The aim of This research is to develop module of reappraisal emotion regulation strategies in patients with hypertension. The module is in the form of booklet, arranged based on the study of emotion regulation theory, some events are often faced in dayly life, individual interviews and group interviews (FGD) on the activities and the experience of the subjects that frequently encountered cause emotions and ways of individuals deal with the events and circumstances, especially associated with emotion regulation strategies.
Implementation of this research was conducted in five stages.
The first stage is to study the theory of reappraisal emotion regulation strategy that will be used to compile the psychoeducation module.
Second stage is exploratory study (needs assessment) about events and situations that cause emotional flaming experienced by patients with hypertension and the way used to deal with the events or situations. Data retrieval is done in two ways, a) the individual interview with four hypertensive patients, and b) the group interview (FGD) to 9 people with hypertension.
Third Stage : arranged draft of reappraisal emotion regulation strategies module that are based on the first stage and second stage.
Fourth Stage: module draft of reappraisal of emotion regulation strategies that have been developed be examined by four professional judgment,
The fifth stage: execute of quantitative analysis (inter-rater reliability) and qualitative analysis based on questionnaires and input material for further improvement of the draft module. The results of inter-rater reliability analysis shows the value , F = 2273 (p = 0.057), p> 0.05, there is no significant difference between the raters. Correlation value 0.560. Can be interpreted to indicate "moderate agreement." From the results of quantitative and qualitative analysis, recommended to make improvements draft module psikoedukasi emotion regulation strategies.
Keywords: reappraisal of emotion regulation strategies, hypertension