental health of children, adolescents, and families, 2010-present

Elga Andriana, S.Psi, M.Ed, Ph.D

Research Interests

Inclusive education, Student wellbeing, Universal Design for Learning, Children’s voice, Research by children, Photovoice.

Elga Andriana, S.Psi., M.Ed., Ph.D. is an academic at the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Dr. Elga holds a Bachelor of Psychology degree (S.Psi.) from the Faculty of Psychology at Universitas Gadjah Mada, a Master of Education (M.Ed.) from Monash University, Australia, and a Ph.D. from the University of Sydney, Australia. With a strong educational background, she demonstrates her dedication to pursuing knowledge and expertise in the fields of psychology and education.

  • Penerapan Photovoice Inovatif untuk Pembelajaran Inklusif di Perguruan Tinggi: Studi Participatory Action Research (Innovative Application of Photovoice for Inclusive Learning in Higher Education: A Participatory Action Research Study)
Student Name Research Title
Lucia Peppy Novianti Pemulihan Psikososial Pada Remaja Perempuan Korban Kekerasan Seksual (Psychosocial Recovery in Adolescent Girls Victims of Sexual Violence)


Andriana, E., Yuniasih, R., & Ningtyas, L. (under review). “Playing the guitar means rest!”: Amplifying
children’s voice on children’s rights in the Indonesian context. Policy Future in Education.

Meilinawati, A., & Andriana, E. (2023, July 5). Photovoice as a Psychological Assessment and
Intervention Method for Children and Adolescents at School: A Scoping Review Protocol.

Kiling, I. Y., Boeky, D. L. A., Rihi Tugu, P. A., Bunga, B. N., & Andriana, E. (2023). How do preschool
teachers perceive students’ development in difficult times? A photovoice study. Research in
Education, 0(0).

Andriana, E., Kiling Y.I., Evans, D. (2022). Inclusive education for indigenous students in the Indonesian context. International Journal of Inclusive Education.

Andriana, E., & Evans, D. (2021). Voices of students with intellectual disabilities: Experiences of transition in “inclusive schools” in Indonesia. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 00, 1–13.

Bonati, M. L., & Andriana, E. (2021). Amplifying children’s voices within photovoice: Emerging inclusive education practices in Indonesia. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 00, 1-15.

Little, C., de Leeuw, R.R., Andriana, E., Evans, D., & Zanuttini, J.Z. (2020). Social inclusion through the eyes of the student: Voices of students with disabilities on friendship and acceptance. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education.

Andriana, E., & Evans, D. (2020). Listening to the Voices of Students on Inclusive Education: Responses from Principals and Teachers in Indonesia. International Journal of Educational Research.


Andriana, E., & Evans, D. (in press). Student voice and student with disabilities in Indonesia. Bloomsbury
Encyclopedia of Social Justice in Education.

Andriana, E. & Kiling, Y.I. (in press). Photovoice untuk penelitian psikologi: Panduan dari teori ke
praktik. Kompas Gramedia.

Azizah, N., Andriana, E., & Evans, D. (2021). Conceptualising inclusion within Indonesian contexts. In M. J. Schuelka & S. Carrington (Eds.). Global directions in inclusive education: Conceptualizations, practices, and methodologies for the 21st Century. Routledge.

Evans, D., Andriana, E., Setiani, P., & Kumara, A. (2018).  Universal Design for Learning to Support Learning in Gunung Kidul. In Best, M., Corcoran, T., & Slee, R. (Eds.), Who’s In? Who’s Out?What to do about inclusive education, (pp. 71-87). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, Sense Publisher.

Andriana, E., & Evans, D. (2017). “Why I am chosen as inclusion child?”: Listening to student voice on school experiences of inclusion in Indonesia. In V. Plows & B. Whitburn (Eds.), Inclusive education: Making sense of everyday practice (pp. 175-194). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Elga Andriana. (2014). Mendampingi Siswa dengan Kesulitan Belajar di Sekolah Dasar Inklusi (hal. 127-138), dalam Amitya Kumara, dkk. Kesulitan Berbahasa pada Anak. Yogyakarta: PT Kanisius.

Published Reports
Villeneuve, M., Evans, D., Sadirin, S., Andriana, E., Bonati, M., Little, C., & Millington, M. (2016). Collaborative action across health and education sectors for inclusion of children with disabilities in education: Establishing a policy vision and research agenda in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Sydney, Australia: Centre for Disability Research and Policy, University of Sydney.

Rawsthorne, M., Evans, D., Young, A., & Andriana, E. (2015). Learning support in NSW public schools, June 2015, (pp. 5 – 132). Sydney, Australia: Faculty of Education and Social Work, The University of Sydney.

Publications About Children

Enabling Education Review 7-Youth Takeover Edition. (2018). Chesire, UK: Enabling Education Network.

My experience of bullying in Indonesia

How it feels to repeat grades


Memahami Diskursus Disabilitas dalam Penelitian-Penelitian Keilmuan Psikologi pada Konteks Indonesia: Sebuah Studi Kualitatif Meta-Sintesis [2021] (Ketua Peneliti) Pradytia Putri Pertiwi, S.Psi., Ph.D. (Anggota Peneliti) Elga Andriana, S.Psi., M.Ed., Ph.D. (Anggota Peneliti) Restu Tri Handoyo, S.Psi., M.Psi., Ph.D., Psikolog

Asesmen Kondisi Sosioemosional Anak Prasekolah: Persiapan Transisi Sekolah Pasca Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh [2021] (Ketua Peneliti) Hanifah Nurul Fatimah, S.Psi., M.Sc. (Anggota Peneliti) Dian Mufitasari, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog (Anggota Peneliti) Elga Andriana, S.Psi., M.Ed., Ph.D.

Asesmen Kondisi Sosioemosional Siswa Sekolah Dasar: Persiapan Transisi Sekolah Pasca Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh [2021] (Ketua Peneliti) Elga Andriana, S.Psi., M.Ed., Ph.D. (Anggota Peneliti) DIAH DINAR UTAMI (Anggota Peneliti) Hanifah Nurul Fatimah, S.Psi., M.Sc. (Anggota Peneliti) Dian Mufitasari, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog

Perkembangan Memori dan Keterampilan Eksekutif pada Bayi 12-24 Bulan: Sebuah Metode Skrining oleh Ibu [2021] (Ketua Peneliti) Elga Andriana, S.Psi., M.Ed., Ph.D. (Anggota Peneliti) Hanifah Nurul Fatimah, S.Psi., M.Sc. (Anggota Peneliti) Ammik Kisriyani, S.Psi., M.A.

Invited Speaker
25 Sept 2024 Contextual action research in developmental psychology using Photovoice, Cultural Dynamics and Life-Span Development: Research approaches and practical interventions, International Summer Course, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
23 Nov 2023 Our (photo)Voice: Children and Young People’s Joint Action Research on Student Wellbeing for All, Youth Collective Research Public Seminar, Faculty of Education, University of Melbourne
27 April 2022 Diversity in Higher Degree. Faculty of Education and Liberal Arts, INTI International University, Malaysia.
17 March 2022 Hearing Care Across the Lifespan and Education: Malaysia and Indonesia Perspectives. Universiti Sains Malaysia.
9 March 2022 Symposium of the BJLD Special Issue: Education as a catalyst for the social inclusion of people with learning disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities.
Conferences (as speaker)
28 July 2022 The 8th Annual CAST UDL Symposium: Learner Voice. Building Teacher Capacity Applying the UDL Framework: Stories from Indonesia. CAST, Wakefield MA.
July 10-14 2022 International Association of Special Education 17th Biennial Conference, “Building an Inclusive Culture Worldwide”. Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, Vietnam.
24 June 2022 Asia-Pacific Indigenous Studies Seminar Series. Inclusive Education Practice. APRU International University Centre, Hongkong
July 2024 – present Manuscript Reviewer for the British Journal of Learning Disabilities Manuscript Reviewer for Educational and Developmental Psychologists
August 2022 – present Reviewer for Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation Regional Centre for Early Childhood Care Education and Parenting (SEAMEO CECCEP) Journal
February 2022-present Head of International Undergraduate Program at the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
February 2020-present Lecturer and researcher at the Centre for Lifespan Development (CLSD), Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
November 2020 – 2023 Reviewer for International Journal of Early Years Education (IJEYE)
August 2015-June 2016 Research assistant/Group facilitator, Inclusion in Higher Education through Service- Learning Program, Sydney School of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, The University of Sydney
March 2014 – December 2016 Tutor, EDUF3031, Positive Approaches to Special Education, Sydney School of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, The University of Sydney
February – December 2014 Research Assistant in ‘Every Student, Every School’ project, Sydney School of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, The University of Sydney
January – December 2014 Sydney Southeast Asia Centre (SSEAC) Postgraduate Coordinator, The University of Sydney
March 2005 – December 2019 Co-founder, Head of Schools Sekolah Tumbuh (Preschool-Primary School-High School); Head of Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Dr. Yuli Fajar Susetyo, S.Psi., M.Si., Psikolog

Research Interests

Educational psychology, adolescent psychology, school-based mental health, mental health information systems, students’ well-being.

Dr. Yuli Fajar Susetyo, S.Psi., M.Si., Psychologist completed his undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral education at Gadjah Mada University. Dr. Yuli’s expertise includes the field of Psychology, specifically Educational Psychology and Adolescent Psychology. He has research interests and experience in character development, motivation, learning, mental health in schools, self-leadership, self-regulation in learning, and well-being. His expertise is not only beneficial in the academic realm but also has practical applications in improving the quality of education, student resilience and character, learning practices, and mental health in schools, demonstrating his dedication to the development of character, achievement, and student well-being.

  • Klasifikasi Penyakit Hati dan Kaitan dengan Gangguan Jiwa (Classification of Liver Disease and its Relation to Mental Disorders)
Student NameResearch Title
Anita A’isahPerilaku Merokok Remaja dalam Perspektif Psikologi-Ekologi: Studi Etnografi di Kota Kretek (Adolescent Smoking Behavior in a Psychological-Ecological Perspective: An Ethnographic Study in the Kretek City)
Rika HardaniKeberhasilan Akademik dan Kesejahteraan Subjektif Remaja:Memahami Peran Pengasuhan Berbasis Kekuatan, Kegigihan dan Pengaturan Emosi Diri (Academic Success and Adolescent Subjective Well-Being: Understanding the Role of Strengths-Based Parenting, Persistence and Emotional Self-Regulation)
Difa ArdiyantiPengembangan Model Intervensi untuk Menurunkan Prokrastinasi Akademik Dalam Mengerjakan Skripsi pada Mahasiswa (Development of an Intervention Model to Reduce Academic Procrastination in Working on Undergraduate Students’ Thesis)
Indri Yunita SuryaputriKesiapan Sekolah dalam Menerapkan Whole School Well-being Studi Kasus pada Sekolah yang Mengimplementasikan Sekolah Sejahtera di Provinsi DI Yogykarta (School Readiness in Implementing Whole School Well-being Case Study on Schools Implementing Welfare Schools in the Special Region of Yogyakarta)


Apriasari, H., & Susetyo, Y. F. (2022). Work Engagement among Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an’s Teachers: The Role of Religiosity. Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah7(2), 337-347.

Hardani, R., Setiyawati, D., & Susetyo, Y. F. (2022). Strength-Based Parenting Scale Adaptation and Validation for Adolescents in Eastern Culture. IIUM Journal of Human Sciences4(2), 15–25.

Kumara, A., Wimbarti, S., Susetyo, Y. F., & Kisriyani, A. (2017). The epidemiology of Indonesian children and adolescent school-based mental health: Validation of school-based mental health information system. Universal Journal of Psychology5(3), 114-121.

Susetyo, Y. F., & Kumara, A. (2012). Orientasi tujuan, atribusi penyebab, dan belajar berdasar regulasi diri. Jurnal Psikologi, 39(1), 95-111.

Kumara, A., & Susetyo, Y. F. (2008). Hubungan sistem kepercayaan dan strategi menyelesaikan masalah pada korban bencana gempa bumi. Jurnal Psikologi35(2), 116-150.

Susetyo, Y. F. (2004). Mengembangkan perilaku mengajar yang Humanis. WARTA HUKUM Biro Hukum dan Organisasi Jakarta.

Susetyo, Y. F. (1999). Hubungan antara berfikir positif dan jenis kelamin dengan kecenderungan agresi reaktif remajaPSIKOLOGIKA: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi, 3(7), 51-63.


Susetyo, Y. F., & Helmi, A. F. (2019). Peran Faktor Personal terhadap Kepemimpinan Diri pada Mahasiswa  [Doctoral Dissertation]. Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Susetyo, Y. F. (2018). Anakku, guru kehidupanku: Catatan seorang Psikolog. Bumi Aksara.

Susetyo, Y. F., Kumara, A., Wimbarti, S., Immanuel, A. S., Paramitha, N. P., & Listari, R. (2017). Mengembangkan Kesehatan Mental Siswa. Yogyakarta: Graha Cendekia.

Susetyo, Y. F. (2016). Psikologi untuk Indonesia tangguh dan bahagia (anggota editor). Gadjah Mada University Press.

Susetyo, Y. F. (2014). Belajar kearifan dari anak-anak. Graha Cendekia.

Susetyo, Y. F. (2012). Rahasia masa remaja: Cinta dan masa depan. Pinus publisher.

Susetyo, Y. F. (2011). Rahasia sukses menjadi motivator siswa. Pinus Publisher.

Book Chapter

Susetyo, Y. F. (2018). Maya yang emosional. Dalam Yuda (Ed). Regulasi emosi: Buku kasus. Kanisius.

Susetyo, Y. F. (2018). Konsep dan perkembangan penelitian kepemimpinan diri. Dalam Putri, A. K., Yuniarti, K. W., & Subandi (Eds). Isu-isu kontemporer dalam psikologi di Indonesia. Gadjah Mada University Press.

Susetyo, Y. F. (2016). Siswa sejahtera: Antara mimpi dan realita. Dalam Ramdhani, N., Wimbarti, S., & Susetyo, Y. F. (Eds). Psikologi untuk Indonesia tangguh dan bahagia. Gadjah Mada University Press

Susetyo, Y. F. (2012). Guru peduli kesejahteraan siswa. Dalam Faturochman, Tyas, T. H., Minza, W. M., & Lufityanto, G. (Eds). Psikologi untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat. Pustaka Pelajar.

Susetyo, Y. F. (2017). Effects of big five personality traits to teacher empathy.

Peran Efikasi Diri Akademik Terhadap Ketakutan Akan Kegagalan Menyelesaikan Tugas Akhir Pada Mahasiswa [2023]

Translasi dan validasi skala kepemimpinan diri pada mahasiswa di Indonesia [2017]

Action Research Sekolah Sejahtera (Diana Setiyawati, ………. Nurul Kusuma Hidayati, & Wulan Nur Jatmika) [2015] 

Fakultas Psikologi UGM, Peran Efikasi Diri Akademik Terhadap Ketakutan Akan Kegagalan Menyelesaikan Tugas Akhir Pada Mahasiswa [2023]

Fakultas Psikologi UGM, Translasi dan validasi skala kepemimpinan diri pada mahasiswa di Indonesia [2017]

Fakultas Psikologi UGM, Eksplorasi Gaya dan Strategi Regulasi Belajar Mahasiswa yang Mendukung Pembelajaran Berpusat Mahasiswa, 02/2009 – 12/2009

2000 – sekarangKonselor di Unit Konsultasi Fakultas Psikologi UGM
2000 – sekarangAsesor di Lembaga Pengembangan Kualitas Manusia Fakultas Psikologi UGM
2018- 2020Asesor Asesmen center untuk asesmen asesmen Sekda di Pemkab Murung Raya dan  Barito Timur kalteng, Pejabat eselon II, III dan IV Pemkab Murung Raya, Direktur PDAM di beberapa Kabupaten di Jawa Tengah dan DIY, Kepala Dinas di Kabupaten Purworejo, Kepala Dinas di Pemda Mappi Papua.
2014 – 2018Asesor/interviewer LPDP Kementrian Keuangan RI
2003 – 2018Trainer di Program Pengembangan Kepemimpinan Berkualitas Due Like Project UGM, SP2KM
1999 – sekarang

Trainer pelatihan di beberapa instansi antara lain Perwira di Polda Sulawesi Tenggara, Diklat Pimpinan IV  Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum, Eselon II dan III kab Sumba Barat,  Diklat SPAMA Pemda Yogyakarta (manajemen waktu), PLN UPJB Yogyakarta (motivasi 3 angkatan), PLN UPJB Jakarta, BERAU COOL Kaltim (3 angkatan), Indonesia Power Semarang, PT Telkom (adversity quotient), Perusahaan pembangkit Listrik IPOMI Paiton, Bank Rakyat Indonesia,  Eselon III dan IV Pemda Kalimantan Tengah, Rumah Sakit Akademik UGM,  Yayasan Kehati Jakarta (team building), IST AKRPIND Yogyakarta (Pelayanan), Dosen Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (training for trainers for lecturers),  karyawan Perpustakaan UGM (Pelayanan Prima), Karyawan UGM,  UD Muncul Yogyakarta,

Trainer pelatihan Laanan Prima pada karyawan di Perpustakaan Pusat UGM, Fakultas Biologi UGM, Univeristas Islam Indonesia, Insitut Teknik AKPRIND Yogyakarta, PT MUNCUL Group Yogyakarta, PT Wisata Gondang Rasa Jawa Tengah.

Instruktur pada Temu Wicara Peningkatan Pemahaman Tanggung Jawab Guru Dalam Pembangunan Karakter Bangsa, Biro Hukum Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional di Banjarmasin, Pontianak, Medan, Padang, Lampung, Palembang, Jambi, Semarang, Solo, Yogyakarta, Bandung, Karawang, Makasar, Serang, Bandung.

Trainer pelatihan ”menjadi trainer efektif” (training for trainers) Dosen UGM Pendamping mahasiswa,  Program Profesi Fakultas Psikologi UGM,  Magister Profesi Psikologi UII (menjadi trainer efektif), Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (training for trainers for lecturers).

Menjadi fasilitator outbound training untuk Mahasiswa Kehutanan UGM, PLN Banjarmasin, Pejabat eselon II dan III Pemda Sergei Bedagai Medan, Pemda Sorong Selatan Papua Barat, Badan POM Indonesia, Diklat tenaga kependidikan kemenristek Dikti,  mahasiswa Magister Profesi Psikologi UGM, Mahasiswa Magister Sains UGM, SKKK UGM, mahasiswa S1 UGM, Mahasiswa S1 Psikologi UGM, Guru SD Suhada Yogyakarta, Mahasiswa UGM Peserta Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional, Pusat Pelayanan Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer UGM, Karyawan Baru MEDCO ENERGY

2001 – sekarangMemberikan pelatihan Motivasi belajar dan Pengembangan Diri  pada siswa antara lain SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta, SMA N 1 Yogyakarta,  SMA Negeri 5 Madiun, SMA Negeri 1 Depok Yogyakarta, SMA Negeri 1 Srandakan, SMA Negeri 1 Pajangan, SMA Negeri 1 Bambanglipuro Bantul, SMA Negeri 1 Pundong Bantul, SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta, MAN 2 Yogyakarta, SMP Negeri 3 Pelaihari Kal-Sel, SMP Negeri 1 Muntilan, SMA Muhammadiyah Bantul, SMK 1 Pembangunan Depok.
2000 – sekarangMelakukan asesmen  di Bank Mandiri, Pertamina, PT Badak, Dosen UMY, Karyawan IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta, Dosen IST AKPRIND, Dosen Tekik Arsitektur UGM, karyawan UGM, Pemkot Yogya, Pemkab Sleman, Pemkab Bantul, Pemkot Bontang Kaltim, Panwaslu Pemkot Yogya, PT Papros Semarang, PLN Lampung, Dirut Perusda Sorong Selatan Papua, Anggota KPU Sorong Selatan Papua Barat, Direktur PDAM di Jawa Tengah, Direktur PDAM Sorong Selatan, KPU Yogyakarat, Kementrian Perhubungan Dirjen Transportasi Udara.
Lain-lainRelawan penanganan Tsunami di Meulaboh, Relawan Gempa Bantul, Supervisor lapangan sekolah darurat (Dirjen Pendidikan Luar Sekolah), Peserta Pelatihan kewirausahaan bagi Dosen oleh Dirjen Dikti dan Universitas Ciputra, pelatihan N-Vivo analysis (Perth- Australia) QSR international, Pelatihan ”appreciative inquiry” oleh Asosiasi Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi (APIO), pelatihan sertifikasi Assesment center APIO.
2022 – Ketua Program Studi Magister Psikologi Profesi UGM
2019 – 2021 Wakil Dekan bidang SDM, Keuangan dan Aset Fak Psikologi UGM
2007 – 2008 Wakil Dekan Bidang Kemahasiswaan Fakultas Psikologi UGM
2009– 2010 Wakil ketua Lembaga Pengembangan Kualitas Manusia F.Psi UGM
2008 – 2009 Wakil Ketua Unit Konsultasi Psikologi Fak. Psikologi UGM
2003 – 2004 Ketua Unit Pengembangan Karir Mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi UGM
2003- 2007 Sekretaris  Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (Himpsi) DIY
2004 – 2005 Manajer Pelatihan Lembaga Pengembangan Kualitas Manusia Fak. Psikologi UGM
1999 – sekarang Dosen Fakultas Psikologi UGM : Teknik observasi dan wawancara, psikoedukasi pelatihan. Intervensi Psikologi, Wawancara seleksi Apreciative inquiry,  Outdoor training, Psikologi Pendidikan,

Ammik Kisriyani, S.Psi., M.A.

Research Interests

Developmental & Educational Psychology, Psychology of Children with Special Needs.

Ammik Kisriyani, S.Psi., M.A., is an academic and researcher in the field of Educational Psychology and Development. She is currently pursuing a doctoral degree at the University of Sydney, Australia. Ammik completed her undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, and then continued her master’s education at the University of Birmingham, England, focusing on Inclusion and Special Educational Needs.

  • Growth after academic failure in Javanese students: An indigenous approach (2018): Psychological Research and Intervention, 1(2), 2018, 78-90
  • Smartphone Using in Young Children: Proceeding of International Conference On Child-friendly Education,
    Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 21st & 22nd April 2018
  • The Epidemiology of Indonesian Children and Adolescent School-Based Mental Health: Validation of School-based Mental Health Information System (2017): Universal Journal of Psychology, Vol.5, No.3
  • Development of Memory and Executive Skills in Infants 12-24 Months: A Mother’s Screening Method
  • A Study of School Readiness Instrument Development for 5-7 years old children, Socio-emotional Aspect (2020)
  • Character Building Model of Early Childhood Education Program in the rural and urban areas, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion perspective (2019)
  • Preliminary research: Cognitive Profile of Children with Specific Learning Disabilities using AJT Cognitive Test (2018)
  • Consequential Validity of AJT Cognitive Test towards Students Performance in The Trend in International Mathematics and Science Study/TIMSS (2018)
  • A Study of Smartphone Using in Young Children (2016): The findings were presented at the Conference On Child-Friendly Education Muhammadiyah Surakarta University, April 21st-22nd, 2018
  • The Epidemiology of Indonesian Children and Adolescent School-Based Mental Health (2014-2015)
  • Need Assessment Survey for Improving Early Childhood Education Program and Intervention in Yogyakarta Province (2015): the findings were presented at the international conference held by the International Congress of Psychology at Yokohama, Japan in 2016
  • Need Assessment of Literacy Skills of Preschool Children in Yogyakarta (2015) An experimental study of Eating Behavior Problems of Young Children at the Early Childhood Development Laboratory (2015)
  • Teachers’ perspective of Implicit Theories of Intelligence, a study in Yogyakarta (2012)
  • Inclusion Experiences in Mainstream Primary School in Rural Area of Indonesia, a Case Study (2010)
  • The effect of ‘The Journey Map Games” Module on students’ academic achievement and soft skills (2016)
Accordion Content

Kurnia Yohana Yulianti, S.Psi., M.Sc

Research Interests

Adolescence, bullying, cyberbullying, peer relations in schools, teacher-student relationships, school transitions, social cognitive development, experience sampling, and mixed methods.

Kurnia Yohana Yulianti, S.Psi., M.Sc., is an academic and researcher in the field of Educational Psychology. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in 2010 with research on the Role of Children in Bullying Viewed from Self-Esteem in Elementary School Students. In 2013, Yohana earned a Master of Science (MSc) degree in Developmental and Educational Psychology from the Department of Psychology and Human Development at the UCL Institute of Education, London, after researching Cyberbullying in Indonesian senior high schools: a study of gender differences. She is currently back at University College London to pursue a doctoral degree.

Yohana has a broad research interest, particularly in issues related to bullying, cyberbullying, adolescence, and academic and social interactions in schools, such as relationships among peers and the relationship between teachers and students. Some of the courses she has taught include Basic Psychology, Human Development Range, Community Psychoeducation, Educational Psychology, and Education for Children and Adolescents with Special Needs. In the International Undergraduate Program (IUP), she teaches Introduction to Assessment, Psychology of the Internet, and Early Childhood Education.



Yulianti, K. Y., Wijayanti, Y., & Ramdhani, N. Konseling Daring Pendukung Siswa Cerdas (KDPSC): A Preliminary Evaluation of iCBT Treatments for Indonesian Freshmen with Social Anxiety. (2020). Gadjah Mada Journal of Professional Psychology (GamaJPP)6(1), 1-17.

  1. Undergraduate Thesis: Peran Anak dalam Bullying Ditinjau dari Self-Esteem Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar. (2010). Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
  2. Master Dissertation: Cyberbullying in Indonesian senior high schools: a study of gender differences. (2013). UCL Institute of Education, United Kingdom
  3. Konseling Daring Pendukung Siswa Cerdas (KDPSC): A Preliminary Evaluation of iCBT Treatments for Indonesian Freshmen with Social Anxiety
  4. Adolescent Cyberbullying in Indonesian Context: A Preliminary Mixed-Method Study
  5. Cyberbullying: Unveiling the Digital Landscape of Teenage Bullying in Indonesia (in collaboration with Center for Digital Society, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada) – Facebook Grant
  6. Indonesian Students’ Views on School Bullying: An Exploratory Study

Web-based parenting program for parents of young children (

Cyberbullying: Unveiling the Digital Landscape of Teenage Bullying in Indonesia (in collaboration with Center for Digital Society, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada) – Facebook Grant

Students’ Involvement in Bullying and Perceived Classroom Interaction

Dian Mufitasari., S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog

Research Interests

Educational Psychology and Development, children with special needs, inclusive education.

Dian Mufitasari, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psychologist, is a graduate of the Bachelor’s program in Psychology and the Master’s program in Professional Psychology from Universitas Gadjah Mada. (UGM). Dian has a great interest in educational psychology and developmental psychology, especially in dealing with children with special needs and the implementation of inclusive education. In her academic journey, Dian has completed a thesis titled “Validation of Active Case Discussion Modules to Enhance Self-Efficacy of Inclusive School Teachers,” supervised by Prof. Dr. Amitya Kumara, MS, Psychologist.

Meganingtyas, Y., & Mufitasari, D. (2022). Regulasi Emosi dan Penyesuaian Mahasiswa Baru Saat Pandemi: Pentingkah Dukungan Emosional Orang Tua?. Gadjah Mada Journal of Psychology (GamaJoP), 8(2), 178-202. doi:

Mufitasari, D., & Kumara, A. (2019). A Small Step to Increase Indonesian Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Conducting Ideal Inclusive Education. Psychology and Education Journal: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Volume 56. No. 3-4, Fall-Winter 2019.

Kumara, A., Mufitasari, D., Nusantari, K.Y., & Aroma, I.S. (2017). AKTIF Teacher Training Program to Increase Teachers’ Self Efficacy in Teaching Children with Special Needs. Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia. Vol. XII, No. 1, 19-30, ISSN. 0853-3098.

Mufitasari, D. (2016). Validasi Modul “AKTIF Diskusi Kasus” Untuk Meningkatkan Efikasi Diri Guru Sekolah Inklusif. Tesis. Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta


  • 2019 International Short Course “Social and Cultural Psychology on Health and Education: From Theory to Practice”. Faculty of Psychology UGM,
    Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
  • 2019 The 10th International Conference on Indigenous and Cultural Psychology. Faculty of Psychology UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
  • 2018 International Short Course on “Advocacy Skills in Mental Health System Development: From Research to Policy”. Faculty of Psychology UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
  • 2016 Global Rehabilitation & Educational Programs for Hearing Impairment Children in Bali, Indonesia

Training and Seminar

  • 2019 Assessment Center Training for Assesors, Yogyakarta
  • 2017 NST and Frostig Assessment for Children’s School Maturity, Semarang
  • 2017 Seminar Terapi ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis) dalam Pendampingan Anak Autis
  • 2017 Seminar Kurikulum dan Metode Pembelajaran yang Tepat bagi Anak Gifted
  • 2016 Seminar dan lokakarya Universal Design for Learning di Fakultas Psikologi UGM
  • 2016 Workshop Global Rehabilitation & Educational Programs for Hearing Impairment Children di Bali
  • 2015 Seminar Kebutuhan Pendampingan Anak Kebutuhan Khusus di Pesisir Gunungkidul yang diselenggarakan oleh Direktorat Pendidikan Khusus dan Pendidikan Layanan Khusus (PK-LK) Dinas Pendidikan Nasional
  • 2013 Workshop Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Children di University Club UGM
  • 2013 Seminar Umum Nasional Intervensi Terapi Wicara pada Kasus Tuna Rungu dan Celah Bibir dan Langit-Langit yang diselenggarakan oleh IKATWI (Ikatan Terapis Wicara Indonesia)
  • 2012 Workshop ‘Art Therapy’ yang diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Psikologi UGM bekerja sama dengan Universitat Leipzig
  • 2020 Publication Grant from the Publishing and Publication Agency (BPP) Universitas Gadjah Mada 
  • 2016 10 Best Script Writers in the National Seminar with the theme “Examining the Development of Indonesian Psychology” organized by HIMPSI (Indonesian Psychological Association)
  • 2013 PT. FamilyTree Indonesia Education and Counseling Center full scholarship for Master study
  • Drafting Team for Selection Questions for Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) Ministry of Education and Culture 28 June 2022 s.d. August 18, 2022
  • Review of Scholastic Aptitude Test Questions in the context of Developing a Non-Academic Question Bank for the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology 2 to. June 3, 2022
  • Selection of Assistant Manager for Jolie Accessories Fashion Homedeco and preparation of reports on the results of activities March 29 s.d. April 25, 2022
  • Resource person for art therapy workshop MOEKTI Art Therapy Yogyakarta Culture Service 15 March 2022 s.d. June 14, 2022
  • Preparation of reports on the results of the Psychological Assessment of the UGM Faculty of Pharmacy 10 to 10. February 25, 2022
  • Data Processor and Classical HPP Compiler Online-Based Psychological Assessment Activities for UGM Faculty of Pharmacy Students 27 January s.d. February 5, 2022
  • Online-Based Psychological Test Tester for UGM Faculty of Pharmacy Students 24 to. January 26, 2022