On realizing vision and mission Faculty of Psychology in development of technology field in learning, UPTB (Unit Pengembangan Teknologi Belajar) held training with the topic techno training. This training focused on making poster. This training is caused by awareness that basically currently learning is an activity that could not escape from role of media and technology.
This Training held on Friday, 1 March 2019. This training was attended by some of students and staffs of faculty. About 2 hours, the material was given about Corel draw as a tool to distribute creativity by picture. Providing Corel Draw is a basic use of Corel Draw which in the future can be used to develop designs in accordance with the creativity of its users.
As one of the program vectors, basically Corel draw indeed always used by a graphic designer in carrying out designs including making posters
Through this training, the goals are applied widely to facilitate learning media. Furthermore, training results can be used to distribute creativity so can be applicated for other fields.